Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

v3 Chapter 307: Jagged Prime Minister Bismarck's view

The author of "The Ugly Frenchman" emphasized that if the French Empire lost and was withdrawn from Cambodia and even the last colony in the Far East, South Vietnam would not be able to keep it, and the world would see through its hands and feet. Although it claims to be the second most powerful military country in the world, it turned out to be a paper tiger. The status of Napoleon III is bound to be challenged by France, Prime Minister Olivier is even more difficult to secure, and the international status of the French Empire will also decline, which is also the European and American countries. , the reason for choosing to go to all-out war against the Kingdom of Siam.

On the other hand, the Kingdom of Siam did not resist the invasion of the French Empire alone, but was backed by the members of the International Court of Justice in The Hague + the United Kingdom, especially the strong assistance of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. After all, the two countries are under the Dutch East Indies and the British in the Far East. Burma and the British Malayan Islands are one of the places closest to the Kingdom of Siam, and support is very convenient.

So even if Rama IV intends to make concessions and ask for a ceasefire, when Queen Victoria and William IV have the idea of ​​​​using this to weaken the French Empire, they may not agree.

Because Britain and the Netherlands, whether they are colonies in the Far East or in mainland Europe, are facing the fact that there has been no major war in France in recent years, the rapid economic and military development has threatened the two countries, and Britain and the Netherlands are even fighting in southern Africa. After that, the two countries also fought with other countries.

France has settled down in Mexico. Therefore, the silent development of France has made the two countries vigilant. This time the pit of the Kingdom of Siam is a surprise for the two countries. Many people speculate that the reason for this sanction is so fast. In particular, Belgium and Portugal, Britain's allies in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, readily agreed to vote in favor, and the United Kingdom also joined the sanctioning ranks outside the organization, which has shown the United Kingdom's clear anti-law attitude. The Netherlands, as the first country to promote it, needless to say.

Therefore, the idea that the Anglo-Dutch alliance promoted the weakening of the French Empire began to spread in Europe.

The earliest ones that came out were the Prussian newspapers, which were loaded by other countries.

In 1867, Bismarck, Prime Minister of the Prussian Palace, published his views on the war between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam in the country's newspaper "Berlin Zeitung".

This is the first time that the prime minister of a major European country has publicly expressed his views on this. Therefore, it has attracted the attention of various countries. Even the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam at the time have launched new and rapid assessments on this. It is speculated that the Prussian has won the Bismarck's intention of the title of Jagged Prime Minister.

In a Prussian newspaper, Prime Minister Bismarck introduced that as early as 1863 a few years ago, Britain in India and the Netherlands in East India had secretly trained and received soldiers from the Kingdom of Siam to the two countries for training, while the British and Dutch military Instructors also often go to Bangkok to train the army of the Kingdom of Siam on the spot.

When the Kingdom of Siam was attacked to the west by the South Vietnamese colonies in the east of the French Empire, the two countries not only invested in military aid, but also provided accurate information on the battlefield and logistics of the French Empire, and even jointly promoted the Hague International Tribunal member countries dragged into the water, under the powerful sanctions of more than a dozen countries, if Rama IV of the Kingdom of Siam withdrew and let go halfway, it would be difficult for these countries to help them to explain.

Britain and the Netherlands do not want this war to end prematurely, because they want to use the war between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam to once again be like Napoleon I at the beginning of this century, and prepare to gather the forces of all European countries to support the Kingdom of Siam. Once again dragging down France, at the same time, the French Empire can be assessed through the war between France and Siam, and the performance of arms exporting countries such as Britain and the Netherlands can be tested as a reference for designing the next generation of firearms and cannons.

Because both countries are countries with a military-industrial complex system, they occupy a large share in the national economy and are one of the main sources of interest in the export of products from the UK and the Netherlands, namely Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck and British Prime Minister Disraeli If you want an early truce, I am afraid that the arms dealers of the two countries will not agree. If you don’t mess with France, what will happen to the Siam war? Britain and the Netherlands are big winners, and if he sanctioned countries, they will win small. As for Prussia, Tsarist Russia, Austria-Hungary and other countries, It will therefore grow faster than France.

Because of this, it is more likely that Europe will become more fragmented, grouped and hierarchical.

Although the Anglo-Dutch arms dealers made profits, this war also achieved the international status of King Rama IV of Siam and Crown Prince Chulalongkorn and his son, making European countries unforgettable, even forgetting that they do not belong to Europeans but to Asia person's identity.

The international publicity of the two people is in place, but they have become the objects of discussion and interviews in major newspapers in Europe and the Americas recently, which greatly exposed the visibility of the Kingdom of Siam. Many people predicted that the Kingdom of Siam would be safe enough if it really ended. If so, then the Kingdom of Siam will even become one of the headquarters of large European and American companies in Asia, and the economy will take off accordingly.

If the two can continue to do this and make the rest of Europe treat them kindly, then the pressure on the French Empire will increase. At that time, as long as they can judge the situation, weigh the overall situation, and make the most powerful decision for the Kingdom of Siam , in addition to joining the International Court of Justice in The Hague, you can continue to apply for joining the South American Union, etc. Depending on the situation, the Kingdom of Siam will be able to avoid and stop wars, and at the same time, it will become a world with no small influence. of the Far East.

William IV deeply understood that in later generations, the Russian-Ukrainian war left each country in its own line, but in the final analysis, it was based on the interests of each country and their sovereignty to carry out the best and most beneficial foreign policy.

And many countries are usually scolded by the overlord Milliken to carry out various sanctions, which is nice, but in fact it is the performance of those countries after all their sovereignty has been castrated, such as Japan-Japan, Germany, South Korea, Poland, etc. , with the mighty garrison of Milician.

Except for France and the United Kingdom, other countries have been deprived of military power, which is the most important condition for their own sovereignty. The great diplomatic achievements are mediocre, and they are publicized everywhere, for fear that others will not know about them.

Isn't this when people are guilty, they like to cover up their shortcomings and publicize their performance everywhere?

Therefore, William IV deeply understands that small countries actually have a certain servile Just like the weak, they will automatically find the strong to attach themselves. The Netherlands is not strong enough now, so it will be a series of pull. The United Kingdom participated in the sanctions. Although most of them were foxes and tigers, William IV preferred to use their prestige to describe them.


On August 21, 1867, the International Society of the Red Cross suddenly sent a telegram to various countries. In the telegram, a large amount of data and content appeared, including the panic and anger of the French people when they saw it. The description of France's burning-killing-looting-looting, unfriendly treatment of women, and unfriendly treatment of civilians are all over the place. The telegram immediately made France mutter that the invasion of the Kingdom of Siam was completely "stigmatized". ".

Invading other countries - hurting others - cruelty to others - abusing others - no French soldiers - condemnation from the world, etc. The image of France has been refreshed step by step with people's infinite view of human nature, and France has officially become the object of criticism from various countries. Countries have isolated the French government and the French.

The image of the International Society of the Red Cross was thus officially established, because in the report, they rescued 50,000 Siamese who risked their lives, but the French army also opened fire on them, killing and injuring more than 200 people in this organization.

Neutral international organizations were also beaten, making it difficult for France to gain the world's forgiveness.