Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 68: autumn of many things (4)

Li Renxuan's face gradually showed ferocity, and the faint excitement in his heart was beyond words, even overshadowing other expressions, and his two eyeballs glistened.

No matter what, this person killed more than ten of his subordinates in a row. He was extremely arrogant and must be severely punished!

He wants to let the other party know that there is a price to be paid for blatantly provoking the Xuan Gang!

On the other side, the streets in the wealthy district were already in chaos, and the Xuan Gang gathered from all directions, creating a grand scene.

Near the affluent area in the north of the city, hundreds of business stalls had no time to clean up, and they fled in a short while. After all, wealth and life are more important, and no one dares to exchange their lives for money at this time.

There are no idlers in the surrounding streets, and almost every house has its doors and windows closed. Even those beggars and homeless people scattered like birds and beasts, and some even got into nearby drainage channels to hide.

Seeing that the situation was going out of control, Joyner felt a little at a loss for what to do when the crowd around her dispersed in a rush.

Unexpectedly, his unintentional actions contributed to another even bigger vortex of cruelty.

But after all, Joyner was a bold and skilled person, and with a thought, she immediately walked away with the crowd and headed towards the street corner agreed with Harris.

Joyner didn't intend to leave, because the protagonist of the incident had already shifted to Van der and the Xuan gang, not her.

"I, I just saw a lot of people, are they coming for us?" Harris stared at Joyner with dead fish-like eyes, showing panic when they met.

"Don't be afraid, it's not for us."

Joyner pulled down her hood, turned her head sideways, looked around, lowered her voice and said to Harris, "I'll take you to find a place to watch a good show."

"Good show...?" Harris looked puzzled.

"Well, this is not the place to talk, let's go."

Joyner grabbed Harris, followed the crowd and moved quickly, and soon came to another nearby small street.

After the crowd gradually dissipated, she took Harris to hide under the eaves, and quickly chose a courtyard with a closed gate.

After waiting for a while, seeing no one around, he hugged the little boy's waist and jumped onto the three-meter-high courtyard wall.

It landed silently and with great ease.

Harris felt his body sway, as if he had escaped gravity, and he was already on top of the wall when he opened his eyes.


He was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth and let Joyner hold her.

After moving briefly, the two came to the top of a tall house, and then both bent down.

Although Harris had known for a long time that Joyner's extraordinary skill and strength were far beyond ordinary people's mind, it was unimaginable, but after experiencing it for himself at this moment, he was still so frightened that his little heart thumped wildly, and almost didn't pop out of his throat.

He was sweating profusely, cold sweat continued, his head was buzzing, and he was in a panic.

Joyner comforted, "Okay, this place is safe, just stay here."

This location is excellent, at the junction of the rich area and the poor area, the surrounding buildings and trees are tall and lush, which can hide the whereabouts of the two.

More importantly, it can overlook the street in the wealthy district opposite, with a distance of less than ten meters in a straight line, and all the happenings can be seen at a glance, which is a strategic commanding height. Moreover, there are many houses around, and the roofs can be used as roads, so it is very convenient to enter and retreat. Even if someone finds out, they can quickly evacuate from this place and go to the slums.

Joyner turned her eyes to the direction extending from both ends of the street, and saw that Van der's men were waiting there, and the atmosphere seemed extremely tense.

She turned around and glanced at Harris. The other party was still trembling, his eyes widened, and his heart was obviously terrified. So she comforted Harris a little bit, and after briefly explaining the incident she had seen before, Harris finally understood what was going on, and gradually felt at ease.

At this time, Joyner was thinking of another plan in her heart.

As for the actual situation in the hidden sandcastle, she has witnessed a lot with her own eyes, and she has a general understanding of the open and secret struggles among the various factions.

But she knew it wasn't enough.

In this jungle of the jungle. In such a dirty and chaotic doomsday world, if you want to live with dignity, you must have great courage, strong willpower, and rely on extreme means and real strength to forge your own power.

For a person like her who just woke up from a nightmare hundreds of years ago, she has no one to rely on, and she doesn't want to get along with the world. It is absolutely impossible for her to be alone.

She also doesn't have such great energy to change the status quo, so she has to quickly adapt to this world in order to survive.

This is not her problem alone, but the whole world's problem.

Then, if you want to adapt to this world and integrate into it, you must find your own way of survival!

She once thought that she could be a farmer, a wild hunter, or even a businessman, with her ability, she could definitely do it. But these thoughts were nothing but self-defeating thoughts, which only flashed in her mind. After all, Joyner couldn't be that kind of person.

The ruthless laws of this world made her hands stained with blood. That being the case, to her, it doesn't matter how many lives she has.

She doesn't have any ambition to change anything now, to make the world work according to her ideas.

That's ridiculous, and bordering on ignorant delusion.

But she believes she is absolutely capable of protecting herself—or at least rooting out those who threaten her life.

However, it is never possible to achieve perfection by relying on one's own strength. This kind of thinking is like drinking poison to quench thirst, licking blood on the blade, and it is by no means a long-term solution.

If it is not forced by the environment, after all, who would not want to live a more stable life?

Without a specific plan, Joyner just acted on her intuition. Among the many thoughts, in order to relieve the pressure on herself, she only found a method suitable for the moment.

That is to try to stir up disputes!

As the saying goes, it is easy to fish in muddy water.

She feels like a fish, struggling in the mud of a pool of stagnant Only by making the water more muddy and muddy, can she survive and look for a breakthrough with a little light.

There are many ways to provoke disputes, but the most convenient and effective way is to provoke territorial conflicts. She knew that the Xuanming gang was the biggest force here, and she wanted to use everything available, including anyone, to establish her own power.

Joyner can only pray that this ambition is not a wishful thinking in her heart.

Southeast of the city.

A heavy black iron door lay on the ground, while the other slowly opened.

Outside the splendid slave trading hall of the Yinsha Gang, a group of horsemen ambushed around according to the orders of the boss, staring and waiting.

When the iron gate opened, members of the Yinsha Gang saw a dozen or so black-armored guards walking out surrounded by the bosses of the Ming Gang. And the ones leading the way in front are the two top leaders and second leaders of the Yinsha Gang.

They were all stunned and speechless. They had been ordered not to act rashly. After seeing this situation, the gang members hid their weapons behind their backs one after another.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :