Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 33: Aspirin 13

Ye Qiao hung up the phone and called Shen Ting to confirm the next itinerary before returning the phone to her owner. It was a handsome college boy, dressed in simple and clean clothes, laughing with two shallow dimples. When she got her mobile phone back, she said to her, "Thank you."

It should be that she wants to say thank you. Ye Qiao smiled at him in good faith, took a small box of suede from the bag and said, "It is a long-distance domestic call. It may cost you a lot of money. Send you a small gift to compensate?"

The boy shyly refused: "No need. Just do it."

Far from a girl, carrying a neverfull bag of bulging, shouting "sink" to come here.

The boys quickly went up to help her take the bag and said, "How come?"

The woman was angrily screaming and replied: "There are too many things to bring, and I have spent a lot of effort when I checked. Have you waited for a long time?" She tipped her toes to help him sort out the woolen cap on his head. As a result, he looked up. I saw Ye Qiao behind him.

Ye Qiao actually recognized her long ago and smiled and said hello: "Zhao Mo."

Zhao Mo's face was a stiff face. He saw the package of the game next to Ye Qiao's position, knowing that the two men had a chance to sit next to each other. Ye Qiao easily read out many concerns from her eyes, but in her opinion, there is no need at all. She didn't want to destroy the atmosphere. She said in a round: "It's so good. Is this your boyfriend?"

Zhao Mo smiled and still groaned and nodded and said, "Well. He is a little younger than me. He is still studying at the film school." He introduced to her little boyfriend, "This is Ye Qiao's sister... You are in school late, maybe I have never heard of it. The characters of the previous sessions."

Shen Yi "snacked" and readily reached out and revealed two dimples: "Sister is good. Just think that the sister is a bit familiar, I didn't expect to be an alumnus."

Ye Qiao stretched his hand and said, "I have just worked with Zhao Mo on a film. It is also a fate in this encounter." She re-delivered the gift box. "Since everyone knows, you will accept this thing." Let me give it to your girlfriend." After giving the eyes to Zhao Mo, the camp was clear.

Zhao Mosong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How can this be so..."

"He just helped me a favor. Sending you is supposed to be." Ye Qiao said this, Zhao Mo and his boyfriend looked at each other and finally took the box and opened it. It was a pair of exquisite silver earrings. When she sat down, she whispered with Shen: "What did you do for your sister?" Shen Yi said very innocently: "I just called her by mobile phone. Her mobile phone seems to be lost. The sister is very good." Zhao Mo felt that it was too unreasonable to take Ye Qiao’s gift for this matter, and he gave a apology to Ye Qiao. Ye Qiao shook his head and said no.

Zhao Mo took his boyfriend's hand and said quietly for a while. He turned back and chatted with Ye Qiao: "Do you come to Haicheng for Joe?"

"No, just come to an auction." However, the auction did not officially start, she changed the ticket back. Ye Qiao felt a few irony and smiled: "The pair of earrings in your hand is bought there."

Zhao Mo was eager to return the gift box: "How nice this is, too expensive."

"You misunderstood." Ye Qiao smiled softly. "It wasn't auctioned at the auction. Don't worry. This level of auction has a subsidiary's product display. Ferra has a jewelry brand, I bought it on the ordinary. The style, originally intended to send cousin." She did not say, because of the unintentional loss of Qianxi, he was originally prepared to conceal her gift for punishment.

Zhao Mo mouth said "That thank you Joe sister", but my heart is that Ferra's jewelry brand, spokesperson is not Cheng Jiang? Ye Qiao actually has a wide heart to this point. Is it really unknown?

She has too many thoughts, and Ye Qiao has some resentment of other people’s random associations in front of her face, and interrupted her to try to figure out: "Are you coming to Haicheng?"

Zhao Mo has only returned to the world, his cheeks are slightly reddish: "I and Shen Yi are both Haicheng people, this time I came back to see my parents..."

