Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 223

The flames swayed rapidly in the dark space, and the sound of chaotic footsteps gradually became louder. There were shouts from outside from time to time, as if the jailer was checking the cells one by one. It sounded like there were six or seven people this time.

"This is the area. The fourth brother should be patrolling here." A jailer pointed to the iron gate next to the corridor and said loudly, as if he was telling someone.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a hasty knock on the door, the figure swayed, and a few roars came through the gate.

"Help, help me! A prisoner wants to escape from prison..."

At some point, the jailer who had been knocked unconscious by Joyner woke up, shouting in a hoarse voice before his vocal cords recovered.

"Here, get it out of my way!" A loud, sinister voice shouted.


With a bang, the iron door was kicked open, and a strong man wearing a helmet in the shape of an iron barrel broke in first.

This guy has several scars on his face, one eye is open, and the other eye is covered with a gray-white bone blindfold, which looks extremely terrifying.

A few jailers rushed in after them, and they saw their companions lying on the floor shouting at a glance, and they took out their weapons one after another.

The ferocious strong man quickly glanced around, and he was taken aback by his panoramic view of the prison room.

"Someone wants to run away? Let me see, who has the guts?"

This person is the leader of this gang of jailers, known as the "one-eyed judge". He used to be the leader of a certain gang in the Yinsha Castle area, tough and good at fighting, killing people like hemp, fought fiercely with Li Renxuan's gang, and was captured because he lost to the opponent, and finally joined the Xuan Gang.

He is now Li Renxuan's subordinate, and is ordered to take charge of the prison here, but he seldom comes to the prison to inspect it himself. He is more keen on making money. Seeing the Xuanming Gang, who lacked great virtues, looting caravans outside the Yinsha Castle, selling slaves unscrupulously and earning a lot of money, it is naturally itchy.

But it was a pity that he was trapped in this prison, and he was so bored every day that he couldn't participate in the distribution of spoils. He was already aggrieved in his heart, so he secretly started the idea of ​​​​taking money from the prisoners and secretly received a huge ransom.

He has an extremely cruel personality, acts rudely and arrogantly, and often abuses force. His favorite thing on weekdays is to torture and abuse prisoners. Treating prisoners like animals, treating them with inhuman torture methods, and spreading the reputation of being extremely perverted far and wide.

Needle cutting, tongue cutting, iron clamps, severed fingers, piercing bones with steel thorns, dipping leather whips in oil, stabbing the body with red hot irons, these tortures are done easily, even the most honest prisoner has experienced his wrists, three times He was hungry for nine meals, and he had to be beaten with a small steel rod from time to time.

His reputation is good and bad. He used to be a powerful party, but now he is a pervert. For him, the job of guarding the prison can be regarded as the best of his talents.

Joyner gestured for the others to retreat with her eyes, and stood up alone.

"I said it, I want to challenge ten penalties!"

"Challenge ten penalties?"

The one-eyed judge was slightly stunned, and his face instantly turned iron blue.

Ten penalty challenge, he naturally knew that anyone can sign up for the Hidden Sandcastle, even prisoners and slaves. However, this is the first time that someone dared to make such a request under his rule in so many years.

The world is really big, full of wonders!

Surprised, he motioned to his subordinates, lifted the guy lying on the ground, and sneered, "Interesting...girl, are you a prisoner here?"

The one-eyed judge looked Joyner up and down carefully. The woman in front of him was slender, with fiery hair, and a handsome face, a little haggard, not a little beautiful. Although the clothes on his body were extremely dirty, they seemed to be made of animal skins, and he could tell that he had a somewhat extraordinary temperament.

He couldn't remember for a moment that such a beauty was still imprisoned in his own prison?

"Yes, I'm a prisoner," Joyner was used to the contempt of villains, and she could have said something to him, but at this moment her tone was calm, and she maintained great forbearance and restraint.

"But I heard that as long as you succeed in challenging the ten penalties, you can be free."

"Aha, you really are the prisoner here..."

The one-eyed judge didn't take what Joyner said to heart at all. He was still thinking, where did this strange woman come from?

With such a graceful figure and attractive face, the taste is absolutely exciting!

"I'm generally not interested in women's proposals." The one-eyed prisoner swallowed, staring at Joyner.

"I'm not an ordinary woman." Joyner retorted coldly, "And you look at me as if I've stripped."

"That's right, you're already naked!"

"Ha ha ha ha-!"

Behind the prison head, his subordinates burst into laughter, and he laughed too, and twisted his neck triumphantly, making a few clicks, with an extremely wretched expression.

Joyner was speechless and looked at the other party coldly.

The head of the one-eyed jailer dismissively said, "I doubt it. How dare a delicate canary like you make such a request in front of me? It seems that you don't even know who I am. Then... how about this, first Let me prove it and see if you are qualified to pass my test."

The jailer stretched out five fingers and grabbed a few in the air, with a mocking look on his face.

His arrogance instantly aroused Joyner's anger, and her face became as cold as ice. She was thinking about how to teach this guy a lesson. In any case, this kind of guy is unreasonable, and in this case, no wonder he did it himself.

"Very good, whether to fight alone or together, you can draw a path!"

Joyner was naturally not afraid of such a scene.

When the prisoners in the cell heard this, their faces turned pale with fright, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. They didn't know where Joyna's courage came from, why she dared to speak like this, and they didn't know how terrifying Joyna's strength was.

The pressure was instantly put on the one-eyed judge.

He had a hideous face at Now he was slightly surprised. It was not clear whether Joyner was talking casually or coming prepared. He dared to contradict himself face to face, so that he could not get off the stage, and his face became very embarrassing.

"Hey! Wait."

At this moment, one of the jailers looked a little off. He suddenly walked forward quickly, and whispered something in the ear of the cell boss, with a nervous expression, and glanced at Joyner from time to time.


The one-eyed judge couldn't hide his disgusted eyes, and stared at Joyner. His expression changed so quickly that everyone couldn't help but feel a little dramatic.

"You're not mistaken, are you? You said, she's the one in the special cell?" The one-eyed judge grabbed the guy by the collar and asked fiercely.

"It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong!" The jailer hurriedly said, "When I was patrolling that night, I secretly saw her. She was sent here by Master Li Renxuan and dozens of brothers. That battle was really unprecedented! "

The one-eyed judge froze in his heart, swung his right hand, and slapped the jailer so hard that his mouth was full of blood!