Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 8: The Wind and the Blood (6)

She couldn't believe it, and couldn't understand what was happening right now!


Why did these slaves locked in iron cages call the bandits? And also pointed out his hiding place...?

She can't understand this world at all, and she can't understand how abnormal and twisted the human heart is in this era?

An unknown fire burned in Joyner's heart!

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Joyner immediately leaned over and looked from the bottom of the vehicle. She saw two bandits drew their weapons and were cautiously approaching their hiding place.

The rest of the Sand Bandits also arrived from different directions one after another as if facing a formidable enemy, outflanking them.

Joyner's senses are so powerful, and her fighting instinct is much stronger than those bandits. Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, she clenched the dagger in her hand, but her face remained calm.

She worked hard to adjust her breathing, and finally evened it out.

The angry state of mind was suppressed by Joyner. She is now hungry and tired, and her physical strength is exhausted. Even though she has a strong ability, she can only exert less than 10% of it. But these bandits ate and drank enough, and even took a nap, which was when they were full of energy.

Although their strength is not good in Joyner's eyes, she is really not sure of winning this battle.

You can only play by ear, kill one, it's one!

The enemy's footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the shadow of one of the bandits was less than one meter away from him, and he was about to overlap.

Joyner knew this was the perfect time to be proactive.

A cold light flashed!

Joyna's left hand was holding a reflective stainless steel dagger at some point, and the moment she passed by, it was this dagger that slashed across the bandit's throat.

"A female... wow—"

As soon as the figure flickered, the unlucky sand bandit turned around in a circle, and before he could even see what Joyner looked like, his throat was cut!

After the bandit screamed in pain, he fell down without making a sound.

How scary is it for a woman to be ruthless?

After hearing the movement, another bandit quickly approached from the side of the off-road vehicle, but he only took two steps before seeing a figure flashing in front of him.

The poor guy was suddenly cold, his blood flowed backwards, and his mind went blank.

Joyner's speed has soared to extreme speed, not like human speed at all.


Immediately afterwards, the Sand Bandit was horrified to see the sunlight reflecting off the smooth edge of the blade!


The second sand bandit had a worse ending, and was brought down before he could even make a sound.

Joyner succeeded in another blow, and immediately retreated into the shadow of the off-road vehicle, leaning her back against the door, the air in her lungs compressed violently. Her chest heaved greatly, and her physical strength was already approaching the limit.

She knew that although she successfully killed two enemies this time, she also exhausted her physical strength. I am afraid that the next battle will not be so easy and enjoyable.

Sure enough, two bang bang!

Sparks splashed from the machine cover of the off-road vehicle, and there were two loud noises that made her both familiar and frightened.

Joyner shrank her head instinctively, her heart was startled and vigilant, and her whole body trembled!


Some of these sand bandits are actually carrying hot weapons?

Joyner closed her eyes to perceive the surrounding situation, and forced herself to calm down again.

This is a well-trained, extremely good on-the-spot response. She knew that in such a critical situation where her life was hanging by a thread, the more flustered she was, the easier it was to make mistakes. And she is no longer a fledgling novice.

During her two strikes, she had already seen the positions of the others for a split second, and had sketched a picture of the terrain in her mind. Judging from the location and angle of the gunshot, the shot should have been fired by the bandit leader.

There are still six bandits alive, and one of them is the leader of the bandits wearing a gun. This is her greatest threat and her number one goal.

Joyner regretted not prioritizing the boss. It seems that the long time took away not only her life, but also the ability to predict the battlefield that she was most proud of before.

It's so secretive!

However, she couldn't think of a better way now.

This bandit leader is indeed very cunning. Relying on his gun, he did not rush to approach him. Instead, he hid somewhere a little far away, aimed at her, and shot her secretly as soon as she showed up. If he hadn't moved fast enough , I am afraid that he has been shot and fell to the ground by now.

Under the eyes of the remaining bandits, there was silence in the camp. Those with the keenest senses could vaguely hear a muffled groan coming from where Joyner was hiding.

I only heard the bandit leader shout, "Catch her alive! She's a beautiful woman, come with me, catch her alive!"

"That's right, it's a woman!"

"Yes! I saw it too, she only has a dagger in her hand!"

"Come on, everyone, capture this **** alive!"

Seeing this, the other Sand Bandits barked and shouted again and again.

But they saw that Joyner's skills were extremely fierce, and she had already killed five people in a row, while the latter two didn't even have a chance to react, so they were killed so easily. They were extremely afraid in their hearts, and none of them really dared to charge forward.



Another shot!

The bandit leader couldn't help being furious when he saw the cowardice of the crowd. He fired another round at Joyner's hideout, shattering the SUV's windshield.

"A bunch of cowards! Fuck me!"

"Who the **** doesn't go up again, don't blame me for being cruel, kill him first! Sabah, why are you still standing there!?"

The bandit leader's eyes were tearing apart, and his roar resounded throughout the camp.

The giant man named Sabah actually wanted to rush out, but when he saw how timid the other people were, he followed suit.

But now under the direct roll call of the he was refreshed and immediately jumped out of his hiding place.

The rest of the thugs were also red-eyed at the moment, with panic and fear at the same time, but fearing the death threat of the leader, they could only follow the giant who attacked first, and rushed forward together.

Joyner's face was extremely cold, life and death were on the line.

At this moment, he had already secretly made up his mind, as long as he hid behind the off-road vehicle and did not go out to fight with the bandits, he would not have to be afraid of the other party's bullets at all.

In terms of melee combat, she still has a great hope of defeating them one by one.


The sound of heavy footsteps came from the roof of the off-road vehicle, Joyner suddenly looked up, and saw a huge shadow descending from the sky, rushing towards her!

——It was the mutant giant named Sabah.

She immediately dodged to the side, twisted her body, took a step, and her backhand was a deadly arc.

However, this blow only scratched the wrist guard of the opponent's thick arm. The giant man was more than two meters tall, so it was almost impossible to cut his throat or hit a vital point directly.

No time to think so much!

Joyner raised her breath suddenly, ready to go around and poke at his vest again.

It happened by accident!

Joyner suddenly felt a tightness in her chest, and she couldn't hold her breath, and her strength was rapidly fading away.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of golden stars in front of her eyes!

The convulsed arm muscles trembled violently, the body was uncontrollable, the five fingers were limp and weak, the dagger could no longer be held, and fell to the ground with a "clang".

A second before she fell, she saw a few bewildered and distorted excited faces in her eyes, and a burst of cheers came from her ears.

She also saw darkness.

After that, I don't know anything. ?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's message: