Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 23: Brave New World (11)

"what happened?"

"Those people are helping me...?" She immediately realized what was going on.

She didn't have time to think too much. Taking advantage of the moment when the monster blocked the bright light in front of her with her arm, she finally found the opportunity to fight back.


The cold light flashed, and the blood spurted wildly.


Joyna rolled, and after dodging a fatal slap, she was still reluctant to leave easily. She stepped directly on the back of the mutant monster, and stabbed the back of its neck with several knives.

The last blow was full force!

The blade even cut open the muscles on the monster's neck along with the shoulder armor, and the terrifying wound was nearly thirty millimeters deep and long. The head that looked more like a human had its roots torn apart.

The air was filled with a strange fishy smell, like a fountain of blood. The monster couldn't see his terrifying wound at all. He kept growling and twitching, and finally roared, fell to the ground, and could no longer get up.

Suddenly there was a low sound from the truck, followed by -- cheers.

It was only at this moment that Joyna finally took a breath.

Her chest heaved violently, her back was straight, and the muscles in her legs were on fire. The red hair fluttered like a flag - he glanced around and saw that the cloak was still on the ground, he immediately picked it up and put it on his body again.

Then she suddenly turned around, stared into the distance, and seemed to feel a slight vibration from the ground. Due to the long delay, the group of beasts that had been thrown away returned, and they were about to encounter her again.

This time, I am afraid that the **** of luck will not be so easy to stand on his side.

Don't stay here for long!

"No, I must not die here!"

Joyna's face turned cold, and she immediately suppressed the fear in her heart. She moved forward inch by inch, and the pain deepened. During the fight, a few drops of the monster's saliva splashed on her legs, and the burning corrosive liquid penetrated the skin. Nerves were destroyed, almost deep into the bone.

Breathing heavily, she put the most of the corroded dagger back in her boots, and ran to the cab of the truck reluctantly. While running, she also gave a thumbs up in the direction of the truck.

There was no doubt that the headlights were turned on by the little boy who stayed in the car.

I don't know where the courage and wisdom came from, he actually thought of using this method to help Joyna, and it actually worked.

The door opened with a bang, and Joyna leaped into the cab and started the engine immediately.

The old-fashioned compression-ignition diesel immediately shuddered and roared, and the strong diesel power was converted into electricity. That's right, the power of the generator is much more powerful than the starting power of the diesel engine, and the truck basically runs on electricity, which is also an ancient technology that was almost obsolete in the pre-civilization era.

Joyna glanced at the little boy behind her, the corners of her mouth slightly upturned. The other party's eyes flickered with fear, and he still had lingering fears, but the feeling of emptiness was gone.

"Sit tight, let's go."

Joyner turned her head and signaled again, reached out and turned on all the dashboard switches in the cockpit, and a whole row of headlights lit up from the top of the cab at the same time, bursting with intense light.

At the same time, the gears in the middle of the body rattled, turning up a series of hidden horns. The daunting giant sharp corners immediately pushed forward until they covered the entire front of the car.

This is the purpose of the modified vehicles of the sand bandits, and it is also a cruel defense facility, which is simple and rude but very practical.

Each rusted cast-iron spear head is slanted upwards, like the bristles standing upright on the beasts when they are angry, or like the cavalry long spears of the ancient army, and the trucks have turned into steel monsters.

At this moment, the huge steel monster shook suddenly, as if it was shaken by some force.

Joyna was concentrating on fiddling with the instrument panel and wanted to open the one-meter-long horn in the center of the wheel hub. She was startled by the sudden vibration and raised her head. She looked ahead, but didn't see anything.

"No, not dead!"

"That... evil... devil!"

A terrified voice sounded behind him.

The corner of her eyes quickly swept behind her, and she saw the little boy opened his mouth wide, speaking inarticulately, his face full of horror, and his fingers pointed to the left with trembling.

"Crack! Kick! Krack—!"

The sound of a hard object scratching at the glass penetrated the silent wilderness. A huge figure rose from the side of the cab, its ugly head like a rotten wolf leaned on the nose of the car, its fangs stuck out of its jaw, and a **** arm was hitting the car window again!


The front windshield was covered with cracks and shattered quickly, and the glass **** was scattered all over the place.

Joyna was horrified, didn't expect this monster's vitality to be so tenacious?

So crazy!

Seeing the giant claw go deep into the cab and start scratching randomly, she dodged, quickly opened the door on the other side, and jumped out.

At this time, Joyna suddenly felt a little dry in her throat, and she really had no idea. She could only use whatever she picked up.

She scrambled to the back of the tanker to look around, and found three unremoved columns about ten yards apart, each two yards in diameter, cast in wrought iron. Joyna ran over, desperately tore down a pillar, but did not expect that it was also connected to a piece of iron mesh made of fine steel.

Fortunately, her strength was strong enough that a row of screws loosened, and the iron pillars were pulled out together with the iron nets. Then she jumped directly, went around behind the monster, and smashed it down!


The monster has fallen into a complete frenzy, the huge wound is still showing on the back, and it suddenly turned around and roared, and rushed over.

The iron pillar couldn't hurt the monster's hard body, but it immediately hung on it. The iron net was smashed into a big hole by Joyna, covering his upper body, and the monster's limbs were caught by the tough iron net, and immediately rolled from the front of the car, struggling frantically, but the more he struggled, the harder it was to escape.

Joyna took a few steps back calmly, flew into the car again, slammed the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator.

The front of the car shakes wildly!

Eighteen-wheeled giant trucks weighing nearly 100 tons moved forward, whistling over the monster's body.

After being dragged for a few hundred meters, the unmatched force of deeply embedded the iron net into the monster's body, instantly mixing it with the flesh and blood, and splitting it into several pieces.

This time, the monster leader completely lost his life!

After dozens of seconds.

"Boom bang bang!"

There were several heavy muffled sounds next to the car, and the truck bumped into the herd of beasts headed towards the light.

Joyner clenched the steering wheel in her hands, daring not to be slighted, and rammed all the way with full horsepower.

In fact, she doesn't have to be afraid of these guys at all.

The truck's own weight is nearly 100 tons, and the speed per hour is now approaching the limit. The terrifying impact brought by it is not to mention the flesh and blood, even an elephant weighing several tons can easily fly.

In addition, the body is covered with angle irons and spikes, it is like a violent snow-making machine, and it is called one after another wherever it passes!

It's just that the snowflakes are scarlet, and the chaos between heaven and earth is terrible.