Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 43: tomorrow's castle (9)

Well, Sanqi is Sanqi!

After talking about it, Lao Bai actually figured it out, he slammed the table hard, and stood up with determination.

But when he was about to agree, he suddenly heard a series of chaotic movements outside. His face immediately changed, and his heart immediately became alert.

"Your people... something happened outside?" He glared at the guard leader.

The other party was as confused as he was.

The guard leader didn't know what was going on outside at this time, but even if he knew, he couldn't believe it. Joyna killed so many of his subordinates in an instant, broke through several checkpoints all the way, and rushed to the gate of the city. Advance towards the guards on the wall.

In the thick dust, more than a dozen thugs crawled out of the surrounding trenches in disgrace.

They saw someone driving a truck all the way, hitting and killing three people in a row, but there was nothing they could do.

Now seeing that the truck had driven under the city wall, they immediately drew their weapons, shouting and wanting to rush up to see what happened.

The fire in the distance couldn't reach the city gate, and the surrounding area was completely dark. The guards' expressions became very tense, and they were trying their best to bypass various obstacles and approach the car.

The lines of repelling horses and stacked sundries were originally set up to resist outside attacks, but now they have become obstacles blocking themselves.


There was a faint cracking sound!

The thug who rushed to the front suddenly fell on his back, without making a sound, and died directly from an arrow in the neck.

Seeing someone fall, the people behind immediately fell into inexplicable fear and scattered to hide in fright. The enemy obviously still has an ambush, but now they can't tell where the attacker is at all.

On the other side, Joyner opened the door of the truck and rushed into the night before the truck stopped. Now she has already jumped onto the tall city wall with the help of the thick "elevator" rope.

This city wall is at least three or four stories high. In order to resist the attacks of other forces, the people of Hidden Sandcastle spent many years pouring it with extremely strong concrete and lime. The city wall was also mixed with large pieces of abandoned ore. .

But in Joyner's eyes, the tall fortifications have now completely become decorations.

She climbed to the top of the city wall without any effort, and saw that it was two or three meters thick, and there was a road that could run parallel for two people, just like the ancient city walls.

There is a staircase on one side of the wall leading directly to the city. There is a noose connected to the turntable in the direction close to the city gate, and there are usually a few thugs standing guard, guarded at all times.

At this time, because there was too much movement outside, the two thugs on duty heard the commotion outside the city, and it seemed that someone had broken through the barrier, so they rushed over from the other side immediately.

But where did they expect that the enemy is now close at hand!

Joyner crouched motionless on the steps, held her breath, and blended her figure into the darkness. There is not even a little light on the stairs, so naturally no one would think that there is an ambush.

Seeing the two approaching, Joyna turned her body sideways to calculate the azimuth angle, and when the person behind passed by, she rushed out from behind at a frenzied speed and attacked quickly.


A flash of white light flashed, Joyner raised the knife and slashed across a thug's neck neatly.

Before the other person could react, suddenly a pale "huge dagger" was placed on his neck.

"Shut up, open the city gate."

Joyner's cold and stern voice came, and the face of the thug changed instantly.

"You, who are you?"

The thug wanted to look back, but his eyes turned to his accomplice lying on the ground beside him, but he was already dead!

He immediately trembled, and his voice was full of fear.

"Shut up!"

A murderous intent flashed in Joyner's eyes, and she exerted a slight force on her wrist. A cold feeling penetrated the body, cut the skin, and made the thug almost suffocate.


The thugs have fully understood that the person behind them is the guy who caused the riot and wanted to break through. Feeling that his life was in danger, even the vicious thug immediately gave in. He tried his best to stretch out his trembling hand and pointed to the winch in front of him.

Joyner understood, and it seemed that the winch was the tool to open the city gate.

She grabbed the back of his neck with one hand, and slightly let go of the dagger with the other, pressing him and walking towards the winch.

But when he reached the winch, the thug trembled, his knees gave way, and he fell to his knees, becoming a little at a loss.

"Open the city gate." Joyner ordered again.

"This...can only be used by two people...I, I can't handle it alone..."

"What did you say?"

Joyner frowned slightly, carefully identified it, and immediately understood what the other party meant. Sure enough, there is a winch not far away, which seems to be a device that can only open the city gate by turning both sides at the same time.

Is it actually two agencies working together?

This is difficult.

They are now two people, and they can indeed turn the mechanism, but if they go to the other side to turn the winch, this guy is bound to run away. And halfway through the rotation, it is impossible for her to clone herself. No matter if she kills the other party later or ignores the other party, she cannot complete the task of opening the door alone.

Joyner regretted secretly, she would have known better if she didn't kill another guy. It's a pity that people are dead now, so they have to find another way.

Joyner was quick to think, pondered for a moment, and soon came up with an idea.

"Listen, you are responsible for opening this side, and I will get that side." She lowered her voice.


"I'll drive this way, you drive that way? Okay... okay."

The thug was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

After all, now that the knife was on his neck, he had no room to resist, but if the enemy left to turn the winch, wouldn't he have a chance to escape?


The white light flashed again. This guy was dreaming a sweet dream. Before he realized what was going on, he just felt a chill behind his back, and the skin on his back seemed to be cut by a sharp knife.

"Ah, you! This is...!"

The guy's eyes widened and he turned to Joyner in horror.

Joyner's face was gloomy, and she said coldly, "The knife that was cut on your back just now contains diffuse Now the poison has penetrated into your body, and you will feel itchy. If it is not for my special Antidote, you won't survive ten minutes at most."

"What? Poison!"

Hearing this, the mob was immediately frightened.

Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or not, he would never dare to gamble his life.

He arched his body slightly, and immediately felt a little strange because of the wound on his back. As the other party said, it was a little numb!


This change of events simply took him out of his wits, the previous joy was gone, replaced by endless fear.

Originally, he was standing guard on the top of the city, and he was the most "high-risk occupation" worker in the city, just trying to make ends meet. It's so good now, that he would risk his life?

"If you want to take the opportunity to escape, you can run away. I want to see how far you can run."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :