Star Ring Mission

Chapter 834: contribute

, the fastest update Starlink Mission!

Su Mo listened to their discussion, and there was a strange look on his face.

It didn't take long for Su Mo to come to the entrance of the administrative building. The place was overcrowded and there were loud shouts everywhere.

"Give way!"

"Step aside."


After Su Mo saw it, he also said with some emotion: "So many people contribute."

"That's because you can get enough benefits by making contributions, and naturally everyone is mad."

The fake owner Devourer said in a low voice.

"Also, having said that, the city lord of this Star Ring City is really willing to give benefits. To be honest, seeing the effect of contribution value, I am heartbroken. I regret not coming to brush sooner. It is estimated that we will lag behind by a lot of progress. Here There should be a lot of people in it, and they came to brush the contribution value from the beginning, no! You should know Starlink City very well, why didn't you remind me to brush the contribution earlier."

The more Su Mo thought about it, the more wrong it became. The fake owner, Devourer, didn't remind himself of such a good thing.

You must know that the contribution value of Star Ring City is very useful, even better than Star Coins in a sense.

The contribution value can be used to exchange for the account of Star Ring City. With the account, you can stay in Star Ring City for a long time without paying the stranded money every day.

And with a hukou, you can buy real estate in Star Ring City.

It is equivalent to saying that without an account, there is no way to buy real estate with money.

And the most important point, with the Hukou of Star Ring City, even if you are independent from the original country's system, their laws will not have any binding effect on you.

At the same time, even if the original country goes bankrupt, it has nothing to do with you and will not be implicated.

Also, if the contribution value reaches a certain level, you can also exchange for the honorary title of Star Ring City Noble, and enjoy some conveniences.

It is worth noting that this title has no real power. But when you get the title of a high enough noble, you can enter and exit the inner area of ​​Starlink City.

In a sense, even the upper class celebrities.

In addition, the contribution value can also be used to exchange for various special permissions, such as the qualification to purchase high-level weapons, the license qualification for high-level weapons, and even the ability to use the contribution value to ask the troops of Starlink City to help with things.

In short, the contribution value can do many special things.

After listening to the forger, Devourer, he replied coldly: "Remind you to brush contribution points? Isn't that reminding you to act as a lackey for Starlink City? To put it bluntly, the so-called welfare is the bones that Starlink City gives to the dog. ."

"Cough, don't say it so ugly, we are not here to brush the contribution value, it is hard to even scold ourselves."

Su Mo was helpless.


The fake owner, the Devourer, also seems to think it is not right, so I didn't complain specifically.

Su Mo looked around the entire hall a little. There was a row of office windows in the innermost area of ​​the hall.

At the same time, there are holographic publicity projections on both sides of the hall.

You can clearly see recently released tasks.

Su Mo stood there and watched for a while, watching the rolling tasks.

The number of tasks released by Starlink City is very large and complex, some require killing monsters, and some require collecting materials. There are even those who request to go to a certain star field to drop equipment, and to a certain planet to conduct climate or various investigations.

All missions are divided into nine levels.

SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F.

Among them, Su Mo saw a very familiar S-class mission to develop Ceres.

This is an open task, that is to say, there is no limit to the number of people to take the task, of course, there are conditions for taking the task.

If I remember correctly, all nations take this mission.

It is also worth mentioning that the main body of brush contribution can be an individual or a country.

Su Mo looked at the list of tasks that had been accepted, and was a little itchy, so she walked towards the office window.

As a result, halfway through, a row of tall figures blocked his path.

I saw a 3-meter-high, heavy-duty mechanical armor, muscular body, savage-looking big men lined up in a row blocking the way, they looked at everyone present with absurd eyes.

Su Mo looked at the scattered people around, and found that although many people had anger on their faces, they did not dare to say a word.

Most people seem to be used to it.


Su Mo sighed slightly, no matter how stupid he was, he could see that these guys were blocking the way on purpose.

Really arrogant as always.

At this time, a non-commissioned officer of the Imperial Army came over not far away, and the human wall immediately made a small opening and let his own people go in and take over the task.

The key is that there is nothing to do with them, they are standing here, you can't hit them, you can't move them.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as picking quarrels and provoking trouble, causing trouble in Starlink City, and the price is very high.

But how could Su Mo be really cowardly? He was about to go forward when he was stopped.

"Brother, do you want to go there?"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Su Mo.

Su Mo turned to look over.

An uncle wearing a second-generation mechanical armor asked.


Su Mo responded quickly.

"At first glance, you look like a newcomer, don't go forward, you will be troubled by those barbarians. When you leave Starlink City, they will definitely focus on cleaning you up. of."

"You can't stand still."

"You can rest assured that their good tasks are almost completed, and they will be scattered. Normally, it will not exceed two o'clock in the afternoon."

The uncle said to Su Mo.

Su Mo's face twitched, he squeezed out a smile and chatted with Uncle Eye: "This doesn't mean eating what others have left, no one cares about this?"

"The Confederates don't care, who's in charge? In the early days, there were a few stronger groups who couldn't stand it and clashed with them. As a result, when those groups went out to do missions, they were directly targeted by the Imperial Army, and they were all wiped out. Deliberately throwing images on the forum, the method is cruel and can scare people to death."

The uncle explained helplessly.

"Brilliant, what's your name, uncle?"

Su Mo's face twitched, these guys were playing really hard, while using the rules of Star Ring City to set up a human wall. On the one hand, he used iron and blood to establish his prestige, and in disguise, he put good tasks into his own pockets and worked hard to eat them. No wonder the imperial army became fatter and fatter.

In this regard, the Allied Powers are indeed not as good as the Imperial Army.

In any case, scattered people are actually one of the components of the power of various countries.

"My name is Lei Xi, and I'm a freelance mercenary."

Lei Xi introduced himself with a smile.

"Thank you! Uncle Lei Xi reminded me."

Su Mo replied gratefully.

"No thanks, I think when I first came here to contribute, I was also a rookie, and a kind-hearted person passing by reminded me, otherwise I would run into it too."

Lei Xi responded bluntly.

"By the way, Uncle Lei Xi, if it's an official member of the Confederate country who wants to take over the mission, won't these people let them?"

Su Mo suddenly asked curiously.