Star-source Legend

Chapter 98: End of assessment (in)

"This kid is really an enchanting evildoer. He has this kind of strength when he is less than eighteen years old. The guy surnamed Xu probably has already enjoyed his psychological well-being."

Looking at Zhang Fan, Mu Lao also thought of it psychologically.

Especially seeing the Hurricane Wolf hung on the far wall, the corners of his mouth twitched.

This kind of power can really be achieved by a warrior?

"Okay, don't say more, your partner's situation is not good, I will take him out first. As for you, the monsters here are no longer a threat to you, so you also go out with me.

Anyway, your points are absolutely No. 1, otherwise, if you let you kill, how will others conduct the assessment. "

At this time, Zhang Fan didn't have time to speak, and the whole person was directly picked up by Xu Laodan's hand, directly soaring into the sky, and then blasting away from the town.

In just a few seconds, after Zhang Fan reacted, he appeared in the tent.

After lying on the ground, Zhang Fan stopped feeling fainting after a while, and then looked around.

Suddenly, it was discovered that a dozen people were all looking at themselves with surprise at the moment, as if they had discovered some food or prey, which made Zhang Fan's scalp numb, very embarrassing.

Under the gaze of these people, Zhang Fan felt as if he had been stripped naked, and all the secrets were invisible.

After seeing Mr. Xu, he immediately came behind Mr. Xu. For an instant, it seemed that he had found the backbone, and the whole person became less nervous.

And Xu Lao, watching Zhang Fan come behind him, also smiled and said nothing.

Later, after two more troops came to pick up Hu Zhi, the entire tent fell silent for a while.

"Um, sirs, seniors, old Xu, old Mu, can I contact one of my friends first? She should also be looking for Hu Zhi now, I'm afraid she will be in danger."

At this time, Zhang Fan also turned around and asked.

"Haha, yes, of course, you can contact me first."

At this time, the middle-aged officer also laughed, looking at Zhang Fan and said.

The others also looked at Zhang Fan with a smile.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly told Zhong Ling about him and Hu Zhi through the communication device, and then the whole person was relieved.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, they are all my own. Except for the two old guys of us, everyone else should be about the same age as your father, maybe slightly older. You can call them uncles. Come, let me introduce you one by one. "

Seeing Zhang Fan a little nervous, Old Xu smiled and patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder, and then introduced them one by one.

And after Zhang Fan stepped forward to say hello one by one, he also understood everyone.

The middle-aged officer is currently the highest officer of the first military region and a major general named Mahan. And everyone else is the head of many important departments of China Huaxia or the leaders of some large forces.

For a while, Zhang Fan also felt tremendous pressure. After all, these people and ordinary people are not easily accessible.

"Hehe, Afan, you should go back to the place where you rested before. You have passed the martial arts assessment. After all, your points are now number one, so hurry up and take a good rest.

Tomorrow, after the other people's assessment is over, leave together.

As for Hu Zhi, you don’t have to worry, there is the most advanced medical cabin here, which can fully recover in the shortest time. You can see him alive and kicking tomorrow. "

At this time, Old Xu also said to Zhang Fan.

Nodding and shouting, Zhang Fan greeted everyone, and walked out of the tent, and then returned to where he had rested.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Fan directly closed his eyes, and at the same time, his thoughts appeared in the space of Star Source Debris.