Star Ring Mission

Chapter 874: Eden Field

During the time of the return flight, Su Mo had carefully analyzed the battle between him and Heath. If the two of them put aside all external factors, Su Mo is sure that he has a 5.5% chance of winning.

The reason why he was beaten so embarrassingly was that the performance of the mecha could not keep up.

If his mecha's performance is the same as the opponent's, or if the charge of the fake owner, Devourer, is higher, the situation will be reversed.


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Behind the Star Ring City, Yindian Starry Sky.

A special star with a standard size, the artificial sun, floats in the starry sky and emits light gently.

A large number of special mechanical suppressors are embedded in the entire surface of the star.

These mechanical suppressors, constantly flashing light, regulate the internal energy changes.

With the artificial sun as the center, a ring-shaped star belt similar to a ribbon is wound around it.

The interior of the star belt is densely populated with giant cities full of futuristic technology, and a large number of aircraft are flying along the ring-shaped ribbon.

A little further out, in the orbit of the planet, there are seven azure suitable planets evenly distributed.

Every planet has vast oceans, towering mountains, and endless forests.

Flocks of animals can be seen running on the grassland, and birds are flying freely in the sky.

In the ocean, countless schools of fish are swimming.

In the inland region of the planet, there are magnificent cities, with criss-crossing streets, children playing and playing on the road, and speeding cars galloping in the air.

Everyone walking on the road had a bright smile on their face.

In the most central area of ​​the city, huge factories stand tall.

Dense crowds like ants come in and out.

The machines in the factory are running 24 hours a day.


In the outermost area of ​​Yindian Starry Sky, artificially transformed planetary fortresses are floating, surrounded by defensive orbiting satellites.

At the same time, ships were floating.

From a distance, the starry sky is only hazy, like a huge and chaotic nebula, and the rest can't be seen at all.

Planetary Fortress Thunder Command Room.

A middle-aged man in a military uniform of the City of Star Rings sat leisurely on the command chair with a cup of hot coffee in his hand.

He took a sip, looking very relaxed.

The operators next to them sat in their respective positions and were busy working.

Just then, a warning box popped up on the virtual operation screen.

"Warning, a large comet has been scanned, approaching at high speed."

Immediately after the virtual image emerged, an extremely bright comet with a dazzling flame tail came into view.

Standing aside, a very good-looking female officer dressed in a blue military uniform, hat, and ponytail spoke up and reported.

"Commander Doni! A large comet has been spotted approaching."

"Don't be nervous, it's no big deal. Molly ordered the outer orbiting satellite, loaded the railgun, and destroyed it."

Donny said calmly.

"Yes, the satellite railgun is ready to load."

Molly saluted and turned to give orders to the operator on the side.

Immediately, everyone moved, and one after another command was entered.

I saw that on the virtual image, the icons of orbiting satellites lit up and began to move.

Soon an operator reported.

"The satellite in orbit 18 has entered the designated launch position."

"23 good orbiting satellites entered the designated launch location."


"everything's ready!"


Molly waved her hand and gave the order neatly.

In the starry sky, the orbiting satellites unfolded like a ready-made flower bag, followed by a blue beam of light. The beams came together in a super-coarse beam that headed towards the comet.

The corners of Duny's mouth rose slightly, and he said.

"Zoom in the optical image, I haven't seen a beautiful blasting scene for a long time."


Molly replied respectfully.

I saw the optical image zoomed in further.

In the starry sky, the huge blue light beam that gathered together cut through the dark starry sky and blasted towards the comet head-on.

Seeing the grand fireworks scene, it is about to appear.

At this moment, a special standpoint barrier suddenly formed on the surface of the comet out of thin air.


The blue beam bombarded the stand barrier and blocked it directly.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this scene, Donny slapped the handrail and stood up, and said in shock.

"Position barrier?"

At this time, a prompt popped up on the holographic image screen: "Warning, the target number C01 Comet is accelerating!"

"Commander, the target has accelerated and is attacking us!"

Molly reacted and hurriedly reported.

"Load the planetary cannon immediately! Order the Star Destroyer Razer to charge the main gun, load all conventional weapons, and stop the comet for me."

Commander Dhoni immediately issued an order as if facing an enemy.


Molly responded immediately.

In an instant, a ship in the starry sky opened the launch port, and each missile warhead was exposed. Immediately after, a 180-kilometer-long, blue-armored Star Destroyer flew forward, and its main guns extended out, constantly gathering huge energy, and the entire main guns flashed blue. thunder light.

At the same time, the thundering planetary fortress opened dense launch ports on the surface of the whole body, and the 30-kilometer-long giant planetary cannon in the center also began to frantically store energy.

Then countless missiles were fired towards the comet!


Missiles hit the comet's stand barrier and exploded.

The originally dark starry sky was illuminated.

However, it is a pity that the standpoint barrier displayed by the comet has nothing.

In the command room of the Thunder Fortress, Duny looked at the barrier that did not waver at all, with a terrifying expression on his face.

"Sword Comes"

Everyone in the command room did not dare to take a breath.

Just after this verification, Molly Hui reported: "Report to Commander Dhoni, the charging of the planetary guns is completed, and the charging of the main guns of the Star Destroyer Razer is completed!"

"Let's launch together!"

Duny gave the order without hesitation!

In an instant, two beams of light containing terrifying power blasted the comet aggressively.

All the hearts of everyone have been raised. If this cannot be destroyed, things will be in big trouble.

In the next second, the two beams of light did not accidentally bombard the comet's position barrier, but unfortunately all of them were sputtered and had no effect at all.

"how is this possible?"

Molly and the others were dumbfounded.

An even more shocking scene appeared, the huge comet began to accelerate frantically and hit very fast.

Duny was completely uncertain at this time, and his face changed greatly and he shouted.

"Order everyone, at any cost, to attack me and stop it!"


In the starry sky, various beams and missiles poured wildly towards the comet.

It's a pity that it is of no use, and all are blocked by the position barrier.

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