Start a Base

Chapter 149: Conflict between Weng and Son

Fortunately, Liu Zhengwu didn't let Li Yunpeng down. After only ten minutes, he calmed down.

"Liu Ye, I'd better be early next time. It's too late and I'm not in good shape." The woman groaned.

"Well, good, but not recently. I will have a pre-war meeting with Zhu Shixun's old guy tomorrow, and I should be busy after that." Liu Zhengwu said.


Li Yunpeng's thoughts turned and he quietly left. After tossing around the Laojun Mountain settlement, it was almost dawn before he found a huge conference hall. He sneaked in when there was no one and the guards were slack.

After turning around, there was no hiding place in the house. Li Yunpeng sat at the conference table and wondered where to hide?

While thinking, he lay down, "Ceiling!"

He turned over, took off his shoes, and stepped on the desk to pry open a gusset. On it was a light steel keel, which carried a person's weight lightly and easily.

Li Yunpeng climbed up lightly, then restored the gusset to its original shape, and found a comfortable posture on the ceiling to lie on his back. After tossing in the middle of the night, he was a little sleepy, and soon fell asleep.

The ceiling was pitch black, day and night, and I don't know how long it took, there was a noise in the conference hall that awakened Li Yunpeng.

He held his breath and heard that someone opened the door and walked in. Among them was Liu Zhengwu's voice. As the number of people grew, the meeting room became lively.

Li Yunpeng knew that the show was coming, so he pricked up his ears and listened quietly.

This group of people first gave a polite greeting, probably because everyone was here, and the scene gradually calmed down.

Liu Zhengwu took the lead and said: "Today the heroes of all walks of life are gathered together for the deceitful city of Moyang. The lord Li Yunpeng is arrogant and overbearing. He forcibly incorporates the surrounding forces and violates everyone’s interests. If you don’t want to be eaten away. We must join hands to eliminate it together!"

"What Chief Liu said is that I heard that anyone who was coerced into Moyang City could not even get a job or a half, and some were sent to some labor camp. This is simply too much. We worked hard. How can the hard-to-support settlement give him his wedding dress for nothing, and it must be eliminated."

"Yes, this person is cruel and ruthless, so he should be punished."

"Yeah yeah......"

Li Yunpeng listened to the group of people below almost describing themselves as a demon with wings, and hummed coldly in his heart, "Is it really a guilty desire to commit crimes, so there is nothing wrong with it."

The crowd below was excited and the atmosphere was enthusiastic. An old man's voice sounded: "Since everyone has the same goals and goals, then I think it is time to discuss the formation of the coalition army. It is said that snakes have no heads and birds have no wings. Well, since everyone cooperates, the division of labor must be clear, and it is better to choose a leader first."

Mentioned this matter, people immediately calmed down. The most powerful people at the scene were the Laojunshan people. Zhu Shixun's Liuhe Army and Liu Zhengwu's Shangwu Army were evenly matched, and the position of the leader must be born between these two people.

Seeing his old Yue Zhang straight up, Liu Zhengwu put down the pen in his hand, straightened his body, and vaguely gave the leader of the following power an imperceptible look, and he immediately got up and arched his hands.

"The position of the leader is very important. I don't think it would be most suitable for Chief Liu to assume the position."

As soon as the voice fell, a person stood up on the opposite side, and said in a buzzing voice: "Old Zhu has been on the battlefield and has rich experience in leading the army. The Sixth Army under his command is even more invincible, killing a number of second-level mutant beasts. Suitable."

The two expressed their position, and someone immediately agreed, and the hearts of the others who didn't know were stunned. This was forcing them to stand in line.

Just when everyone hesitated, Zhu Shixun spoke again: "The old man asked himself, the army has spent half his life, and has not missed a defeat. This is the position of the leader..."

Liu Zhengwu was disdainful in his heart, so he was not defeated, and he had never fought a war. Where did he lose? Immediately interjected: "Since your father-in-law has worked so hard, it is better to let Xiaoxu take over as the leader and share your worries for you."

Zhu Shixun was thinking of saying that he was the most suitable leader to be the leader, but he was cut off by Liu Zhengwu's grandson before he could finish his words.

"It's not right, it's not right, Zhengwu's experience is still relatively small. Although Li Yunpeng has a few thousand people, but the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, it is sloppy. It is better that I lead the army myself.

Everyone below saw that the two sons and the son were blushing, and they couldn't help but have a headache. This special battle has not yet been fought, and everything is calculated in the future. Even if Li Yunpeng is killed, can he escape these two people's mouth?

Li Yunpeng wanted to laugh on it. The disagreement between the two was not a rumor. They were originally a family, but each had its own concerns.

Zhu Shixun and Liu Zhengwu spoke with each other's mouth and tongue, and they looked at each other in a dumbfounded manner.

Seeing that the meeting had changed, Liu Zhengwu stopped the argument and said: "I think this matter needs to be discussed in a long way. You are guests from afar, I will do my best as a landlord first."

Zhu Shixun did his part, "The old man set up a banquet at Banshan Manor, I invite you all to come."

There was a secret curse in everyone's hearts. This **** feast was not a good feast, and wherever you went, it meant that you were on the other side, and it was bound to be opposed to the people in the other party's circle.

But the two big men had already spoken, and everyone agreed in unison: "I will definitely go to the banquet."

When everyone left, only Liu Zhengwu and Zhu Shixun were left in the conference room.

"Liu Zhengwu! My grandson was brutally murdered by Li Yunpeng, you don't think about how to avenge, but you are competing with me for the position of the leader here!" Zhu Shixun said coldly.

Liu Zhengwu sneered in his heart. It was your grandson, but not my son. Isn't there any compelling in his heart?

But you can't say that, "Master Yue, isn't I also avenging Kai'er."

"Fart! After Kai'er died, have you sent a soldier and a soldier? Don't think that I don't know the ladies you hid, but I tell you, one day with me, it is not your turn to do anything wrong! "Zhu Shixun scolded.

Liu Zhengwu was taken aback, but now that he knew it, he didn't have to hide it, presumably Zhu Shixun wouldn't say it to Zhu Rong. After all, on the surface, the two still have to maintain a cooperative relationship.

"It's meaningless to argue about right and wrong now. Who will become the leader of the coalition army? Just wait and see!"

After talking, Liu Zhengwu got up and walked out of the meeting room.

Seeing Zhu Shixun alone in the conference room, Li Yunpeng couldn't help but feel a move. Now he went down to kill him, unconsciously.

Just as he was about to move, five people suddenly walked in outside and stood respectfully behind Zhu Shixun.

"Everything is done clean?"

"Go back to Mr. Zhu and do it clean. Liu Zheng Musashi has four women and only two first-level evolutionaries are left. They can't even fight back in front of a few of us."

"Well, that's good, Liu Zhengwu, Liu Zhengwu, who made my debut as a door-to-door son-in-law for me, but now I have a bad feeling. If I don't beat and beat, I really think the old man is a softhearted person.

When Li Yunpeng heard the following words, his heart moved. These people should all be Level 2 Evolutionists, and there are five of them. If they do it again, they will make a lot of noise. This matter can only be given up, but there is another plan that comes to mind. .