Start a Base

Chapter 114: Bingfa Longhushan

Li Yunpeng gave an order, and the 3,000 guards and soldiers were instantly mobilized.

Together with the logistics department and the combat readiness department, more than 10,000 people are preparing for this upcoming war.

The logistics department moved extremely fast this time. Xu Meng followed Li Yunpeng's guidance and the 10 trucks in the logistics support brigade warehouse were always fully loaded with combat equipment. They could leave as long as they needed to.

This time Li Yunpeng led 7 squadrons, 2,100 elite fighters, 10 multifunctional armored infantry vehicles, 10 tanks, and countless other armed vehicles.

Ten tanks drove out of the military zone one after another, and dozens of tons of steel monsters trembled in the earthquake.

"Fuck Commander, too awesome!"

"...You're done, you didn't wash enough in the public toilet last 10 days."

The young man who was punished to wash the public toilet because of his disrespect to the commander still couldn't hold back his surprise this time!

Longhu Mountain was not close to the base, and the convoy arrived after driving for more than an hour.

Li Yunpeng ordered the soldiers to build a position two kilometers away from Longhu Mountain. He approached and observed the situation.

I saw that the Longhushan settlement had been surrounded by groups without navy, and the people on both sides were mixed together.

Li Yunpeng had some headaches. He originally planned to use a tank to crush it and make a quick battle, but the situation now requires a long-term consideration.

The guard army pressed the border, and spies without navy reported the situation to Shentu early.

At this time Shentu was sitting in An Rong's living room, "Chief An, it seems that you are not a person who listens to persuasion."

An Rong standing aside, sweating on his nervous forehead, "Master Shen, this, this...I don't know what the situation is."

"Huh! I don't know?" Shentu put the nutshell in his hand on the carpet, "Facts speak louder than words, so you don't need to explain. Now that the matter has reached this point, it has become simpler."

"Master Shen, why don't I send someone to talk to Li Yunpeng to see what he means?" An Rong asked.

"Hahahaha! Send someone to talk? Who do you send? Peace? You'd better be honest, otherwise I don't mind killing a few people to vent your anger!" Shentu said.

Seeing that his plan had failed, An Rong hurriedly put away other thoughts. Although Shentu was a dull man, he was not a idiot. It was difficult to fool him when he received an elite education from an early age.

What he is most worried about now is tranquility. Now that things are revealed, the only trace of decency that remains no longer exists.

Even in Wuhai City, I am afraid that the treatment of the prisoners is not much different, and Anning, for the lecherous Shentu, will soon be fresh and then abandoned.

"Oh!" An Rong underestimated the methods used by people in the last days. He didn't care about influence, word of mouth, and achieved his goals by unscrupulous means.

When he mobilized people to join Li Yunpeng's command, no navy came directly to grab them.

"Of course, if you cooperate obediently, you will still have your status in Wuhai City." Shentu said with a glance at him.

An Rong sneered in his heart, and he wouldn't have any **** in Wuhai City. Now he still has some use for Shentu, and he can use his prestige to organize civilians.

If it hadn't had this effect, Shentu was afraid that he would have already completely torn his skin.

But he couldn't say it clearly. Instead, he said: "Of course, Young Master Shen has instructions, and he will do his best."

"Okay! In that case, you go out of the city and tell Li Yunpeng that there is a one-on-one contest between the two armies." Shen Tu's eyes were full of bloodthirsty craziness.

An Rong was taken aback, how could Shentu make such a request? However, it is reasonable to think carefully, he has been able to easily satisfy everything he wants since he was young.

The evolutionary power he gained after the end of the world was nothing different from a new toy for him, which made him crazy.

In fact, An Rong was right. Shentu was suppressed by Li Yunpeng in firepower in the industrial laboratory last time. He wanted to use his proud evolution ability to step Li Yunpeng under his feet.

An Rong had no choice but to go out of the city to find Li Yunpeng as he said. Shentu was not afraid that he would run away. His daughter and the population under his command were all under control.

Li Yunpeng was approaching to observe, and suddenly saw a person walking out in front of Longhu Mountain.

"An Rong? Why did Shentu let him go?" Li Yunpeng was puzzled.

An Rong stepped out of a navy-free position and hurriedly walked towards the guards. After a while, he met Li Yunpeng who was observing at the outpost.

"Chief Li, this time you can save the people of Longhu Mountain. Once you are taken to Wuhai City, there will be no more time to get out." An Rong said breathlessly.

"Wuhaicheng is so powerful?" Li Yunpeng asked.

An Rong was taken aback, and then said: "We will discuss this matter later, what should we do now!"

"Why did Shentu let you out?" Li Yunpeng asked.

An Rong patted his forehead, and almost forgot about the business in a hurry, "Right! That Shentu said that you would have a one-on-one contest with Chief Li in front of the two armies. Do you think he has a brain disease."

"One-on-one?" Li Yunpeng was happy. Although this kind of behavior is sandy, it is in line with the arrogant second-generation character. "You tell him that I am fulfilling his wish."

Li Yunpeng was not worried either. The two armies faced each other, and no one dared to act arbitrarily in spite of the safety of the leader. Since they have stretched their faces over, who wouldn't fight for nothing?

An Rong did not expect that he would actually agree to such a nonsense request, but he also couldn't guess what Li Yunpeng thought. Now that he got a reply, he hurried back. He was afraid that Shentu's moody personality would give birth to him after seeing him leave for a long time. Other incidents.

An Rong passed Li Yunpeng's reply to Shentu after returning. Shentu was immediately excited, and he greeted the guard on the side and said, "Notify brothers, two thousand people will be assigned to meet Li Yunpeng with me!"

The guard was a little embarrassed, "Master, before you leave, Master repeatedly tells you not to be arrogant!"

Shentu was on his head when he saw the guard pouring cold water, he said with a calm face: "I have you in your turn to teach me? Are you the **** going?"

The guard sighed secretly, shook his head, and turned away.

"Hey! If it wasn't for the old man's confidant, I would have dared to talk to your father like this, I would have killed you!" Shentu cursed at the sight of the guard leaving.

"Li Qi, you take the captains of the squadrons with me to meet Shentu, the second generation ancestor. There is no good breakthrough right now. Let him toss and toss first to see if there is a chance." Li Yunpeng ordered.

Li Qi hesitated to say something but stopped, and finally said cruelly: "My lord commander, why do you have to do it yourself, I will catch him to see you."

"No, you don't understand the psychology of these second generations. If I don't go, he won't come out to see each other. Don't worry, with my skill, you can retreat if there is a change." Li Yunpeng said.

Seeing that the commander had decided to leave, Li Qi couldn't stop him, so he turned to make arrangements.

Li Yunpeng left the armored corps behind. He was afraid that 10 tanks would line up one by one, and Shentu would be too scared to shrink.