Ye Qiao said: "It's very good." At the end of the road, "I just came back in a few days, and you work very hard."

Zhao Moxuan said: "This is an audition to Yangcheng, Hengshan Film's "Innocent City", Wang Qingming's new work. There are rumors on the Internet, saying that Wang Dao has contacted your sister and your company, I hope you will star in the two women. One of the Lords is true?" When she asked, the bottom of my heart actually had an answer. Ye Qiao went to Yangcheng at this time, and the rumors were basically □ □ □ □.

Ye Qiao Emei, in her view, she starred in "Innocent City" or eight characters are not a single thing, there are such rumors on the Internet, certainly not the film or the company's official channels to release. When the actor did not confirm to join a film, he told the news that he was already the hostess. It is inevitable that Wang will not think that she is self-proclaimed. Who will deliberately release such news to confuse the audience?

There was nothing wrong with the audition. Ye Qiao whispered the rest of the story: "I just went to the audition. The final result is still inconclusive. You have also taken a lot of films. How to write on the confidentiality clause should be very clear."

Zhao Mo knows how to talk, but fortunately, the boarding broadcast sounded at the right time, ending the embarrassment.

After they got off the plane, they rushed to the same hotel and lived on the upper and lower floors.

The difference is that Ye Qiao's room is for the film to help her order, vip suite, because Shen Ting is still on vacation, she brought very few things, let Zhao Moxian check in. Zhao Mo secretly clenched his boyfriend's hand, and Qiang and Ye Qiao greeted him before taking a stepping elevator. She had a lot of luggage, and it was very difficult to break into the elevator. Fortunately, there was a chance to take it, and it was safely stuffed in. At the moment when the elevator door closed, Zhao Mo looked at Ye Qiao, who was light and simple at the counter, and silently held his lower lip.

Shen Yi said in her ear the plan for these two days: "Tomorrow, you will go to the audition. I will talk to the advertiser who asked me to be a model. After we are busy, we will go to Art Street to eat. After two days in Yangcheng. It’s fun, okay?”

Zhao Mo did not pay attention to it and said, "Well? What?"

Shen Yu anger: "What happened to you today, from the airport, you are absent-minded..."

In the night, Ye Qiao fell into a long-lasting insomnia.

In this city where she grew up, she experienced the joys and sorrows of the first thirteen years, and all of this came to light. It’s just a short thirteen years, and she can still pass the age of Children’s Day. She feels that life is old and sick, loves not to blame, and whether she is good or evil, she has tasted it all.

The moonlight quietly sprinkled down, through the hotel's gauze, Ye Qiaoyu understood the verses in a clear way, Jiang Hehe sees the moon at the beginning of the year, Jiang Yuehe at the beginning of the year. Only the moon ignores the sorrows and sorrows of people, and is accompanied by tenderness and ruthlessness every year.

Ye Qiao has a lot of heart, swallowing a stable film before going to sleep.

The next day, she rushed to the audition scene and met Zhao Mo again.

The film and television base is in the corner of Yangcheng, and the air is much cleaner than the urban area. Ye Qiao took off his mask and went to the bathroom to clean his hands. He met Zhao Mo who was making up makeup. The two just greeted each other. Zhao Mo looked at Ye Qiao and pressed the hand sanitizer. He slowly cleaned the foam between the fingers. The white face was reflected in the same mirror as her, which was more clear and natural than the makeup. She suddenly put down the powder and said, "Yesterday... thank you."

Ye Qiao looked up: "Well?"

She always uses her own unrequited look, making others' extra considerations extraordinarily extravagant. Zhao Mo went down and said, "I am with Yu... I am going to marry."

Ye Qiao sighed, recalling the name "Shen Yi", the two soft dimples appeared in his mind, laughing and saying "Congratulations", then there is no more.

She turned to leave, Zhao Mo called her again, and wanted to make a clear statement. However, she did not know how to be "clear", how to force a thing that was not clear to be "clear".

