Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 70: Many things Noki (6)

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Wang Ming saw it very early that as time went by, the situation inside and outside the hidden sand castle had a tendency to further deteriorate.

Inside the Yinsha Castle, large and small gangs have their own territorial businesses, such as the Yinsha Gang's slave business. Generally speaking, other gangs can't get involved in these businesses.

In addition to offering confessions to the Xuanming and Ming gangs and showing their loyalty as usual, these gangs are difficult to restrain in other behaviors;

Outside the hidden sand castle, although the large-scale gang fire has decreased, but several super-powerful gangs such as the iron castle gang and the rocket gang refused to give up, and still eroded the territory of the hidden sand castle little by little, advancing their own forces Therefore, the friction between the hidden sand castle and other gangs has never been broken.

After several attempts, Wang Ming discovered that the inherent contradictions of all levels of the hidden sand castle originated from the divided gang rule.

The gang problem cannot be solved fundamentally, thus causing these contradictions. But he also found that the pressure of governance can be eased by transferring conflicts externally.

External contradictions refer to the forces other than the hidden sand castle. If you want to eliminate the other party, it will be difficult to achieve it for a while, but you can use this as the point of contradiction, and unite all the forces of the hidden sand castle to launch a war, so as to eliminate the enemy. They were united—under their own, to be precise.

Everyone wants to take a bite of the fat of Yin Sand Castle, and foreign enemies are eyeing and gearing up, ready to fight hard, kill them quickly. Li Renxuan was lying in the pile of fat powder, the only entertainment was drinking and prostitutes, and abusing the poor. He just wanted to sit and eat, and not to make progress. This was absolutely unbearable for Wang Ming.

Over the years, after several "good words" talks, he completely gave up on Li Renxuan's faction.

Wang Ming knew very well that apart from being aggressive and bloodthirsty, this person had no other strengths. He was surrounded by mediocre mediocrities who drank, prostitutes, and gambles. Management and development are a mess.

As a result, the foundation that the Xuanming Gang had built over the years will completely collapse under the impact of internal and external shocks.

If it's not good, it will go back to the situation of the melee between the gangs at that time.

At that time, both of them will die without a place to be buried!

There are no two days in the sky, and no two masters in people.

To everyone in the hidden sand castle, Li Renxuan's tyrannical levy is definitely "bad governance".

The real power of the hidden sand castle is not actually in the hands of a certain person or a certain gang, but is scattered among the hands of various tyrants, lacking unity.

The vacuum of rights is never created overnight, and no governance does not lead to no rights.

The power vacuum needs to be filled by people, and the tyrants who fill the vacuum often have no long-term plans, just want to take the opportunity to make profits, and withdraw after one vote.

If you get up, you will get up, and if you don't get up, you can wait for another chance. Therefore, even with the powerful forces of the Xuanming and Ming gangs, it is difficult to restrain these people.

This is what Wang Ming sees.

Today, he is also very disgusted by the situation that several major gangs other than Hidden Sand Castle are restraining each other.

Wang Ming is not a good person, and he is afraid of being surrounded by other places. Knowing that all rights must be firmly grasped in the hands, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the melee ten years ago.

Over time, internal and external conflicts have reached the critical point of total outbreak.

The time has come, it's time for a showdown.

Time to change!

Wang Ming was sitting on the horse and thinking about the problem, when suddenly someone came to him.

Looking up, it turned out that it was the spy he sent out to monitor the Xuan Gang. He came to report that something happened to the Xuan Gang.

After briefly listening to the report, Wang Ming's expression froze immediately, "Why, did Li Renxuan find clues about the assassin so quickly?"

This happened a bit suddenly, and Wang Ming couldn't believe it.

The spy replied, "I don't know if it's an assassin or not. It is said that the conflict is related to the Rothschild family. The provocateur may be the Xuan Gang, but the witnesses can't tell exactly why the two sides clashed. "

"Um...that powerful Rothschild family...?"

"Wait, then the Rothschild family at the scene, is it Ronaldinho or Lao Luo?" Wang Ming couldn't judge the situation, and asked again.

"It's Vander Rothschild, and his slaves," the man replied.

"Vander? This is strange." Wang Ming was stunned for a moment, and after a moment's thought, he then ordered, "Send more people to check the news there, and remember that the people of our Ming gang should not intervene in this matter!"

"This subordinate understands!" The man who reported the letter turned and left.

Sitting on the horse, Wang Ming felt very strange, and turned to countless thoughts. Could it be that the people of the Rothschild family colluded with external forces and wanted to plot against the hidden sand castle forces, so they sent killers?

Or was the current situation caused by the unilateral conflict between the Xuan Gang and the Rothschild family?

In any case, Wang Ming has always had a good plan for this family.

One of the reasons is that he knows that the Rothschild family is rich and powerful, not only has a strong economic strength in the hidden sand castle area, but also has a very solid foundation in other areas.

In this era, the rise of every big family is not so simple. Without some hard power, it is absolutely impossible to expand the family business to such a vast place under the circumstance of strong enemies.

Another reason, and what Wang Ming fears most, is that it is said that the ancestors of the Rothschild family are inextricably linked with the mysterious Scarlet War Witch.

After many inquiries, Wang Ming learned that the relationship between these two forces was extraordinary and had deep roots. Even in the territory of the Iron Fort and the Rocket Gang, and even in the Shuangshan area further afield, people have heard of this.

The followers of the Scarlet War Witch are also known as the Hand of the Hidden Sand, which can be regarded as the most powerful hidden force in the Hidden Sand Castle area.

But the Scarlet War Witch himself is extremely low-key. doesn't like to be disturbed by other people. Some people say that he travels in the Wild West all year round, but no one has ever seen his true face. Although he has not appeared in front of secular people for many years, the terrifying rumors about him have never stopped in the arena.

It is said that he has many strange abilities, but the most talked about is his ability to bring the dead back to life. There was a man who was in distress in the wilderness and was rescued by him when he was dying, and finally returned home miraculously.

So many years ago, word of mouth spread, his place was like a shelter, and a large number of homeless people wanted to find him and seek shelter. Over time, he has countless fanatical followers.

In the eyes of these people, the Scarlet War Witch is a god-like existence.

Every gang who wanted to take control of the Sand Castle by force wanted to visit him. Wang Ming and Li Renxuan were of course no exception.

Back then, they relied on their fists to be tougher than others, slaughtered the tyrants of all parties, executed countless opponents, hung their heads outside the city gate, and walked across the mountain of corpses and blood to capture the hidden sand castle. dominance.

Next, it was their destiny.