Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 389: Change owner

"Qin Lin.

"Big brother."

The crowd gathered around Qin Lin, crying one by one, and Chi Wu and other women cried dimly.

At this time, Qin Lin still maintained a kneeling posture, staring at the front, motionless.

The soul has dissipated, and the body is cold, leaving only a shell here.

Probably it was obsessively refusing to go back. Under the influence of Chi Wu, Xiao Qi and their emotions, two teardrops quietly slipped from his cold face.

Goodbye, my comrade-in-arms.

Goodbye, my loved ones.

From this day on each side, each began their life's starting point.

"Woo..." The Inheritance God Orb glowed, and it seemed that there was a whimper, hovering over Qin Lin's head.

Lingtai is a house, and Qin Lin's house is a home.

Without Qin Lin, the house is gone, and the house is just an empty building.

"Hurry up and find the new owner?" At this moment, a shout sounded, and an old **** stick in a mysterious white robe appeared: "How did Qin Lin tell you before he left? Do you want him to die?"

Chi Wu, who was crying while holding Qin Lin, cried and fainted again when he heard the words of the old **** stick.

Qin Lin couldn't look at him now, his eyes full of emotions, reluctance, self-blame, guilt, nostalgia...


The Inheritance Divine Bead buzzed and trembled, seeming to fly towards Si Ruo somewhat reluctantly.

Now, Si Ruo and Chi Ying were carried back by everyone, right next to Qin Lin.

The two women are in danger, especially Siruo, whose breath is weak and unsnable.

"call out!"

The Inheritance God Orb plunged into Si Ruo's eyebrows and entered the Lingtai.

Suddenly, Si Ruo's eyebrows glowed, and the breath of life gradually recovered, at the same time. The Shengwei in her body was swept away by the Inheritance God Orb, a little bit obliterated.

Within a quarter of an hour, Siruo opened his eyes carelessly.

In a moment, she knew what had happened, and she reached out and grabbed the holy spear inserted in her body. With a "poof", she pulled out the holy spear and threw it aside.


Si Ruo woke up, Fang Que and others didn't have too many surprises, their faces were covered with sadness.

Siruo looked at Qin Lin, her eyes gentle. Glittering and flashing.

Silently walked to Qin Lin, touched his stiff and cold face, thinking about looking at the red shadow on the side.

Sheng Wei was raging in Chi Ying, not only destroying her function, but also impacting her spiritual platform, causing her to become unconscious.


Siruo shot a beam of light from the center of his eyebrows. Shrouded the red shadow.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the beam of light disappeared, Chi Ying's eyelashes trembled, and his eyes suddenly opened.

Looking around in confusion, Chi Ying's face changed suddenly as his eyes were placed on Qin Lin.

Qin Lin sat down on his knees, looking ahead. With tears hanging on his face, he didn't move.

There was not a trace of life in him, only the endless coldness.

"Qin Lin." Chi Ying came to Qin Lin, holding his cheeks with both hands, her nose sour, tears streaming down.

He had an unfortunate childhood, but he was persevering and striving for the top, and he was amazed for a while.

After meeting the Giant Tucker. I've been preparing for this moment.

"He used the forbidden technique, ignited the soul, and lost his soul." With a cold face, Si Ruo stood up: "Now, I will take over his position. First do something for him that he can't bear to do."

On this day, on Earth, on the Interstellar Giant, all the Jiang family members were killed, none were left.

The Tinder plan was leaked out by the Jiang family on the earth with a grudge.

Gigitte had already found out this a few days ago.

However, the earth was in a precarious state. At that time, Qin Lin didn't have time, and couldn't bear to do such a full-fledged act.

"Why do you want to kill us?" Jiang Zicheng roared before being arrested and imprisoned.

Siruo's voice has no emotion: "You know the reason, but for me, there is only one reason. If he dies, you have to die and be buried with him."

Entering the age of the universe, the earth must now unite.

Thinking like iron and blood on the wrist, Jijit sent thousands of pioneers to descend on the earth to suppress the unrest and maintain order.

There were not so many pioneers on the Interstellar Giant, but during this time, a lot of space battleships were captured, and the number of pioneers in it added up, and there were tens of thousands, all of which were controlled by Jigit.

The B-class space battleship of Ling Xiao Jian and Beth Silent, after the fall of Ling Xiao Yi Jian and Beth Silent, was flanked inside and out by Gigitte and Ling and others. The system was breached and became another space warship on Earth.

Ling Xiao Yijian hadn't died on the spot at the time, but was seriously injured, but his body was broken into pieces by the angry Fang Que and others.

If it weren't for these four people, how could Qin Lin use the forbidden technique, and how could he die if he didn't use the forbidden technique?

The war hadn't ended long before, batch after batch of extraterritorial lives descended.

Fortunately, most of them are star or hole-level, and there are few void-levels.

Si Ruo and Chi Ying didn't need to take action, even Ling did not take action, relying on Xiaoqi, Little Fairy, Five Elements Formation and Seven Elements Formation, they can block the enemy's outer space.

One day later, on earth.

Si Ruo is fusing the inheritance divine orb. At the beginning, Qin Lin merged the inheritance divine orb, and the light body was transformed, and it took a week.

Although Siruo is a born light body, under normal circumstances, it takes a day or two to merge and inherit the gods.

I don't know why, Si Ruo always feels that the Inheritance Divine Orb does not fit with him and cannot be effectively integrated.

The old **** stick was not very surprised when he learned of this. He had expected it and said to Siruo: "Put him into the depths of the starry sky. If he stays on the earth for one day, you will not be able to fully integrate and inherit the **** orb."

Si Ruo glanced at the old **** stick coldly, and said nothing, indicating that she disagrees.

Regardless of the race, people have the same desires. After death, they hope to be buried in their hometown.

Seeing his reluctance, the old **** stick became a little anxious: "This is what Qin Lin meant. For you and for the earth, he will die. When did you become emotional?"

The old **** stick actually wanted to say that Qin Lin still had a clone, not all of them died.

However, Qin Lin's five element clone of Isla God Realm is still alive and dead, and has been in a coma.

Cross-dimensional time and space to perform the shared secret technique between the primary and secondary body, and under the shared secret technique, it is the inheritance forbidden technique. The combination of the two is only a blow, but Qin Lin's five-element clone can't bear it.

Had it not been for a demon master who was born in the plant family, the Five Elements clone would have disappeared on the spot.

But even if the Demon Lord was there, Qin Lin's five-element clone was still undecided.

In fact, even if Qin Lin's clone of the Five Elements is still in the God Realm of Isra, it is The old **** stick does not want to tell Si Ruo them.

After all, Qin Lin's five-element clone has almost zero chance of being able to return to the universe alive.

Of course, if the old **** stick gave up giving the inheritance **** orb to Si Ruo, Qin Lin's five-element clone could still return to the original universe.

One day, the demon master will be able to return to the original universe.

If Qin Lin followed back, the Inheritance Divine Orb would definitely take the initiative to leave the spiritual platform of Siruo and return to Qin Lin's mind.

However, the mission of the old **** stick is to make the earth stronger, everything is important to the earth, and this kind of thing is never allowed to happen.

Thinking that this would not work, the old **** stick went directly to Jijit.

"Jigitte, do you want to save Qin Lin?" The old **** stick tempted.

Jijit has already begun to practice. Some people's feelings are not so rich, but their feelings for Qin Lin are very rich. Hearing this, he hurriedly replied with excitement, "Yes!"
