Start a Base

Chapter 286: West Navy established

"My Lord of the City, Wu Gang's Western Navy has been formed. The source of troops is selected from civilians. They are all people who have had military careers. A little training can initially form combat effectiveness."

"Okay!" Li Yunpeng's eyes lit up, and finally there was a good thing. In this way, the guards could free themselves from the defense mission and deal with the crisis with all their strength, "Ready for the car, I'll go and see."


In a valley near Wuzhou City, the specially opened recruit barracks were already overcrowded at this time.

These new veterans looked excited and were discussing with each other in brand new uniforms.

Once served in the military, how can he not yearn for life in the military, but Li Yunpeng has never recruited soldiers from ordinary people before. This time it is finally open recruitment. Those who meet the conditions can’t wait. These 200,000 people are left after screening in various cities in the province. Under the elite.

The reason why Li Yunpeng formed an army of ordinary people at this time was because the timing had not been ripe before. He was good at scheming and was afraid that the same strategy would be used by the enemy, and the loyalty of an army composed of ordinary people would never reach 100%.

Now it is different. The armed forces of the guards can no longer be shaken by the number of people alone. Even in the worst case, 200,000 people rebel collectively, the guards have the ability to kill quickly.

Among the recruits, very few people knew Li Yunpeng, and they didn't care about the chariot driving into the barracks.

When he arrived at the Western Navy Command, Wu Gang hurriedly came out to greet him.

Li Yunpeng was basically satisfied with everything here, "Commander Wu did a good job!"

The brawny man like Wu Gang's iron tower blushed, "Commander, don't make fun of me. This is just the beginning. Everything is messy, making you laugh."

Li Yunpeng waved his hand, "It is already a good result to be able to organize an army of 200,000 in such a short period of time, so keep working hard."


Since the main task of the Western Navy is defense, with the assistance of the Guard Rocket Forces, it does not require much heavy firepower, so the equipment configuration cannot be compared with the Guards.

The 200,000 people are divided into four armies, each with 50,000 people. The basic firearms are M-16 automatic rifles and the M-1 squad uses machine guns. Each squad is equipped with an armored vehicle, and the brigade is equipped with a tank and an armed helicopter.

Although this kind of military equipment cannot be compared with the guards, it is stronger than that of the Wulan Army, Nanzhou State and other troops, and it is more than enough to perform defensive tasks.

Under the organization of the chiefs of the various units, the soldiers knew that it was the commander who was here, and they suddenly became excited and excited. They rectified the military appearance with the fastest movements, and then lined up the square formation neatly.

Li Yunpeng stepped onto the rostrum and said with a smile: "Today is the day when the Western Navy was established. Our army is responsible for the responsibility of guarding the land and the people. Now I am human beings at the time of internal and external troubles. , For the sake of homeland, for humanity, fight against zombies and mutant beasts, and never give up unless they are completely wiped out."

Wu Gang shouted excitedly beside him: "Don't destroy the zombies, never give up!"

The soldiers were so passionate that they immediately shouted in unison: "Don't kill the zombies, never give up!"

The passionate voice resounded through the valley and trembled.

After listening to Wu Gang's report, Li Yunpeng returned to Moyang City. He was looking forward to what the Western Navy would look like after completing its training.

Wu Gang lived up to Li Yunpeng's expectations and kept up the pace day and night. In just one month, the Western Navy completed the ideological education and armament deployment. Since the soldiers are veterans, they have formed a certain combat effectiveness with a little training.

He was then ordered by Li Yunpeng to go to various places in the West China Sea to change defenses with the guards and gradually improve combat effectiveness in practice.

The guards who withdrew were all assembled to Moyang City, except for the remaining one army at the northeast border and the Eagle Nguyen Fortress, and the number of guards gathered around Moyang City reached 90,000.

Ding Chaoyang and Zhou Gu did not disappoint Li Yunpeng. After a month's time, the dark energy weapon production line was finally successfully developed. A large number of rifle machine guns stepped off the production line, directly issued to the guards, and replaced them on the spot.

The dark energy rifle has an effective range of 1500 meters and a magazine capacity of 300 rounds! The machine gun is even more terrifying, with a range of 2000 meters and a capacity of 2000 rounds!

The warhead mixed with dark matter can penetrate light armored vehicles and general bunkers.

The sniper rifle is even more powerful. Not only does it have an effective range of 3000 meters, but it can also penetrate military armored vehicles with one shot at a distance of three kilometers. There is almost no bulletproof glass that can effectively resist the bullets of the dark energy sniper rifle.

At this time, Li Yunpeng not only has a large number of soldiers, but also has excellent weapons. He is more confident in acquiring Sequoia City.

Just wait for the Blue Sea Fleet to respond to Sequoia.

Li Yunpeng ordered Zhou Gu to collect some masters of forging knives, and to distribute dark matter alloy command knives to officers above the guard squad leader level, just like Tang knives.

The command knife is not only a symbol of identity, but also can be used to deal with evolutionary zombies, which is of great practical value.


The Blue Ocean Fleet, in a naval base.

After Luo Xiaotian received the analysis report submitted by Liu Jianbin, the first thought in his heart was rejected.

He had been planning for Dejiang Province for a long time. If he hadn't occupied the land of the three provinces at the same time, his troops would have been stretched out.

But the two choices before him now made him hesitate.

On the one hand, it was the threat from the Blue Dragon Empire, and there was also Li Yunpeng, a tiger sleeping soundly.

Luo Xiaotian didn't expect Li Yunpeng to rise so quickly. When he noticed, Moyang City had already dominated Xihai Province. The strength of the troops made the Blue Sea Fleet helpless.

There is no hope of annihilating it unless the entire fleet is assembled, but the fleet is divided into three, each with its own mission, and it is impossible to withdraw at the same time.

Just when he hadn't figured out how to deal with Li Yunpeng, a more terrifying enemy suddenly arrived.

The strength of the Blue Dragon Empire on land is far stronger than that of the Blue Sea Fleet. While they control many provinces in Jiangbei, they still have remaining troops to fight everywhere. It is almost only a matter of time before they occupy the entire territory of Jiangbei.

Once Zhao Hailong unifies Jiangbei, that is when he takes his Blue Sea Fleet at the time, one party is truly powerful, and what is needed is not only the army, but the air force, but the navy is more important.

There is a saying that 30 years of the army, 50 years of the air force, and 100 years of the navy. If you want to quickly have a powerful sea power, relying on the blue dragon empire to build it yourself can form combat effectiveness. The blue sea fleet is the most effective way.

Therefore, under the premise that Luo Xiaotian did not want to succumb to Zhao Hailong, the relationship between the two forces is naturally hostile, not private enmity, just because of their development needs.

After comprehensive consideration, Luo Xiaotian began to carefully consider the report submitted by Liu Jianbin.

Dejiang Province, which has been coveted for a long time, just gave it to Li Yunpeng?

He was extremely unwilling, but for the sake of the overall situation, he was rationally told that giving Dejiang to Li Yunpeng was the best choice.

In the end, the most important reason that prompted him to make up his mind was that Li Yunpeng's Moyang City did not have a navy, and De Jiang gave him no threat to him for the time being, and he could take it back if he chooses the opportunity.