Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 218

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

So next, Joyner heard words that would remain in her memory forever.

"Listen, you've never seen a truly vicious person, but I have. It's like the prisoners in the whole world were released collectively after an explosion. The evil people I've seen are definitely worse than You've seen more in your life!

Absolute evils you've never seen before, they've always been there, I've tried to keep them under control, to keep them to a minimum. There are always some little bugs who jump out, bite the elephant, and claim to be heroes who have defeated evil. Do you want to be such a hero? "


After being stunned by Nova's words, Joyner suddenly became speechless.

Clearly, Nova was testing Joyner's approval of these practices.

Nova's ideal is to establish a new order in the doomsday world. For this reason, she chooses to compromise with the gang. In Joyner's eyes, it was a helpless move to achieve the so-called primitive accumulation of capital, but it is an indisputable fact that Nova has indeed opened up a barrier of civilization in troubled times.

Today's hidden sandcastle is well-known far and wide. The agricultural era is recovering, the population is growing rapidly, and the scale of towns is gradually expanding. Although the materials in the area are still scarce, it can barely allow most people to survive, and the security situation is compared to other areas. is safe. Compared with the ancient emperors, the various results can be regarded as a great achievement.

It's just that the price of doing so has also made the Hidden Sandcastle gangs everywhere, and the hidden dangers have intensified, becoming a dirty soil that breeds evil.

Once the Scarlet War Witch—Nova's deterrent power no longer exists, then all order will be wiped out.

Maybe this is a kind of cycle, and I accidentally broke into this cycle and tried to break it, which triggered a series of disastrous consequences that were difficult to control.

Thinking of this, Joyner suddenly became alert, and there was a strange itching in the back of her head.

It wasn't a sense of horror, excitement, or distance from reality, but she thought of another thing—the ten-penalty challenge.

Could it be that the original intention of Nova to create the ten-penalty challenge is related to this?

Joyner's hands and feet were cold, her eyes were dull, and the thoughts in her mind could not be contained, pouring out in an instant.

The way to maintain Nova's huge deterrent power is to respect the fate of others, secretly continuously strengthen people's consciousness and sense of identity, let people get involved in the trap of radical fanaticism, instill some indestructible beliefs, and implant them into people's hearts, while they themselves do not automatically Know.

It was like a terrible ritual, in which everyone indulged, unable to realize that there was a power behind them that controlled them.

Brilliant means!

All strong players from the surrounding areas of Hidden Sandcastle will come to participate in the competition, contributing heat or life. Ordinary people witnessed the birth and death of strong ones in excitement and cheers, while gangs harvested powerful fresh blood in the challenge.

The purpose of Nova's move is to kill the gang, or be killed by the gang, in order to maintain his rule.

So cruel, so weird!

Thinking of this level, Joyner's heart was greatly shocked.

However, what Nova said is correct. Joyner has only just come to Hermit Sandcastle for a few days, and she only saw the tip of the iceberg of this chaotic world. order?

"I also have a question to ask you." There was a strangeness in Nova's eyes.

Joyner didn't hear it, and was still lost in thought.

At this time, the sun coated the outside of the iron window with brilliant light, and a round of light rose from behind the ridge, as magnificent as a flame. The sudden burst of dazzling light made Joyner almost blind. She stretched out her hand to cover the glare, and after a while, she was able to face Nova's face again.


Joyner left the dark cell, with Nova's cold voice still lingering in her mind.

"If you think you have the ability to do better than me, what would you do?"

I don't know why, Joyner couldn't answer this question at all, only the inner uneasiness was instantly magnified, and she was speechless for a while, biting her lip and not saying a word.

When walking through the dark corridor of the prison, Joyner thought of a sentence that just reflected Nova's loss at that time: Although you are as firm as ice and as pure as snow, you still cannot escape the slander of the world.

Joyner bowed her head and walked through the iron gates, with mixed emotions in her heart, her confidence was shaken, and some kind of spiritual guidance began to slowly rise.

She thought that Nova's experience was definitely richer than her own, and she must have seen through something over the years.

After decades of wandering, Nova came to a complete realization, and finally chose to return to her birthplace and establish a powerful force to rule by herself.

According to Nova, there are two reasons for choosing the place of birth to establish its own power. One of them is that although this area is not as vast and orderly as the Eastern Continent, it is more chaotic, just enough to make her a career. After all, she also hopes that she can live in this world like a normal person.

Another reason is because there are still many mutants here.

The local people found that every once in a while someone would suffer from a strange disease: mustard ringworm covered the body, and the pain was unbearable. Even some newborns will get this disease, and it will infect other people after a long time, as if cursed by a demon.

Of course, Nova knew why. Some things still existed in this land that their ancestors opened up more than two hundred years ago.

She took away those sick children in a low-key manner, occupied the nearby territory, and used her extraordinary ability to pull them back from the life and death line. Later, she continued to search, rescued many mutants, and slowly transformed them into her followers.

No one knew what she was doing this for, only that her appearance made this murderous and brutal area much calmer. Nova knew very well that, on the one hand, this move established her faith, and on the other hand, it also won people's hearts, forming the legion that was initially loyal to her.

The House of All Life has become a shelter that people have passed on by word of mouth. Every day, a large number of refugees travel through the wilderness of death to seek shelter. .

On the vast western wilderness, people began to build towns. Farming, textiles, medicinal herbs, and handicrafts, the economy has gradually developed, and commercial channels have been established. She secretly leads the people to jointly resist the alien gangs, reclaim the land, and excavate the heritage of the former civilization. Her influence is expanding day by day, her reputation spreads far and wide, and she has become the most powerful force worthy of the name in the local area.

Gangsters, robbers, smugglers, and hooligans also expressed their willingness to join the Sandcastle, and more and more gangs also began to express their favor to the All Living Home.

Most of them have never seen Nova with their own eyes, and they just entrust believers to manage it, but this does not prevent the "Scarlet Witch" from becoming a god-like existence in people's mouth. Nova has seldom shown up, unwilling to flaunt that he is like other thug gangs, advocating violent rule, with blood on his hands, and only silently controls everything behind the scenes.

In this way, her goal can also be achieved: the thug gang treats the symptoms, she and the infected believers cure the root causes, and the two sides jointly make a specimen—a new order for the entire region.

The world's name for Nova has also changed from Scarlet Witch to Scarlet War Witch. After decades, the scale of this area has surpassed most forces, and her existence has become a legend.