Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 83: What can't be tolerated (10)

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

The pure white statue carved from the whole big stone stands in the hall and is displayed along a certain arc and angle. The largest sculpture is three or four meters high;

The walls are hung with well-made, exquisite materials and gorgeous and detailed metal decorations. Some are shield-like decorations, some are pure works of art, and most of them can't be said to look good, but they don't look low-grade.

Joyner narrowed her eyes and saw a painting hanging above the central stage in the hall.

There are several standing figures on the screen, and the main one is an old man, holding a strange prop like a branch, telling others something, which looks very similar to the religious paintings in the past.

Joyner didn't pay much attention to the content of the painting. She shrugged her nose and looked elsewhere.

The smoke from the mixture of turpentine and spices lingered in various parts of the hall. Accompanied by the smog, the psychedelic light from the stained glass above the head shines down, and the light and shadow change occasionally, which makes people feel like they have entered some kind of fragrant dream.

There are rows of tables made of huge logs spliced ​​together, and the wine is spilled on the tables, exuding a strong smell of alcohol.

Every table is full of men and women with inflated desires, chatting and laughing happily, wearing flashy and exaggerated clothes, it seems that everyone has become a passer-by in someone else's life, closely intertwined in the intertwined latitude and longitude of life.

The noisy sound continued from the corridor to the depths of the hall.

Everything in front of me feels very outrageous, as if the slums outside have nothing to do with the people here, they all seem to be living in a dream.

What surprised Joyner the most was that there was actually a slowly flowing circular "stream" on both sides of the hall.

This "stream" seems to be artificially arranged, and it is made into a strangely shaped water channel, winding from the second floor of the wooden platform to the surrounding of the hall.

Inexhaustible drinking water flows in the "creek", and a few exquisite small wooden barrels float on the stream from time to time, and every guest can drink water from here without any effort.

Of course, customers prefer drinks.

Not only because alcohol makes them more interested, but also because clean water is completely free here—unlike at the bazaar, no one likes free things in Jiguan.

Joyner watched carefully in the corner and stood there for a long time.

She wasn't entirely new to the seemingly luxurious contents of the building. For example, those white sculptures that look a bit old, and those exquisite metal decorations, this kind of thing is obviously a decoration placed in the lobby of a luxury hotel in the previous era.

But the poor imitation made by these people is fully exposed here.

Joyner guessed that humans in this era dug up the artworks of the past from the ruins, scrubbed them clean, and polished them to a brilliance, but only partially restored them to their original appearance. At the same time, people here regard it as a treasure, or a replica of the luxurious life of the past.

So, according to Joyner's memory, she quickly guessed what the predecessor of this building was.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"

A waiter was slightly surprised when he saw Joyner's dress, and came over to ask.

"No, I'm just wandering around."

Joyner hid her face in the shadows, her voice low.

The waiter hit a soft nail, but still refused to give up with a smile on his face, and said, "Then let me find you a table, or order some drinks? No matter what you like, we provide it here, and our service Always very good and has a good reputation. If you want to try something different, we can also…”

"No, I'm not here to play, so don't worry about me." Joyner interrupted the other party with a blunt expression.

She just wanted to investigate secretly and didn't want to attract too much attention, so she declined the waiter politely.

"Take it and go away." She casually tipped the waiter a rupee and sent him away.

The waiter lowered his head and immediately widened his eyes.

Seeing Joyner give him such a large amount of money casually, he was also shocked.

These waiters serve more customers on weekdays, and they all have a good eye for price.

He immediately understood what Joyner meant: the people who came here to have fun, both men and women, were rich people, and the gatekeeper would not let them in without money. Moreover, many people came here secretly, maybe they dressed like this to deceive others.

So the waiter didn't ask any more questions, and bowed respectfully to salute, and walked away.

Joyner leaned against the wall alone and looked at everything in front of her.

It seems that there are quite a lot of customers who spend a lot of money here, and there is a touch of sweet fragrance and glamorous colors everywhere.

Singing and dancing, carnival, hustle and bustle, groaning and unrestrained uninhibitedness are the basic mood here. This is the paradise for the rich in Hidden Sandcastle.

Joyner saw that in order to create a sense of mystery and more vigorous desire, several slender singers were covered with veils, twisting their limbs on the circular stage on the first floor, accompanied by a heartbeat rhythm, from time to time Make bold provocations.

The light reflected a little on their skin, leaving beautiful curves every moment, but the guests in the hall basically paid little attention to them.

Joyner speculated that the strong fragrance here may be to mask the smell of the human body.

Because in addition to the fragrance, she also smelled sour. She saw in a dark corner, pairs of figures writhing under the flickering candlelight, doing things that made people blush and heartbeat without any shyness.

Everyone was busy having fun, and no one cared about Joyner's appearance.

At this time, a potbellied and drunk man came to Joyner. With an obscene smile on his face, he staggered and reached out to touch Joyner's body.

"Step aside."

Joyner gave a low cry, and the man shrank his head timidly, but did not move his feet.

Joyner sighed, stretched out her arm, twisted the man's arm, and drew a half arc back and forth in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, he took advantage of the momentum to pull it down, and with the other hand lightly flicked, the man fell face down on the table.


The man's stomach suddenly turned upside down, and he vomited all over the floor after a while.

This kind of drunk guy often plus the hall is messy, everyone is busy with their own pastimes, so few people notice this scene.

Even if they see it, they will quickly turn their heads indifferently, and don't care.

Joyner cleaned up the man, covered her nose and walked away quickly.

The purpose of her coming here is to look for the traces of those bandits and see what they are doing here. But after entering, those people disappeared, and then she was attracted by the environment in the Ji Pavilion, and she was delayed unconsciously.

However, Joyner also noticed that her attire didn't match the environment here at all.

So she simply removed her hood and cloak, revealing her loose red hair.

Joyner looked left and right, found a gorgeous tablecloth nearby, easily tore half of it, directly made it into a skirt, and tied it with a button around her waist.

That way she doesn't look so shabby, but she's dressed like a dancing girl.