Start a Base

Chapter 622: Mars crisis

Your Lord, an interstellar battleship in the Explorer fleet was destroyed, and the astronauts died!

Li Yunpeng's relaxed face gradually cooled, and Lao Fang felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

"what happened?"

"My Lord, the Commander of the Adventurer Fleet reported that they found a man-made object in the Mars synchronous orbit. They thought it was a probe launched by humans before the end of the world, and then sent an unmanned spacecraft on board the battleship to capture it and bring it back. Mothership."

"But unexpectedly, there was a miniature hydrogen bomb hidden in the man-made object. When the astronaut opened it, it exploded in an instant. Under the high temperature of 100 million degrees, the astronaut and the spacecraft were vaporized and decomposed into All kinds of particles..."

Li Yunpeng looked at the shocked Wang Shiyan, and resisted his anger, "Shiyan, you eat first, I'll go out for a while."

"Oh, Brother Peng, I am waiting for you to come back."

Li Yunpeng nodded and walked quickly towards the command center with Li Dun.

"Master of the country!"

When the busy people saw Li Yunpeng coming, they immediately stopped their work and greeted him.

Li Yunpeng waved his hand and went straight to the meeting room.

"Go ahead, how come there is a nuclear bomb?"

"My Lord, the man-made object wrapped in the miniature nuclear bomb is probably not the work of human beings."

Li Yunpeng's eyes narrowed slightly. Except for the Moyang Empire, no human being can make a miniature nuclear bomb, disguise it, and send it into the orbit of Mars.

That might be the second alien from Nanmen!

"Atadi did it?"

"My lord, under our surveillance, there should be no local spacecraft taking off without being discovered."

"It's not Atadi...then is it...they are hiding in the solar system other people of the same kind?" Li Yunpeng said to himself.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison, obviously agreeing with Li Yunpeng's guess.

"There is no debris left at the scene, otherwise we can analyze some clues through the material, and I guess that this artificial hydrogen bomb should have been placed in the Mars synchronous orbit a long time ago." An aerospace material expert said.

"Hmph, after Altadi failed, can the kind he hid finally couldn't help but do it?" Li Yunpeng said.

"It's just... are they just doing this to kill one of our warships? Or want to give us a warning?"

Li Yunpeng slapped the table, "Whether he is warning or not, only life and death between humans and them can force them to issue a warning, proving that we are in the right direction. Mercury and Venus located between Saturn and the sun can basically be ruled out. They should be hiding on four planets or their moons outside of Mars!"

Everyone thought that it was indeed the case. It must be the interstellar activities of the Last Sun Empire, which threatened the safety of the South Gate two aliens, so it issued a warning.

"Report! Two more man-made objects were found in the synchronous orbit of Mars!"

Li Yunpeng was not surprised, "Hmph, it seems that they are already prepared on Mars, order the Explorer fleet to be careful, the aliens may have more than that!"


There are alien arrangements around Mars, but what about the asteroid belt? Li Yunpeng had a bad premonition. The curiosity of Ren Xiao's grandson was enough to kill 10,000 cats. If you encounter a similar situation...

That's it! To be cold!

Li Yunpeng immediately ordered the command center to issue a warning to Ren Xiao, but there was no reply after the message was sent for a long time. It was obvious that he was no longer near the original coordinates and did not know where he was.

"Made, brother didn't want to harm you, I didn't expect this to happen!" Li Yunpeng could only pray in his heart that he was safe.

He seemed to be able to see the excitement of Ren Xiao when they found man-made objects in the open asteroid belt, and... the expression before the explosion of the hydrogen bomb...


The Explorer fleet discovered that these two man-made objects were flying towards the location of the fleet. Although the shapes were different from before, the commander directly issued the command to destroy them.

The laser weapon located at the front of the battleship was charged immediately, and the hull trembled slightly, and a beam of high-energy laser instantly hit an unknown man-made object.

Then, the fleet astronauts saw that the place where the man-made object was originally suddenly lit up like a sun-like ball of light.

It was not because the laser beam triggered the explosion of the hydrogen bomb, but the man-made object's outer shell was destroyed, which automatically triggered the hydrogen bomb detonator inside.

After two verifications, the Explorer team fully confirmed that the Mars synchronous orbit concealed the killing.

Each explorer battleship is equipped with ten small unmanned spacecraft. At this time, most of them have been sent out, distributed around the fleet, guarding any objects that may approach.

The original landing plan was also changed. Astronauts followed the spacecraft to land, and changed to automatic equipment landing, for fear that aliens might also hide murderous intentions on the surface of Mars.

A landing spacecraft broke away from the battleship and crashed into the Martian atmosphere.

The Explorer fleet commander and all astronauts are closely watching the spacecraft.

After descending nearly 100 kilometers, the spacecraft started the engine, adjusted its landing attitude, and landed toward the target location.

The whole process went smoothly. The spacecraft landed at the designated location and found that there was no abnormal situation before opening the hatch, and various intelligent equipment such as the Mars Landing Vehicle came out of it.

Seeing this situation, the fleet commander breathed a sigh of relief and gave the order to build a permanent base on Mars.

The various robots and construction machinery busy on the surface are working accurately according to the drawings. After the foundation is laid, the materials that have fallen from the sky will be assembled and laid. In one day, a human building covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters appears on Mars. Surface.

After a series of tests, the Mars base already has the conditions for human survival.

But the commander still didn't let the astronauts land, and he couldn't see anything in a day or two. The Mars base was built first, and then I would see if anything would happen later.

He immediately reported to the home planet, the first phase of work was completed, and the Empire was asked to launch large quantities of materials and equipment.

After the command center received the report, according to the plan, nuclear fusion reactors, space weapons, metal smelting centers, industrial equipment processing centers, and space agricultural components were launched to Mars to support the Explorer team to establish a Martian ecosystem and achieve self-sufficiency. Replenishment has been relying on transportation that spans hundreds of millions of kilometers.

To build Mars into an outpost, it must be self-sufficient.

After the basic industrial and weapon systems are perfected, more complex industrial systems will be built on Mars, and even cutting-edge heavy industries such as the interstellar battleship production line will also be built on Mars.

Because it is too close to the asteroid belt, if you don't want to change the land of Saturn, the massive mineral demand in the future can only be obtained from the outside.

Ren Xiao's asteroid belt expedition plan is vital to the Martian industry of the Last Sun Empire.

At this time, he was still roaming around in the asteroid belt like a headless fly.