Star Ring Mission

Chapter 3: Memories

Su Mo looked at the sumptuous food in front of her, and gradually fell into memory.

When he was eight years old, he and his grandfather were still living within a high wall. In his memory, the high walls were full of new and splendid houses, the environment was very beautiful, and even the air was fresh.

But suddenly one day, Grandpa secretly sold all his assets and escaped from the high wall incognito overnight.

The reason is also very simple. I don't know who has offended me. There are often people wandering and peeping at my door.

Originally, my parents died in a car accident. This incident has already made my grandfather worried, not to mention the weird things that have happened over the years.

Because he was worried that something would happen, he escaped.

In the end, he settled here and bought a large number of properties.

And every birthday, grandpa would bring himself here for dinner.

As for the so-called high wall that separates the rich and the common people, it has existed for hundreds of years.

Two hundred years ago, an extremely tragic nuclear war broke out in this world. A large number of people died, and the earth, air, and ocean were polluted by radiation.

At the end of the war, the countries that had been baptized by disaster finally realized that at the end of the war, no one was the winner, so they shook hands and made peace, and established a loose federal system to discuss and resolve the contradictions between countries.

Clearly reject war and embrace peace as its purpose. Conflicts that can be resolved through talks should never be used force. If not, use other methods to solve it, including virtual game confrontation.

Therefore, the game industry in this world is very developed.

However, the shadow of war will not fade so easily. Although the world is at peace, and all countries are working together to manage the environment, the residual radiation is like the gangrene of the tarsus, plaguing everyone.

The radiation value of all wild animals, plants and marine life exceeds the standard, and basically no one eats them.

Fortunately, with the explosion of technology, artificial synthesis technology has made breakthroughs. Among them, starch can be synthesized in large quantities artificially, and poultry such as pigs, ducks, cattle and sheep can be cultivated with hormones to achieve rapid production.

As for vegetables, they can be cultivated by soilless chemistry, but because green plants will accumulate pollution, they should be cultivated in non-polluting fresh water.

This also makes it unaffordable for ordinary civilians to consume.

The whole people have entered the era of meat-eating, and meat products are the cheapest in this era. And pollution-free vegetables and artificial pollution-free feeding ingredients have become the top existence.

At the same time, due to the advent of the Great Peace, the gap between the rich and the poor has skyrocketed, and countless rich and chaebols have been born in various countries.

The contradiction between different classes has become more and more serious.

To avoid unnecessary conflict, and drastically reduce anxiety, jealousy, violence and crime. All the rich and chaebols gathered in the center of each city and built high walls. They live within high walls, enjoy the best of everything in this world, and there is nothing special about them that will not step outside the walls.

And the civilians outside, if there is no special thing, will not enter the high wall, so the contradiction between the two extreme classes has eased a lot.

However, it also caused a generational difference in technology between the two, an entire era.

In addition, the significance of the existence of high walls is not only to restrict the activities of both parties. At the same time, it is also a self-restraint for the chaebol, and it is strictly forbidden for the chaebol to arbitrarily harvest the leeks of the people below.

For external civilians, the state also distributes a lot of welfare, and all the people receive education for free. Of course, there are still differences between good and bad, which will directly affect future development.

Everyone in this era will be assigned to work. However, due to the development of science and technology, heavy work has basically been replaced by machinery and artificial intelligence. Most of the work is easy and the salary is good. It is enough to support myself, and there is still a little left over, but it is impossible to make a fortune. of.

Because most people's working hours are constant, they can only work four hours a day. After you get off work, even if you want to have a part-time job, you can't find other jobs because there are very few.

There are so many technological products in this world, and the remaining money is simply not enough to spend.

People who have finished work have nothing to do, in order to prevent them from wandering the streets and become a factor of unrest.

Therefore, countries vigorously promote various entertainments, including games.


At this moment, a roaring explosion sounded!

Boom! !

Three decent second-hand sports cars, one drifting, parked neatly in front of the Zhaoji Hotel.

Then a young man with his hair burst and dyed golden, got out of the car wearing a floral shirt, picked up a few banknotes and threw them to a tolling uncle next to him.

"Be optimistic about Lao Tzu's car, don't let anyone scratch it, you won't be able to pay!"



After speaking, the young man walked into the Zhaoji Hotel with a group of younger brothers.

"Brother Zhang Wu, it's absolutely right to choose this guy's restaurant. This guy's restaurant has the best taste around here, and the girl will be satisfied later."

"Okay! Boss!"

Zhang Wu shouted loudly.

"I'm coming."

Uncle Zhao smiled and walked up to say hello.

"I heard that you cook well here. The university next door will be over soon. My girlfriend is coming over for dinner. What do you want to eat?"

"Beef, lamb, pork, hamburgers, fried chicken, sea fish, everything!"

After Zhang Wu heard this, he pouted and said in dissatisfaction.

"It's all meat, so there's no vegetarian food?"

"Oh, there's no such thing."

Uncle Zhao responded with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Wu inadvertently glanced at the food on Su Mo's table next to him, his eyes lit up and said, "Aren't those?"

"Uh, those were made by others after a long time of reservations, so there's no such thing."

"It's really a disappointment, one for each signature dish. UU Reading"

"Ok, no problem."

Uncle Zhao answered cheerfully.

Zhang Wu glanced at Su Mo coldly, this kid is very strange, he is in a daze for such a good meal.

Then he found a place to sit down.

Not long after, a fashionably dressed school girl walked in and shouted tenderly.

"Brother Zhang."

"Oh, Xiaowen, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Zhang Wu stood up, feeling very happy, he stretched out his hand and pulled the girl beside him and sat down.

"Isn't it just after school, I'm here for the first time."

Xiaowen replied with a little complaint.

"Brother, I understand. You see, I ordered such a large table of delicious food waiting for you. Come and tell me what you want to eat, and I'll take it for you."

Zhang Wu asked diligently.

"Hey, why is there meat every day. People are getting fat, and they want to eat vegetables."

Xiaowen complained a little unhappily.

"Oh, I also know that green vegetables are delicious. The problem is that they are poor and expensive."

Zhang Wu quickly coaxed.

"What, isn't there someone eating over there? Why isn't there any more."

"That was reserved a long time ago. How could it be at a time. Be obedient. Next time, brother will prepare it for you."

"I don't want it, I just want to eat green vegetables. You don't mean that you can do anything here. I can't eat anything that others can eat."

Xiaowen threw the chopsticks aside and twisted her face to the side, looking very angry.

The younger brother next to him looked at the elder brother in amazement. They knew that the sister-in-law's temper was not very good, but they didn't expect that the elder brother would not be able to hang his face in public.