Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 39: Tomorrow's Castle (5)

In her eyes, the entire human settlement is like an abandoned garbage dump, with countless dirty things in every corner, and a strong smell that is revealed all the time. This was very different from what Georgina had imagined before, and it made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

When the convoy approached the gate of Yinsha Castle, Joyner's expression changed from disappointment to high vigilance in an instant.

She saw a wide and deep moat not far below the city wall, extending out to an unknown distance. The moat seemed to be the moat of the hidden sandcastle. Joyner guessed that there should have been water in there before, but the water had dried up long ago, and now it has become a mess piled up with corpses.

She turned her head indifferently and looked in the other direction. Behind the trench was a defensive fortress surrounded by bricks and soil for hundreds of meters. Hundreds of large and small fires were ignited around the fortification, constantly burning something, and there were people around. Patrol.

On the other side of the high wall are several small camps, which seem to have been inhabited for a long time. They are both barracks and fixed sentries to guard the hidden sandcastle.

There are also some wooden "elevators" stationed beside the high wall, which go up and down by thick cables. The huge winches pushed by six or seven people make the "elevators" operate, and make a harsh "creaking" sound. It can be heard from meters away.

There are still many people standing on the wall, each holding a torch. Next to it, there are a few dark shadows. This shadow has a strange appearance, but it is fixed. It is guessed that it should be some kind of facility.

Joyner looked at it for a long time before realizing that it was some kind of giant crossbow mechanism, probably a heavy weapon used to deal with vehicles.

The city looks so strange, not only there are a large number of guards, but also the wasteland outside is full of spears, and the skeletons on the spears seem to indicate the fate of the rebels, which makes people shudder.

Joyner couldn't understand why this human gathering place that once carried hope turned into what it is today?

Is human life so worthless?

It seems that if you want to truly understand the customs of a region, you will never be able to find the correct answer in books and stone tablets. She thought over and over in her heart that she must go deep into the market and ask those guys who were running around to survive. Their words were definitely sharper and more accurate than knives.

Joyner's eyes radiated a faint light, and she kept scanning under the night, silently remembering everything she saw in her heart.

She was finally able to see the charred corpse up close, and soon felt a pang of discomfort in her stomach. I wonder what the situation in the city is like, it can't be worse than the wild wilderness?

The stench and smoke of burning corpses drifted past, and the crackling brought her back to reality. The truck slowed down in front of the ditch, only tens of meters away from the rows of rejected horses.


With a sharp shout, some dangling figures appeared on the right.

"Whoever is in the car, come down for inspection!"

What a bad luck!

Joyner raised her eyebrows and spat.

She was about to turn her head away, pretending to be calm, when she suddenly saw a few guards waving their weapons at the convoy, and a big man in front of her shouted, attracting the attention of everyone nearby.

"Tch, these guys came here very fast..." the bald man muttered and waved his hands outside.

Joyner saw that the weapons in these people's hands looked strange, black and stubby, so she froze for a moment.

This kind of weapon is small in size and can be held steady with one hand. It seems to be some kind of firearm, but it is obviously not a firearm.

What is that?

Then she saw clearly—it turned out that they were holding homemade crossbow bolts.

According to Joyner's knowledge of the crossbow, the biggest feature of this weapon is its silent firing and super fast speed.

It seems that each crossbow bolt is about 20 millimeters long, and it should rely on mechanical firing of marbles or crossbow bolts. In the hands of a master, the power of the crossbow bolt is huge, and the kinetic energy within a short distance can be comparable to the accuracy of a sniper rifle.

According to the standards of the pre-civilized era, the speed of an arrow can reach a maximum of more than 100 meters per second. People who don't understand this will feel that it is very slow. , the average person waits for the arrow to shoot at a distance of 100 meters and then dodges.

If equipped with bladed arrows, it can easily hunt and kill large animals like bears, even ordinary soft body armor cannot resist.

Joyner was not far away, just in time to carefully examine everyone's appearance, weapons, and various equipment on them.

It has to be said that although these people look like bloodthirsty thugs.

I don't know what their skills are, but in Joyner's eyes, no matter how good their skills are, it's useless. Because it was comparing with ordinary people, after all, compared with his own skills, there was still a big gap, so it was nothing to worry about.

She can also tell from the cold weapons worn by these people that most of the combat methods in this era still rely on bravery and melee combat.

"My own people! Are you all blind, you motherfuckers, can't you recognize them?"

The bald man poked his head out of the window and shouted a few words. The younger brother who opened the way immediately stopped his motorcycle and walked over, looking back as he walked.

"Is it Lao Bai?" The head of the guard responded with a hoarse voice.

"Damn it, who else could it be if it wasn't me?"

After the people on both sides met each other face to face, the younger brothers and the guards stood together and chatted. Joyner saw that the two sides had known each other for a long time.

Old Bai seemed to be the name of the bald brother. He also jumped out of the car at this time, and before leaving, he turned his head and told Joyner to stay in the car safely and wait for him to come back.

Joyner seemed to obey, bit her lip and nodded.

But at the last moment, she keenly caught a subtle change in the bald brother's eyes. It was an extremely trying to cover up eyes—Joyner was no stranger to this kind of eyes.

She saw the bald-headed brother walking over with carefree steps, with a look of dragging his relatives who didn't recognize him, and she felt amused in her heart. It seems that only by walking in this way can he show a certain characteristic of him.

The huge bonfire is constantly burning, enveloping the restless atmosphere around it.

Joyner observed carefully in the flickering fire, estimated the number of guards here, and tried to engrave everyone's every move in her mind.

This is already Joyner's personal habit. She is very good at finding some kind of body language connection from everyone's posture, the position of their hands, the angle of head tilt, and even small unconscious movements.

Sure enough, after just a few minutes, she noticed something strange.

Lao Bai seemed to be standing sideways talking intentionally or unintentionally, and his head kept tilting to his side, but his hand didn't point this way. Joyner instantly understood, which meant that he didn't want her to see his actions.

Not good!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :