Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 447: A sea of ​​bitterness

After turning around a light year, Qin Lin threw the Qin Lin again, letting the holy prison and strolling drive, and move on.

In the command cabin, Qin Lin began to worry. Lu Fei and Yahua were able to find him. Then, will the people of the Lengmo God Clan and Wuxin Sirius God Clan find him soon?

He didn't believe it, he killed Leng Jinlong and Wu Ji Nian, and the Leng Mo God Clan and Wuxin Sky Wolf God Clan would give up.

"I'm so tired." Qin Lin wailed suddenly. These days, he was really tired and kept running away.

The living planets and the Five Elements Continents in the Chaoyang Star Territory are too dense. It is estimated that within a few light years there will be a living planet or continent with intelligent life on it.

The Qin Lin without Xiaoying is completely exposed to the detection of the light of science and technology, and can be detected by the light of science and technology of level 8 intelligent life.

"It's been a few days, this little guy hasn't woken up yet." Qin Lin is very depressed. These days, he always stays vigilant, and he uses his turn light years every day. The robbed divine fruit, magic pill, etc. not enough.

Chaoyang Star Field is relatively small in all star fields, with a diameter of only a few hundred thousand light-years, but it cannot travel through wormholes. It is almost impossible for Qin Lin to leave safely.

Even if you turn around 100 light-years every day, 100 days is 10,000 light-years, 1000 days 100,000 light-years...

Damn, when I think about it, Qin Lin feels that there is darkness in front of him.

Grab someone else's space battleship?

When each space battleship is sold to someone, the intelligent life recognizes that person as the master, and no one can command this intelligent life without the owner's permission and transfer.

Unless smart intrusion, forcibly change the smart chip.

Just as Qin Lin was frowning, a tender voice sounded behind him.

"Brother Xiaolin, what are you thinking about?" Xiaoying, wearing a white dress, stood behind Qin Lin dumbly.

Qin Lin was startled and turned to look.

The little guy has very bright eyes and full of spirituality, like an elf. Looking at him grinningly.

"Little guy, you finally woke up." The sorrow on Qin Lin's face instantly disappeared, and he said in surprise: "Quickly, we are leaving here, and the wormhole shuttles."

Saint Prison and Yoda came down from the console. It is estimated that nothing will happen to them in the future, and Xiaoying is awake.

"Yeah." Xiaoying is very obedient. With arms stretched out, little fingers pointed towards the starry sky in front of the spacecraft, and yelled, "Go!"

Immediately, the laser cannon that excited Qin Lin shot out, and a dark wormhole appeared in the starry sky ahead.

Made it rain in time. Never at such a moment, Qin Lin felt that Xiaoying was so important, and the wormhole shuttle was so exciting.

With a "swish", the Qin Lin went into the wormhole.

After a while, the wormhole disappeared, leaving empty space.

The next moment, not far behind the wormhole. The space rippled, and a disc-shaped magic weapon appeared with two beautiful shadows.

It was Lu Fei and Yahua who urged the five elements to chase them.

"Why don't you see people tens of billions of kilometers nearby?" Yahua frowned slightly: "Within a few light years, my position is not that bad."

"He must have run away again." Lu Fei stamped her foot.

Yahua did not hesitate to spend a few light years sweeping the starry sky.

"Still not, I should have just left." Yahua shook her head: "We can only wait for Chaoyang Star to officially announce his location."

This time, the two women waited for a quarter of an hour, but they hadn't noticed the official update of Qin Lin's position.

Could it be that Qin Lin's escape this time is far? The official temporarily loses its position, need to detect and lock again?

The two women's football teams waited for nearly an hour before they found out that Qin Lin's position was officially updated.

"Five thousand light years away!" Yahua and Lu Fei looked at them and were taken aback.

"He can use the spacecraft to travel through space again." Ya Hua sighed. Now, it is even more difficult to catch up with Qin Lin.

Locating the shuttle right now, there may be a deviation of tens of billions of kilometers. Because Qin Lin must move forward at all times, and will not keep moving forward at all times.

With the spacecraft traveling through space, theoretically, it would take half to an hour to locate Qin Lin.

But Xiaoying deserves to be an intelligent life. It is very clear that the scanning and positioning operation of the light of science and technology has made the entire Chaoyang star field a headache wormhole shuttle selection method.

In half to an hour, the Qinlin can make a wormhole shuttle, which is fifty to five thousand light-years away.

Then, she randomly chooses the timing of the shuttle within this range, and the distance of the shuttle.

As a result, the intelligent life of the entire Chaoyang Star Territory could not help it, after all, the initiative was in Xiaoying's hands.

More importantly, Xiaoying is a level 4 intelligent life, the light of technology that can counter-detect intelligent life below level 4.

In other words, only intelligent beings of level 4 and above can detect the Qin Lin.

As a result, on the first day, Chaoyang Starfield only captured the position of the Qin Lin twice.

The next day, it was only once.

On the third day, Chaoyang Star Territory completely lost the position of the Qin Lin.

The fourth day is the same as the third day.

On the fifth day, the Qin Lin was not found either.

On the sixth day, the Chaoyang Starfield announced that the Qin Lin had left the Chaoyang Starfield.

The Chaoyang star field is only 180,000 light-years in diameter. The Qinlin can travel 5,000 light-years at a time, once an hour, 24 hours a day, and can travel 120,000 light-years.

When the location of the Qin Lin was discovered the next day, the Qin Lin had already appeared outside the Chaoyang Star Territory, and it was not found again on the third, fourth, and fifth days.

Obviously, Qin Lin had already left the Chaoyang Star Territory.

In the star field outside the Chaoyang star field, they couldn't help it, their hands weren't that long, and they could mobilize resources to capture the position of the Qin Lin.

Indeed, the second day after Xiaoying woke up, the Qin Lin rushed out of the Chaoyang star field and entered a barren starry sky.

Here, space storms are frequent, easily shattering the B-class spacecraft, and there is a mass of fire-fighting blazing in the starry sky, and cave-class fighters will turn into fly ash when they touch it...

In a word, the conditions here are harsh and not suitable for life. There are so few planets. In some places, there is no planet within tens of light-years.

After Qin Lin came to this starry sky, it stopped.

The raging fire is very suitable for Qin Lin to practice the Divine Body Secret Art.

He still has several levels to complete, one level, nine levels of divine body mystery, and one level of consummation.

"Xiaoying is really amazing. I took us out in two days and only encountered one interception." Qin Lin touched the little guy's head.

Xiaoying seemed to have eaten candy, her eyes disappeared from her smile.

Qin Lin's praise is the most precious gift for her.

Although Holy Prison and Yoda didn't say much, they were also very emotional. There is a difference between having intelligent life.

With intelligent life and spacecraft, the distance of this universe is no longer so distant and terrifying, as if it has shrunk thousands to hundreds of thousands of times.

Five thousand light-years at a time, Qin Lin and the others were exhausted, and it took only a few days to walk for more than 60 light-years.

Xiaoying controlled the c-class spacecraft, and it was nearly 200,000 light-years in two days. This was still because Qin Lin had to stay in this starry sky to avoid detection, otherwise, it would not be a problem to run at full power and 400,000 light-years in two days.

Skyfire is a common flame in the starry sky. The temperature is much higher than that of natural stars. It is very suitable for Qin Lin to practice the 20th to 27th floors of the Divine Body Secret Art.

During this period of time, there was excessive tension and it was not suitable for comprehending the law. Qin Lin simply concentrated on practicing the remaining layers of divine body mystery techniques.

But within a week, Qin Lin practiced the Divine Body Secret Technique to the 25th floor.

"This flame is too fierce." Qin Lin was painful and happy. It was painful to practice the Divine Body Secret Technique, but fortunately his spirit was a void-level spirit.

Otherwise, he couldn't do three things with one mind at the beginning, while comprehending the law of light, while pressing the buttocks against the law of wood to realize the fruit, while practicing the secret technique of the divine body.

After half a month, Qin Lin finally felt very painful at the critical moment in the cultivation of the secret technique of the twenty-seventh layer of the divine body.

The pain is so painful that I can't think of The only thing left is the belief that persists in practicing this secret technique.

"Almost a little bit, I can continue on the road, reach the four gods in the starry sky as soon as possible, and return to the earth as soon as possible. At that time, the teacher should be completely integrated with the inheritance divine beads." The bones melted, but they were repaired automatically, giving birth to white bones, then flesh and blood and skin.

This scene made the holy prison and strolling very scared.

The strengthening of their physique is a matter of course, so how can there be such inhuman torture.

Genetic transformation, one cycle at a time, one cycle is a devastating devastation.

With a "boom", Qin Lin felt his brain open. In this state, he unexpectedly touched the fifth light power of the Law of Light inexplicably.

At this moment, Qin Lin's reborn bones, skin, and flesh and blood no longer fell off and stabilized.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)