Star-source Legend

Chapter 1491: Three strong

"I have seen the leader."

Immediately afterwards, these three powerhouses also bowed directly to the cracking sky to meet.

"Get up quickly, don't be so polite, the three have always guarded Feiyunxing, protecting the integrity of our human territory and preventing the invasion of the monster race, which can be said to be indispensable.

By the way, why didn't you see the other two elders? "

Looking at the three people in front of him, Cracking Heaven also came to the front to lift them up, and then asked immediately.

"Report to the leader that Lao Xu went to Floating Star to visit his grandson. As for Lao Gao, he said before that he felt a sense of the mid-term opportunity, so he went straight to retreat to see if he could make a breakthrough. ."

Hearing what Cracking Heaven asked, the burly old man with golden horns also hurriedly said at this moment.

"Oh? This is good news. If Gao Qiang can break through, Feiyunxing's overall strength will increase again. But counting the time, Gao Qiang has been at its initial peak for more than 40 million years, and now it is finally defending. If the cloud opens up and sees the bright moon, there is a chance to enter the middle stage."

Hearing what this person said, Split Sky was also very surprised at the moment, and at the same time he felt more happy.

After all, no matter which one of the ancestral realms among humans has made a breakthrough, it also means that the overall strength of mankind has been improved. As the leader of the universe alliance, it is the first person in the entire human alliance. Feel happy.

"Gao Qiang can sense the opportunity, I think the three of you will also have to work hard. After all, the three of you are also at the peak of the initial stage, one step away from the mid-term.

If you can all make a breakthrough, I think the strength between our humans and the monster race will be closer. "

Cracking the sky also looked at the three and said.

"Yes, lord, we will work hard. It's just that the potential of our three is basically over. Unlike Lao Gao, who is more than 10 million years younger than us, plus some time ago, we took a top class. The cleansing fruit of the marrow further strengthens his own body, and this is the only way to realize it.

For the three of us, unless there is a chance against the sky, it is estimated that we can only maintain the current state. "

At this moment, the old man with the bones of fairy wind also spoke.

"Well, this is indeed a problem. Your original breakthrough was also a coincidence. It is very rare to be able to reach the present level for so many years.

However, don't give up so early.

Once we wait for our Tri-Clan Trial to take advantage, then we will be able to occupy a wider territory. At that time, there may be a chance to get the fifth round of golden round fruit from the monster clan.

If you take it at that time, there is still a great possibility for further breakthroughs.

You are a very important force for our human beings today, so there must be absolutely no pessimism. "

Hearing what this person said, Split Sky also nodded.

He knew that what several people said was reality. A person’s potential cannot always explode. The three of them can reach the peak of the initial stage of the ancestral realm. It can be said that they have already exceeded the original potential limit, and they want to be further improved, unless they can further their life level. Promote.

This kind of treasure is not unavailable, but each one is very rare.

The fifth round of golden round fruit is the fruit of a special powerful plant that grows in the Yaozu area. It can further stimulate a person's potential and is also a very rare treasure.

However, it is basically impossible to obtain it. After all, it is impossible for them to break into the territory of the Yaozu.

And this trial of the three races is where the hope lies.

"Come on, let me introduce to you. This is my new apprentice, Zhang Fan. Just call him A Fan. After participating in their selection of cosmic geniuses, A Fan has been in retreat. In the state, I was sent to the original universe later, so many of you only heard about him but didn't understand him.

However, now Afan did not disappoint me. His own strength has already been promoted to the late stage of Dao Sage realm. I think there should be few opponents within the same level.

Afan, this is a few powerful men responsible for guarding Feiyunxing. Among them, this is called Niu Qing, from the Golden Horn family of our human beings, and is also the patriarch of the Golden Horn family today, whose strength is at the peak of the early ancestral realm. .

This is the old man from Kunlun, from the door of the gods, and from the earth just like you. You are a fellow, haha.

And this one is currently the patriarch of the Golden Family in our entire human camp. You call him Jin. Of course, because the chances of the Golden Family giving birth to offspring are much harder than that of the Titans, and it is also a guide for all members of the entire Golden Family. No more than forty.

However, even so, no one underestimated the Golden Family.

Both of them were at the peak of the early ancestral realm. "

At this moment, Splitting Sky also pulled Zhang Fan and introduced him to the three strong men. At the same time, he also informed Zhang Fan of their information.