Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 79: What can't be tolerated (6)

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"Oh, I see..." The cobbler nodded thoughtfully.

He was really puzzled, this was the first time he saw a customer who didn't like this gorgeous shape. But this woman has a strong aura, and she does have some characteristics that are different from ordinary people.

It must be a special preference...?

The cobbler got to know this distinguished guest further.

"Also, there is no need to make a new lining, just use the soft leather you have here, and change the size, which can speed up the production speed."

After explaining a few words, Joyna turned her head and walked out of the cobbler's shop. Before leaving, she specifically asked, "I'll take it tonight."

Seeing Joyner's disappearing figure, the old man finally let out a long breath. He wiped the sweat off his brow and carefully put away the money bag on the table.

He didn't dare to ask for this money.

Such a distinguished guest, in case there is any other idea? He must not spend this money indiscriminately, let's put it away first and then talk about it!

Through today's events, Joyner has confirmed that the two gangs of Xuan and Ming in Yinsha Castle are hunting her everywhere. She was in a very dangerous situation, so she didn't want to stay in one place for a long time, she just wanted to get her things and leave as soon as possible.

Joyner walked down the street, thinking about her next step.

She thought of the refugees she had brought back. After dark, she was going to move them to the house provided by Vander, so she put an end to her worries.

As for how they will survive in the future, that is none of her business. With Van der here, I believe he will take care of everything.

After completing this matter and seeing that it was still early, Joyner planned to go to other places in Yinsha Castle first.

She wanted to explore the unique things of this era by the way, the mode of people's life and the preserved state of civilization. She wanted to walk around at will and have a general understanding of the roads in the city.

These days, Joyner feels that she has gradually integrated into this era.

Although she understands that if she wants to live here, what she knows so far is far from enough. But now at least she doesn't have the strong sense of strangeness at the beginning.

First of all, to obtain a legal identity - this is Joyner's original idea, and it is also her first step in this era. But now it seems that she herself is far from satisfied with these.

She wants to live with her head held high and with dignity, and she is willing to give everything in order to live with dignity.

Not under anyone's control, free and easy.

For this purpose, she must possess greater power.

Maybe it's an extraordinary identity, maybe it's a force that obeys her? Maybe something even more unimaginable, who knows!

In fact, according to Joyner's experience, many things can be seen clearly by just thinking about it.

After experiencing the catastrophe hundreds of years ago, human civilization has turned into a barbaric era that has been reversed for thousands of years. The land is devastated and the order collapses. In such an era, if we want to continue the idea that all people live together, some strong people must take the lead and lead everyone to create a stable and developing situation.

This depends entirely on the strong man's thoughts.

The strong are also human beings... and precisely, human beings are the most unstable factor!

All living beings are mortals, and mortals have selfishness.

Without the heights created by previous civilizations, the systems left by the entire human civilized society have disappeared. The living condition of human beings is like a mess of loose sand, where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive. The so-called strong will not have any restrictions. It only depends on whose methods are more cruel and whose fists are bigger.

At the same time, the lack of the highest power supervision mechanism and the chaos of the basic order make the human living environment full of strong people. And the strong are destined to become thorns and various disputes on the road to the highest power, which is inevitable.

Joyner, who is familiar with history, understands a truth: as long as it is a human world, the powerful don't need too many, one is enough!

The more powerhouses there are, the more power disputes there will be.

Joyner felt that the world seemed to be reset by the relentless torrent of time.

Human history is going through a new painful cycle. It's just that this reincarnation has bigger and more variables. Because this is a barbaric civilization based on the previous civilization, and today's strong people obviously don't know what the past history was like.

It's like people who get drunk and cut off a story, they can't remember the past-they don't know how glorious the human world was, and what kind of pain they experienced at that time.

And this is also the answer Joyner wants to explore and know.

After experiencing a series of things, Joyner saw many things clearly.

She is the strongest in this era—she is a genetic engineer with unparalleled knowledge.

Joyner had a faint desire in her heart. She longed to elevate these humans living in the barbaric age to a new height. Although this height was not worth mentioning hundreds of years ago, she knew that some things had been written in history.

She will give the human beings in the broken world a new concept of survival!

A low-hanging fruit, a brand new property!

And this attribute will directly affect a series of major historical processes in later generations, and even restore the major civilization achievements that human beings had born hundreds of years ago.

Although she may not be able to change history, she is about to witness a new history!

The wandering in the market opened Joyner's eyes. In this strange world, she observed while walking, saw the life of the local people, and silently recorded every road.

There were some things she had never seen before, and there were also many things that shook her heart and made her feel uneasy. For example, the slave trade—it was something Joyner had only seen in books before, but now, it was happening before her eyes.

Joyner stopped walking and stopped by a stall in the market.

This is a stall that sells miscellaneous grains, and there are not many types of But there is one item that she sells, which makes her a little bit impatient.

It is a firm lump of food with a firm texture and a dense appearance. She'd seen buckets of them in the bandits' storage carts, but she'd never thought about how they were made.

After seeing it now, she was a little surprised.

Here are not only finished food products, but also some semi-finished products and raw materials. They were called worm cakes, and every poor man in Hidden Sandcastle ate them. This thing is mixed with some coarse grains and several kinds of dried insects, and may have added a lot of miscellaneous seasonings.

What surprised her was not the ingredients of these insect cakes, but the process of making them.

Georgina stared at the thing, watching it over and over again.

Seeing that Joyna was holding the worm cake and looking at it over and over again, but she had no intention of selling it at all, the vendor owner was not happy, raised his eyes and squinted at her and said, "Hey, you have been looking for a long time, do you want to buy it or not? If you don’t buy it, put it down quickly, I’m still doing business here.”

"Is this... grain?" Georgina asked.