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Chapter 595: Request industrial equipment

"What? Get another five sets of industrial production equipment?"

Edmond was speechless!

The first time I heard that there are so many conditions to surrender.

"Huh, Li Yunpeng is so deceiving. If we have so much industrial production equipment, do we still have to surrender?" said one of the subordinates.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was the dumb green who stunned the Governor-General.

" really works..."

Emmond glanced at him and said, "How many industrial production equipment is useless. Whether it is mecha equipment or unmanned warfare equipment, the Moyang Empire is countless times stronger than the intelligence shows. Don't do it anymore. I fantasize for no reason."

Everyone thought that on the battlefield of the Black Three Empires, the powerful combat power of the Moyang Empire Unmanned Corps was somewhat weak.

This is the first time they have seen a force that can precisely control such a large number of unmanned warfare equipment to this degree.

Therefore, soldiers from South Australia called the Moyang Empire Unmanned Corps a limb harvester. It is not easy to do this.

If you don't pursue precise control, I'm afraid the number of Unmanned Legions in the Last Sun Empire can be doubled.

"Okay, stop thinking about it, I know that many of you are secretly active, but I warn you, all your actions are only on your own behalf. I will fight for a surrender to the Moyang Empire for the millions of soldiers and civilians of South Australia. Chance!" said Emmond.


After that, a large group of soldiers came in outside, directly controlling everyone.

"My lord Governor, what does this mean?"

"My lord, what did we do wrong?"


"Don't panic, in order to ensure that you don't interfere with my next work, please don't leave here for the time being!" Emmond said.

He is avoiding traitors in the team and leaking out any news.

If Atadi knew the truth, there would really be no chance of getting industrial production equipment.

In the crowd, some people settled down after listening, some were indifferent, and some were anxious.

Up to now, Edmond had no intention to trouble them, and after an explanation, he turned and left.

This will be the last time South Australia seeks help from aliens.

The previous few requests for help were to use the power of aliens to deal with the human race. But this time, in order to have a chance of surrender and atonement, another batch of industrial production equipment was pitted from the hands of aliens.

Emond weighed it left and right, using conventional means, I am afraid it would be difficult to succeed.

Anyway, it’s the last hammer sale, it’s not a good bird to ride a horse, don’t blame Lao Tzu for making a tough move!

Edmond carefully considered the plan and began to prepare for the implementation of the plan.

He first went to the gym.

After realizing that he could not defeat the Moyang Empire at all, he was full of frustration, which was not conducive to his subsequent performance.

So Edmond needs a sweat to adjust his state.

An hour later, when he turned off the treadmill, he walked down out of breath.

Although very tired, his spirit is no longer decadent, and he has regained his agitated state.

Taking advantage of the peak of his emotions, Edmond hurried to the communication room and immediately dialed Altadi's call.

When he received a call from South Australia, Atadi felt bad instinctively. He thought about it, and his opponent said: "You answer and ask him what is going on. If something is good, tell me again. If you ask for supplies, just say I'm not here."


The call is connected quickly.

Edmond spoke first: "Hello? I'm looking for Altadi!"

The South Gate 2 correspondent was taken aback. Humans dared to directly call Lord Atadi's real name. Except for Li Yunpeng of the Moyang Empire, there is really no one. Edmond took the wrong medicine?

"What's the matter with Lord Altadi?"

"Very important, let him answer the phone!"

Edmond said with a breathless tone, short and firm.

The South Gate 2 correspondent glanced at Atadi next to him, asking what to do.

Atadi thought about it, answered the phone, and asked in a deep voice, "Emond, what can I do?"

"In three days, with five sets of industrial production equipment, I can reach the mainland of the Last Sun Empire!"

Emmond said directly.

For the aliens in East Asia, intelligence can only be roughly clear about what is happening, and cannot monitor the detailed situation of the battlefield.

Atadi's heart is shocked. What major achievements have South Australia achieved? Five sets of industrial production equipment can reach the end of the sun empire?

He was a little unbelieving in his heart, but he still asked, "What's the matter?"

"I regained South Australia, and the soldiers of the Last Sun Empire were badly injured and unable to fight anymore," said Edmond.

"Where is the industrial production equipment I just supported for you?"

Emmond did not hesitate to answer: "In the Black Three Empires, they are producing at full capacity, but they cannot afford to consume them. The battle is too terrible. The guards have no will to fight now. Three days is the last chance for me. Once adjusted After coming over, I basically lost the ability to invade the mainland of the Last Sun Empire!"

Altadi was puzzled. How exactly did Edmond defeat the guards? Now the investigation must be too late. All he has to do is believe or not.

Taking advantage of Altadi’s hesitation, Edmond yelled to himself: "What? The remaining 200,000 troops of the guard want to run? Stop them, and we must destroy them in Victoria Port. In the block, they can't escape for half a step."

"In addition, the leader of the 131 army is brought to the front and beheaded on the spot to destroy the enemy's will to resist!"

"Master Atadi, the military situation is urgent. Please consider carefully. Anyway, my strategic goal has been achieved. If you say truce, then I will withdraw my troops and come back." Emond said.

Altadi was very entangled in his heart. Is it true that Edmond said that there are noses and eyes?

At this moment, Edmond began to speak to the side again.

"Okay! I see, come right away!" Edmond yelled again to himself, and then said into the microphone: "Master Atadi, you should think about it first. The guards of the Black Three Empires are planning to break through, and I want to convene. Emergency military meeting, come back later."

After all, before Atadi answered, he hung up the phone.

In the communication room of South Australia, a group of staff were dumbfounded. The Governor is crazy? What double reed is singing alone?

Hearing the busy tone of the phone, Altadi was half relieved of his doubts.

This is a good opportunity, but five industrial production equipment is not so easy to take out.

There are not many on my own side, and we will have to deal with the changing global situation in the future. If you put the treasure on the South Australian side, the risk is too great.

But the temptation to invade the mainland of the Last Sun Empire is too great, and no country has ever hoped to achieve such a long war.

What should we do?

Altadi considered for several hours, but did not finalize it.

So, he planned to ask Emmond about the specific situation again.

"Hey, I'm looking for Emmond."

"I'm sorry, the Governor-General is holding a military meeting and specifically ordered anyone not to disturb."

"What am I..." Altadi was a little angry. All human beings who depend on him have never dared to refuse to answer the phone. How urgent is Edmond to refuse to answer?

"Okay, tell him, call me back after the meeting."


Edmond was next to the correspondent, giving a thumbs up.

"Okay, I'll go to sleep and remind me in 2 hours."

Correspondent: "..."


Altadi's ability to call indicates that he has increased trust in his heart. Otherwise, with his arrogant personality, he would never call for consultation.

At this time, if the answer is the first time, it will not seem so convincing, so Edmond intends to wait two hours before replying, so that Altadi's anxious emotions will ferment for a while!