Ye Qiao, when he turned around, he looked at Zhao Mo’s face for a while, and he said: “Many things are important not for others to remember, whether they will preach, but for you to give people the opportunity to remember and preach. Since they are If you are rushing to get married, you should give yourself this waking in your heart. Many methods should not be used. Many 'opportunities' should not be touched. Is it not clear to you?"

She suddenly squinted and said, "I have seen the state when you took the "Watcher". The qualifications are very good and hard. I hope that you don't get too entangled in the past. Maybe you will be a colleague of the same group, if you do Wedding banquet, I will be with the ceremony."

Ye Qiaoyan did this and went into the rest room of the audition to put the bag, but he just saw the Xu Yinzhen inside.

I don't know if it's a narrow road, Xu Yinyi was originally an audition for the last one, but there was a position in the audition room, except for the director and Hengying. The film crew said that it was because the investors had to participate in the casting. The representative only went to Yangcheng this morning and was still stuck in the road. Please wait for her.

If not, she and Ye Qiao could not get through.

Xu Yin stunned, this made it clear that she was bullying her. The previous audition was a slap in the face of the mainland. The person from the management did not come at all. After leaving the game, he left. It is obviously the starring candidate who has already made a photo. It is just to look at the lens effect and finalize the role. In recent years, the company has produced high-quality and high-quality hot-selling dramas every year, and the cinema movies have not fallen. After the double-shadowing, the limelight is in the limelight, and the actress who focuses on TV dramas like Cheng Jiang still has to attract gold. She joined the "Innocent City", and it is the protagonist.

In this case, one of the two female masters has already been set. Xu Yinxi played the second year of the female, the best time of the actress is that in the past few years, she often encounters the fate of the drama reds, she must win the heroine. Moreover, with her many years of accumulated popularity and good media image, there is no chance to be compared with the heart.

Ye Qiao passed her into the audition room and shook hands with Wang Dao and several people. Director Wang Qingming and Lai Dao have a very close personal relationship. Ye Qiao is also a referee to this opportunity. Wang Qingming took a sigh of relief and said: "I hope you don't let me down." She was flattered and said that she did her best.

At the end, I was about to quit to prepare, but I heard the comments of several new actors in the rest room.

- "I saw investors when I first came in. It is simply the level of unspoken rules."

- "Is there such an exaggeration?"

- "You go out and see it... I think it looks a bit like Lu Qing. But Lu Qing is old and hard, and I can't look at it without makeup! This looks good young, just to be cold." ”

When Ye Qiao pushed the door into the house, Xu Yinzheng was ugly with his assistant and lost his temper. When he saw Ye Qiao, his eyes lifted and he gave her a cold look, and he feared that Ye Qiao didn’t see it and laughed twice. The meaning of the eyes is complicated, there is disdain and disdain, and the subtext is clear, as if to say - you are no different.

Ye Qiao knows that Xu Yinyi, through the network of Cheng Jiang, recently caught up with a famous producer in the circle, and his arrogance has risen, but he does not know what happened to him recently, so that she can put this face on her face. .

Until the elevator arrived, Ye Qiao pushed the door to the hand. Turning back, the two receptionists appeared in the corridor with a familiar figure. His posture is loose, and he talks with people around him. Ye Qiao is far from seeing, and finally understands the relationship.

She is wearing a pair of white leather boots today. Under the same color skirt, she reveals some white and slender knees. Standing in the windless corridor in the early autumn, she is pure and wants to add color to her body. When Zhou Hao looked up and looked over, Ye Qiao just turned around and put his hands in the gray windbreaker pocket that was tailored to his body, as if he was waiting for him to come close.

Ye Qiao looked at it for a while, his mouth moved, and his eyes turned into the restroom as usual. It seems that he only played a naive little trick with her. After she saw it, she mocked him for being inferior, but couldn’t help but linger from the bottom of her heart.

Without waiting for her to take a step, Zhou Wei squatted on her widowed arm and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Is not going to audition? Going to the wrong room?"