Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 55: Stranger (3)

This deal is very cost-effective in Joyner's view, and she is eager to obtain a large material basis.

Joyner recognizes that, despite such chaotic times, the human social order retains some invisible hands—money, for example.

It is the same in any era, whether it is an era of material affluence or material scarcity.

Consumerism is always one of the means to ensure the distribution of materials, but basic consumption cannot satisfy the vanity of those who claim to be superior.

Therefore, consuming the products of other people's labor is sublimated by them into a more honorable and symbolic means.

Things like money can represent not only a person's identity value, but also the social status that person has. Therefore, things bought with money are the easiest to satisfy people. Money has become jewelry, fine clothes, big gold teeth in the mouth, and luxuries that are completely unnecessary. on the person.

Joyner certainly knew how it felt.

Because, she has already seen clearly the social structure of this era, as well as the disparity of people's status and class, which are the essence of the law of social operation.

This doomsday world is no different from the previous human world, and everyone still has the same idea and the same approach.

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it.

No one cares where your money came from, or whether it was stained with other people's blood, anyway. People only care about whether you have money and how much. And with this large sum of money, Joyner can do a lot of things, so she feels very relieved now.

But before that, Joyner kept telling herself that she had to be more cautious in her actions.

Just as Joyner was thinking with joy, she noticed that the corner of her cloak moved slightly. Looking down, it turned out that Harris reached out and tugged at her skirt.

"What, you..."

Seeing Harris' slightly wary eyes, Joyner realized something.

She raised her head suddenly, and sure enough, she saw several fierce-looking people pushing each other, cursing and swearing, appearing from the corner of the street and walking towards them along the stone road.

"Not good!"

When she saw the clothes of those people, the machetes and axes on their waists, and the aura of "no strangers should enter" exuding from them, Joyner's heart tightened suddenly.

The tattoos on the bodies of these four people and the gang marks on their chests are conspicuous, showing that they are members of a big gang, and they are probably subordinates of the two gangs of Xuan Ming.

Meeting each other on a narrow road, Joyner felt that these people were not kind, and they definitely came for her.

She clenched her fists subconsciously.

Joyner's feeling was very accurate. These four people came to search this area under the direct order of Li Renxuan, the leader of the Xuan Gang. In addition to them, there are four other groups of people who will come later.

This is a carpet search. The purpose of the gang thugs is to inquire about the news and find out the whereabouts of the assassin who broke into the city last night.

A few hours ago, under the personal command of Li Renxuan, almost all the people in the Xuan gang were mobilized, and no one dared to be negative or have the slightest complaint.

After all, this operation was of great importance. More than a dozen of the brothers defending the city had died. This was an unprecedented event in the past ten years since the Xuanming gang settled in Yinsha Castle. It was an extremely serious provocative act.

So the gang members were ordered to find the whereabouts of the assassin even if they dug three feet into the ground, and would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go. If anyone here refuses to cooperate, or if he knows the assassin's whereabouts and does not report it, he will be regarded as an accomplice of the assassin, arrested and thrown into the stinking dungeon, tortured and worse than death.

What's more, if they encounter people who resist stubbornly, they can kill them on the spot without authorization, so as to make an example to others.

This is not counted, there is a reward for punishment. Anyone who finds clues to the assassin will be rewarded generously. Those who are not gang members can join the gang as an exception; those who are already gang members can immediately be promoted to gang leader, get promoted and get rich, and reach the sky in one step.

Those gang members are vicious people. When their atrocities are protected or even encouraged by the law, even if there is no reward, it will lead to an extremely terrible disaster.

What's more, this is still a "rewarded" big cleansing operation. Driven by profit and nature, the gang thugs showed their fierceness, and cruelty began to be unscrupulously released in Hidden Sandcastle City.

But now, these thugs are not happy at all, because the area they are in charge of investigating is a wealthy area.

In Hidden Sandcastle, anyone knows what the words "rich district" really mean.

The luxury of this place is beyond the reach of ordinary people: the gardens on the tiers are filled with flowers brought from all over the place, surrounded by colorful colors and wonderful fragrances. Groups of tall houses are decorated with exquisitely carved jade stones, which come from human hands and end in human territory. Cool water gurgles from the vast courtyard and runs day and night along the purpose-built elevated canal.

Minmin Mountain, which is across the street, is like hell.

The power of these wealthy people is no less than that of the so-called gangs. Their fortunes basically have a dirty past, and their wealth is all obtained from killings and pools of blood.

These people are not only rich and powerful, but also allowed to support their own thugs. These people are called bodyguards, but their vicious methods are not much worse than gang members. Moreover, most of the wealthy people here are related to other gangs or the Xuanming Gang, and some families are even relatives and friends of gang members.

The rich all naively believe that they have enviable huge resources and contacts, and as long as the sand castle is still alive, the well-being here will never end.

Several thugs are discussing how to inquire about news in this rich area. They knew the consequences of being arrogant here. Although this place was also within the scope of the search, they still had no idea.

At this moment, Joyner was immersed in a dilemma. She recognized what the marks on their bodies and couldn't help but hesitate.

what to do?

no way.

Joyner must not reveal her identity, nor can she simply kill these people. Because it was a street in broad daylight, and Harris was behind her. So she could only bite the bullet and take the risk to see if she could get through.

In order not to attract attention, Joyner pulled down her hood and continued walking with cautious and casual steps.

"I got you, don't run!"

At this time, two well-dressed children were chasing and playing all the way, rushing from the corner of the street with laughter and panting.

The slightly older little girl ran ahead, turning her head from time to time, not noticing the big man in front at all, and bumped into him, but was thrown out and lay flat on the ground.

"Yes... sorry, I didn't see you just now." She seemed to be about to cry, and said with her head raised.

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