Start a Base

Chapter 618: Clean up nuclear radiation

On the eighth day of the Explorer fleet's departure, Li Yunpeng and others gathered at the command center again.

Today, the fleet is about to reach Mars, another important stage of deep space exploration is about to come.

"My Lord, the fleet is 600,000 kilometers away from Mars, and it has already begun to slow down."

"Well, pay close attention to the fleet situation!"



Compared with the strong back-pushing feeling in the acceleration phase, in the deceleration phase, the pilot feels a huge pulling force. If there is no safety device, the astronaut will be instantly pulled out of the seat and fly forward.

Ren Xiao's spacecraft had already left the fleet when it was decelerated and opened, and he had control over it.

"Ren Xiao, the journey ahead, I wish you peace, the fleet is waiting for you on Mars." The fleet commander said.

"Thanks and see you on the return trip."

"See you on the return trip!"

On the radar screen, Ren Xiao could clearly see that his spacecraft was moving forward rapidly, while the explorer fleet was farther and farther behind him.

Through the screen, Mars has the size of a roulette wheel, showing a khaki.

Ren Xiao hurried to correct the orbit. In order to avoid the loss of kinetic energy from being captured by the gravity of Mars, he controlled the spacecraft to stay away from the orbit of Mars and pass by the planet on which humans are about to land.

"Mars, waiting for me to triumph!"


After more than eight hours of deceleration, the Explorer fleet finally reached the orbit of Mars.

The 15 warships contained various materials and equipment.

In the next period of time, they will release Mars orbiting satellites, build a Mars-ring space farm, a Mars-ring defense weapon system, a Mars-orbiting radio telescope, etc., and use landers to land on the surface of Mars and build permanent structures.

Mars, lonely for billions of years, finally welcomed the first visitors of Saturn.

Fleet astronauts control the robots, assemble pieces of equipment, then push out the battleship, and use boosters to send it to the designated location.

Thousands of various intelligent machines are busy in the orbit of Mars.

Humans before the end of the world may not have thought that they would be able to start such a huge project when they arrived on Mars for the first time.

Mars has a thin atmosphere. Ninety-five percent of it is made up of carbon dioxide, with extremely small amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and other gases.

The water needed by space agriculture and astronauts, except for the water brought from Saturn, must be collected locally and obtained from Mars.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Three days later, the spacecraft piloted by Ren Xiao arrived at the target location in the asteroid belt.

At this time, Ren Xiao's brain was blank, and he immediately sent back a message to Saturn, "Peng, Brother Peng, I'm lost... there is no **** here..."

So there is a void in front of you, not even a bird's feather, this is the asteroid belt?

The asteroid belt has at least 500,000 asteroids, gold and minerals everywhere.

Ren Xiao repeatedly checked the coordinates, for fear that he would be wrongly positioned and lost in the universe.

After Li Yunpeng received the message, he was relieved at first, Ren Xiao arrived safely anyway, but then he started to have a headache.

Is it really okay to send people with problems to explore the asteroid belt?

"Ren Xiao, are you stupid? Half a million asteroids are placed in the vast asteroid belt. The matter is very thin. Be careful not to be hit by sudden asteroids!"

It took 20 minutes for Ren Xiao to send out the message before he received a reply from Saturn.

The verbal abuse spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers, Ren Xiao sounded extraordinarily kind, and he thought to himself that it was the same.

It is possible that the asteroid belt was originally a planet, and it is not known what caused it to disintegrate, thus forming the current asteroid belt.

Imagine that there are 500,000 asteroids scattered on an asteroid belt with a width of 200 million kilometers and a circumference of more than 10 billion kilometers. It is indeed not too many, and it looks empty, which is normal.

Ren Xiao, who had figured out everything, was busy planning where to start, and gave Saturn a reply at will.


When Li Yunpeng received this message, he was shocked and his face was black.

Crossing 300 million kilometers, I waited for ten minutes, and you got back a word after you stepped on a horse? Which of the inter-planetary communications has not been carefully considered?

Oh, oh your uncle!

Anyway, Ren Xiao's spacecraft has a complete escape system. As long as he doesn't die, there shouldn't be any accidents, so let him go.

Li Yunpeng didn't bother to reply to him again, and angrily led people out of the command center to the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

It is time for the nuclear radiation removal plan to be implemented. Human beings have long waited for this day and are already eager to see.

Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Ding Chaoyang was by Li Yunpeng's side.

"Report to the Lord, that the suspension platform has been manufactured and the microbial agent has been filled, and the plan can be implemented at any time."

"Okay, then don't wait any longer, execute it immediately."


With an order from Li Yunpeng, the Moyang Empire Industrial Center opened the passage.

A huge platform ejected four tail flames and a powerful nuclear fusion engine, pushing this huge 10,000-ton building to the sky.

The speed is not particularly fast, but being able to push objects of 10,000 tons into the sky is enough to shock the world.

Suspended platforms one after another, 10,000 tons of buildings, driven by the nuclear fusion engine, feel as light as a feather, slowly lifting into the air.

The suspended platform started from the industrial center and was remotely controlled by experts from the Academy of Sciences to be distributed throughout the eastern hemisphere.

This process lasted all morning.

"Report to the Lord of the Country, a total of 96 suspended platforms, all of which have reached the stratosphere."

"Very well, start cleaning up nuclear radiation!"


The platforms scattered at an altitude of nearly 30,000 meters above the Suyang Empire suddenly began to spray spray downwards.

In the sunshine, rainbows appeared around the platform.

It is a sign that Saturn will come to life again.

Nuclear radiation concentration detectors throughout the Eastern Hemisphere monitor the radiation concentration in real time.

"It's down, it's down! The concentration of nuclear radiation is reduced by one percent!" The person in charge of monitoring suddenly shouted.

If it dissipates naturally, it will take at least half a year to reduce this one percent.

But now, this is only a few hours.

In the Academy of Sciences, everyone cheered and applauded excitedly.

"My Lord, at this speed, I am afraid that it will not be long before the civilians can return to the ground!" Ding Chaoyang said excitedly.

Li Yunpeng smiled and nodded. Nuclear radiation invading the soil is not so simple to remove. It also requires a hearty rain to immerse microorganisms in the soil to completely remove it.

All suspended platforms are in the airspace of the Last Sun Empire, so the Eastern Hemisphere will take the lead in completing the nuclear radiation cleanup.

As for the effect of other places, it is not Li Yunpeng's concern. As long as the nuclear dust floating in the atmosphere is eliminated, whether there are residues on the land is not an issue that he needs to care about for the time being.