Star-source Legend

Chapter 435: Requirements for annual assessment (belo

Unknowingly, two hours passed quietly. Then, Zhang Fan and the others went to Lingchi. However, this time, Wang Teng and the others did not let Zhang Fan pay the points, but rushed to deduct them in advance. Points, according to what they said, the two of them didn’t do anything, so they got 5000 points directly. Moreover, after knowing everyone for so long, there is not much time to get together. It won’t take long before the two of them will leave. , So Zhang Fan and the others no longer refuse.

After more than two hours, everyone walked out of the Lingchi refreshedly. After that, Wang Teng and Zhang Fan and the others also bid farewell, and Zhang Fan and the others returned to the freshman dormitory.

At this time, everyone received the same information in their communication watches, which was the annual assessment.

This is a comprehensive test conducted by Gulan College every year for newly enrolled students. If they do not meet the standards, they can only leave Gulan College.

"Damn, this assessment requirement is too scary? If we say this, don't we have any advantage instead?"

In the public communication room, after Liu Hui read the information of the annual assessment at this time, the whole person became very surprised.

"Yes, I originally thought that our strength should be raised to the Martial Spirit Realm, and the requirements should be lower. Unexpectedly, it is still not much different from others. This is really a problem for us."

Even Murong Tian, ​​who has always been a little talkative, couldn't help nodding his head and vomit.

After other people read the information at this moment, they all leaked a wry smile. This request is really abnormal.

According to the requirements of the annual assessment, newly enrolled students must upgrade their realm to a level within one year, otherwise they will have to leave Gulan Academy.

Moreover, during the annual assessment, within one day, everyone has to kill at least 10 monsters that exceed their own strength. That is to say, if the strength of an academy is in the middle stage of the internal organs, then you have to kill 10 middle-stage monsters. Monster.

Zhang Fan and the others are in the early stage of the Martial Soul Realm, so they need to kill 10 high-level early peak or even mid-stage monsters.

Fortunately, the first requirement is that after entering Gulan Academy, everyone can achieve a level within a year, but the second one is very difficult.

After all, some high-level mid-term monsters are comparable in strength to the late-term monsters.

Among the crowd, Zhang Fan and Hong Lie also had this certainty, and the others still couldn't meet this requirement.

"I don't know who made this rule. Is it possible that the improvement of strength is wrong? I have no sense of accomplishment of reaching the Martial Spirit Realm."

Liu Yun said at this moment.

"Well, I haven't tried it, so how can I know that it's not working? It's only four months now, and there are still eight full months for us to prepare. According to our plan, I think the problem shouldn't be big.

Among us, I am worried that Gu Qian and Chu Ying, girls, face monsters, generally speaking, they will have a certain degree of fear, which is very unfavorable for killing monsters. Therefore, during the next period of time, we should try our best to train them both, especially in the battle against monsters.

The rules of Gulan Academy are very strict. Once it is not passed, even the dean will be powerless, otherwise it will make other students dissatisfied. "

Zhang Fan also spoke at this time, and then looked at Gu Lan and Chu Ying: "Gu Qian, Chu Ying, every time I go to hunt monsters, I will try my best to stay with you and help you point out the shortcomings until you Has the ability to kill 10 high-level mid-range monsters in one day.

As for the rest of you, just follow my previous plan. No need to deliberately change. Have confidence in yourself. After all, 79 of the 100 people in the previous session passed 79. As the best in this group, if we are eliminated, it will really make others laugh. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the two also nodded at the moment.

"That's it, go back early to rest, and remember to gather on time tomorrow."

Looking at the crowd, Zhang Fan also said directly, then he got up, left the public communication room with the crowd, and returned to his room.