Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 215

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

Lao Baopi saw one of his subordinates rolling over and over on the side of the road, screaming miserably, and after a while, the head and feet disappeared, and blood sprayed on the soil covering the feet. Not far away, there were three other corpses lying on the side of the road. They were also completely unrecognizable, covered in stains, and could no longer be identified.

One of the subordinates reacted the fastest, or was the most timid. Seeing something bad, he kept backing away in horror, and then turned his head and ran. During the run, the unlucky man let out a scream, was dragged into the forest by invisible objects, and then died. .

Sleep when nothing happens, stand in line only when something happens. These gangsters were nothing but bullying masters, under Nova's terrifying strength, they all turned pale from fright, and died one after another.

Lao Bo opened his mouth wide, becoming more and more terrified. He saw blood seeping into the highly absorbent sand, leaving only a large dark stain, and the opponent standing in the middle of the road disappeared.

The horse let out a terrified snort, the horseshoe hit the hard stone, the front hoof was raised high, and then the four hooves flew up, kicking up dust, and ran into the forest in a hurry.

At this moment, Lao Bopi felt difficult to breathe and began to suffocate.

Several flowers larger than a face bloomed together on a branch of a tree at an astonishingly fast speed, and the shape in the flower plate was gorgeous and eye-catching, like a ghostly human face. The surrounding plants seemed to be alive, twisting and wriggling strangely, constantly popping out of the ground and climbing up.

He also wanted to run away, but he couldn't move. His subordinates seemed to be killed by these plants.

The howling sound stopped, and the dark forest was in a mess.

As the saying goes, only those who are not afraid of death are the first to die. "Old Bopi" is obviously different from those subordinates who are not afraid of death, he values ​​his own life the most.

The instinctive fear in his bones made his adrenaline soar, and he quickly recovered from the panic.

His knees softened, and he suddenly fell to his knees, begging for mercy, and promised never to set foot here again, and even began to cry aloud.

In fact, Lao Bopi was trembling with fright, but his heart was like a mirror: he had never seen such a strange thing before him, let alone a fight, even touching the opponent was harder than reaching the sky.

Today, he wanted to bring a few of his subordinates to fight the tooth-beating ceremony, to show off his prestige, and by the way, he took that woman back and kissed Fangze... Unexpectedly, he ran into a stubble and kicked a solid iron plate!

The wind in the forest is gentle, and the sea of ​​blood-colored flowers blooms all over the ground, as if cursed by a ghost.

Lao Bopi cried for a while, feeling that there was no movement nearby, raised his head again in horror, looked around, but still couldn't see anyone.

At this time, a vine suddenly swept over, entangled Lao Bopi's feet from behind, and the huge force lifted him into the air, and then, the scream sounded again.

Nova was almost integrated with the plant, closed her eyes, and hid aside to feel the breath of this **** massacre.

She originally wanted to kill this guy as well, so as to make an example of others, frighten the Black Tower Gang, and completely cut off the nightmares of the villagers.

But when she was about to make a move, she suddenly heard a low voice calling from the bushes behind her. When she opened her eyes, she saw a few villagers poking their heads out, waving their hands frantically at her with panicked expressions and serious expressions.

What happened?

Nova was puzzled, hesitated for a while, and hid in the forest. She thought, anyway, that guy has been arrested, and he won't be able to escape her grasp for a while, so first ask the villagers what they want to do.

After asking, Nova was greatly surprised.

The villagers were excited, and everyone was nervous and panicked. Although they didn't say it so directly, they basically expressed their intentions—she had to stop.

The reason is simple, they don't want to be retaliated by the Black Tower Gang.

Nova's ambush was clean and beautiful, and it can be said that she was quite successful. Her behavior seemed generous, but in the eyes of the villagers, it was actually a dishonor.

Her strange power deeply shocked the villagers, and at the same time made them feel fear and uneasiness. Of course, the villagers wanted to get rid of the shackles of fate, but they never thought that they would use such a drastic means to fight against the power of the mob.

The Black Tower Gang is powerful here, with hands and eyes all over the sky, and is the most powerful of several brutal gangs. Even if she kills the other party's young men today, it will not help. This will not shake the power of the gang at all, but will greatly stimulate the other party's desire for revenge.

What's more, this group of simple farmers naively thought that killing a person who had no resistance was too cruel.

They only have a few dilapidated houses, no property, and no blood feud with the gang. Killing a few minions is already a big mistake. Since the leader of the other party is already scared and kneeling down to beg for mercy, it is better to be forgiving and forgiving.

Some villagers believed that Nova would leave them sooner or later, and at that time, the villagers would suffer an old crime. These peasants are powerless to resist the butcher's knives of the villains, and their blood will flow into rivers, and their corpses will be scattered all over the field. No one can survive. This situation, even thinking about it, made them feel terrified.

That's why someone proposed to let Lao Bopi go and give him a way out. In the future, the Black Tower Gang will know that there are powerful people guarding this place, so they dare not act rashly even if they think about it.

For this explanation, Nova couldn't help being shocked.

Her heart seemed to have been drafted 10,000 times, and she completely disagreed with what these villagers said.

You have been bullied for many years, how could you have such naive thoughts?

Nova knows very well the principle of eradicating all evils and eradicating the roots. She tried to convince these people, but unfortunately, her rebuttal did not impress the villagers, and no one was willing to accept it.

This is understandable, Nova is neither an eloquent nor a provocateur, intense communication is completely in vain.

From the perspective of the villagers, the views of outsiders are not important at all. They are unwilling to take greater risks and just want to survive.

Making choices is sometimes difficult, especially when the time to choose is too short to think.

In the end, under the begging of this group of people, she felt helpless, so she had to compromise as required. Nova didn't show up again, and directly used the power of the plant to cut off the two hands of Lao Bopi, let go of the vine, and threw him to the ground, which was considered to have set him free.

Watching the other party run away in panic, UU read www. Only then did the villagers dare to come out in fear, and hastily buried the body, not wanting to leave any traces.

Nova watched this group of weak people busy, filled with complicated emotions.

A kind of contempt for the weak from the bottom of my heart surged up.

In order to prevent gang retaliation, Nova decided to temporarily stay in the village for a period of time and stop wandering. By the way, he will take a good look at this era and see how other human settlements survive.

Doom, however, has no mercy on any weaklings. In the following time, the choices of the villagers can be imagined. The "peace" with the thugs is a little different from what the villagers think.

After many days of peace, one day when Nova went out to inspect other areas, the Black Tower Gang suddenly led a large force to descend, and the thugs surrounded the small village where the ambush was set up, like a butcher entering a sheep pen.

Together with the surrounding residential areas, more than 30 innocent villagers were sent to the slaughterhouse.

In the end, only one of them, the little girl, survived and escaped by playing dead.