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Chapter 584: Heavenly Soldier

Hung up the phone, Edmond smashed his lips, feeling that his life had reached its peak.

South Australia has never had a sense of existence in the world, and suddenly the waist is hard, which makes people feel refreshed.

The space race lasted for more than two months, and among the top leaders of South Australia, everyone was in high spirits.

The underground industrial center of the Black Three Empires has begun to take shape.

The corps is getting stronger day by day, with abundant supplies. The nuclear fusion reactor provided by South Gate II brings endless energy to South Australia.

It means that the food is getting less and less every day. Since the end of the Moyang Empire, the people of South Australia have not eaten enough for a long time.

But that's okay. From the perspective of the senior leaders of South Australia, everything in the Last Sun Empire, including space agriculture, is already in their own pockets.

However, this unprecedented sense of confidence did not last long.

One afternoon that was no different than usual, suddenly dense black spots appeared in the sky over South Australia.

On the radar of the command center, a sudden sirens sounded abruptly.

The soldier on duty was shocked. There was no sign at all. Could it be that the radar was broken?

"Oh Mika! This radar must be broken, it's screened out."

"Tom...maybe...maybe not broken..."

"What? You mean, such dense black spots, is it a flying object?"

"I, I checked, it's not broken, it's a flying object..."

Soldiers felt that their backs were swishing in the cool breeze, and there were so many light spots on the radar that they gradually even filled the entire screen, overlapping by not knowing how many layers.

"Well, how much does it have to be?"

"No, I don't know, that's a lot! Report it quickly!"

When Edmond received the news of the invasion, he couldn't believe it. Where did the enemy come from? Heaven? The Last Sun Empire launched an attack from the sky?

"Hurry up and organize forces to fight back! The Battlestar will kill the Moyang Empire Space City for Lao Tzu!"

"President, Lord Governor, Moyang Empire Space City, there is no change..."

"Huh? No change? Is that a regular force?"

"But, maybe it is..."


After such a short time, the sky in South Australia became darker.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, countless dense black spots, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, are falling rapidly.

The super-high speed creates friction with the atmosphere, making the front end of the mecha a little dark red.

However, excellent materials do not affect the mecha fighters of the Last Sun Empire Guard Army in the mecha.

That's right, while transporting a large amount of space equipment, Li Yunpeng sent all the 2 million mecha corps of the guards into space.

Then jumped down in the low-orbit space and headed straight to the mainland of South Australia!

Don’t you miss the Black Three Empires? Lao Tzu will give it to you. As a price, I will be welcome in South Australia!

The mecha legion of the 2 million guards, like a divine soldier, fell sharply with a sharp wind whistling in his ears.

The South Australian Empire is in chaos, and most of their forces are outside the country. How can you think that the Last Sun Empire will fall from the sky?

The poor air defense firepower fired urgently.

But for the huge number of mecha corps, it's a drop in the bucket.

When the guard mechs descend to several kilometers in the air, they immediately adjust their flying posture, changing from diving to lying prone, using the increased force area of ​​their bodies to generate greater resistance and slowing down.

When descending to about 1,000 meters, the mecha soldiers of the Guard Army immediately opened their parachutes and landed slowly.

Edmond is now angrily scolding his mother, Li Yunpeng, the bastard, will give Lao Tzu a slap in the face!

It is impossible to temporarily deploy troops stationed abroad to return aid, and the special guards have begun to land.

The arrogant high-level South Australians also panicked, and asked Emmond anxiously, "Your Excellency, what should I do! The enemy is too cunning, please make a decision quickly, and later, we will all be taken prisoner." !"

Edmond's mind is in a mess. How does he know what to do? The local defense force of South Australia will not be able to stop it for long. There are only 200,000 soldiers on the soil, and half of them are equipped with conventional weapons. .

At this moment, the guards reported.

"Your Excellency, the King of the East has led people away!"

"What? How did it run?"

"Back to the Governor, they grabbed a cruiser and ran away..."

"Damn Dongri! I knew it was unreliable. When the crisis came, they ran away first!" Edmond said angrily.

"Hey?" His men's eyes lit up, "Governor, or... shall we run too?"

Emmond: "..."

"Fart! South Australia is our country, where can we go..." Speaking of this, Edmond suddenly realized something, "Ahem... What do we say? Strategic retreat! Yes, it is a retreat! Retreat to the Black Three Empires and fight back!"


Holding his breath in his heart, Edmond immediately mobilized the Homeland Defense Forces to cover the retreat.

After the mecha corps of the guards landed in South Australia, as if they had entered the land of no one, they quickly smashed the resistance force with a force of destruction.

The Mecha Army of the Last Sun Empire near the capital of South Australia is engaged in a fierce battle with the homeland defense forces of Emmond.

On the battlefield, the mecha fighters of both sides fight each other.

An energy shell of a mecha soldier of the Homeland Defense Force fired at the guards, but unexpectedly, the opponent dodged and avoided it, and while flying by, suddenly pulled the trigger of the electromagnetic gun.

Puff puff puff!

The soldiers of the Homeland Defense Army were a little dazed. The information provided by the military department was seriously inconsistent with reality. Why were the actions of the mecha soldiers of the Guard Army slow?

He didn't have time to think about it. The series of bullets from the guards instantly penetrated the mecha. Feeling the pain of the division of the body, the soldiers of the Homeland Defense Army kept cursing in their hearts.

"This bunch of straw bags from the military department! It's killing me!"

Then, he lost consciousness.

The newly upgraded Moyang Empire Mecha Legion, the South Australian soldiers were caught off guard, crying and crying.

According to the intelligence given by the military, the mecha soldiers of the guard army were weak in weaponry. They thought they could use mechas to resist damage, but they were beaten to pieces and died in a terrible state.

The mecha warriors of the guard army, with sufficient energy supply, toss and turn on the battlefield, looking like ghosts, without stopping for a moment.

This further increases the difficulty of shooting for the Homeland Defense Forces.

Often before hitting the enemy, he has been exposed to the firepower of the guards and cannot escape the fate of being shattered.

This kind of super-high kinetic energy bullet, as long as it hits the torso, it will end in death, if you are lucky enough to be hit in the limbs, it will also have a crippled end.

As the intelligence received by South Australia was wrong, they caused great damage in the first wave of engagements.

Those ordinary soldiers who only wore protective clothing had been sentenced to death by splashing stones tore through their clothing. The intense radiation made them feel unbearable instantly.

Under the dual fear of being killed and killed by radiation, the soldiers had no intention to fight at all. After less than an hour, there were signs of defeat.