Start a Base

Chapter 660: Unknown enemy

Ren Xiao received sufficient funds, and the training speed of Deep Space Prospecting Group employees suddenly increased, and the conditions for flying were soon reached.

After a simple ceremony, Ren Xiao personally took 5,000 excited employees and a full 50 spacecraft, including two Explorer-class interstellar warships, once again left Saturn and headed towards the asteroid. .

With the cooperation of tens of millions of robots and humans, environmental restoration is being accelerated in places other than the Western Kingdom on Saturn.

However, the aliens dared not make any moves while surrounded by the guards.

Just after the Imperial Military Department came up with a battle plan, the planetary defense department suddenly captured a strange radio wave.

After careful analysis, the Imperial Academy of Sciences determined that this was a radio wave launched from Saturn to outer space.

If anyone on Saturn has the ability and reason to do this, it must be Altadi.

It's just that what information does the radio waves that he emits contain? Contact with other companions hidden in the solar system? Or should you contact Nanmen two mother stars directly?

Li Yunpeng feels that things may not be that simple. The aliens have been relying on Saturn and not leaving. They must have relied on them. Otherwise, with their technology, there is no reason not to build spacecraft and escape from Saturn.

The night is long and dreamy, and he decided to implement the battle plan the next morning, preparing to destroy the aliens hiding in the ground in one fell swoop.

The whole army is ready, waiting for a night's rest and a full meal, to end the last trace of aliens on their planet.

However, at two o'clock in the morning, Li Yunpeng was called by his guards just as he lay down.

"My lord, the major event is not good. Our deep-space radar has detected a large number of signs of civilized activities from the direction of Jupiter. It should be a fleet!"

"What? Is it the same kind of Atadi?" Li Yunpeng asked eagerly.

"My Lord, I don't know yet for the time being."

Li Yunpeng furrowed his brows deeply. If it was so good, he was most afraid of an unknown civilization and the vast universe. It is not surprising that he encountered anything.

"Order the world to prepare for battle, close the Mars base, leaving only automatic defense weapons, all civil and scientific research projects in space will cease, and all mankind will enter a wartime state!"


The harsh siren sounded not only on Saturn, but also in man-made buildings in space.

People working in space, upon hearing the alarm, immediately evacuated in an orderly manner according to the operation manual, boarded the spacecraft and returned to the ground.

At the same time, a pop-up window automatically popped up on everyone's mobile phone, which read: "Global Alert! Humans are facing unknown enemies. Please stop working and go to the nearest emergency shelter. Note that this is not a drill! This is! Not a drill!"

After receiving this pop-up window, people were taken aback for a moment, and then quickly put down everything at hand, looked for family members, and moved closer to the nearest refuge in an orderly manner.

Although the crowd was a little messy, there was no accident. In an emergency, it is rare to be able to do this.

There is no longer an emergency operation of this scale in the Moyang Empire. All the people are quick to act, and there is no other thoughts that shouldn't be, because everyone knows that those who dare to make trouble at this time are not arrested on the spot. If you live, you will be severely prosecuted afterwards, and the crime will be aggravated.

A similar situation has happened many times before, and it has created a scene where the people are flustered and not confused when they are in trouble.

The first time Li Yunpeng faced an enemy from outer space, it was like going through the first test in his life, and it was inevitable that he was a little nervous.

However, there are tens of thousands of turrets in the orbit around Saturn and the space city is also equipped with a large number of weapons.

The number of space warships has reached 10,000, including 5,000 Explorers and 5,000 Hive X-01 motherships.

At the outermost periphery, in the orbit of Mars, a large number of laser and electromagnetic automated weapons have also been prepared.

This is the current full power of Saturn, and mankind has only one chance. If it can't stop it, it is the destiny of destruction.

In the past, wars on the surface of the planet consisted of killing each other of the same kind. At best, one side was defeated and one side was the king.

It is not a threat to the continuation of human civilization, and everyone's purpose is to live.

But the war between different civilizations has no chance to start again.

You can only win, not lose!

Once defeated, mankind will most likely disappear into the vast universe, and no longer have a fantasy future.

The Moyang Empire did not inform the general public of the origin of this crisis, because that would not help in addition to adding a lot of unnecessary trouble.

No wonder what is shown in the movie, when ordinary people learn the truth, it is either a victory or a final farewell.

There is some truth to this kind of thing, no matter who sits in the position of power, he will make such a choice.

In the command center of the Moyang Empire, all the high-level humans are listed.

Li Yunpeng asked in a deep voice; "Has the evacuation work been done?"

"Master of returning home, everything is done, only a private fleet can't get in touch..."

Li Yunpeng was taken aback, his private fleet?

Damn it! Ren Xiao!

"Where are they?"

"My Lord, according to time calculations, they should have arrived near the asteroid belt. We have conducted several space broadcasts before, but we have not been able to get in touch with them."

Li Yunpeng's face was gloomy, as if water could drip out, and it was harmless to pit Ren Xiao once in a while, but this time he was really facing a life-and-death crisis.

"Continue to broadcast the space in the direction where they left. Be sure to find him!"


"Launch exploration satellites to find out the number and equipment of the enemy!"


In the space city military base, dozens of spy satellites were ejected by electromagnetic accelerators.

The reason why nuclear-powered engines are not used is that when nuclear-powered engines are in operation, they generate heat and radiation, which are easily detected by the enemy.

If you want to achieve the effect of concealment, you can only use the electromagnetic ejection of inertial flight.

These dozens of spy satellites, once they find the enemy, they will immediately report their situation.

The distance between the enemy and ourselves is at least 500 million kilometers. Li Yunpeng believes that the other party must also be collecting intelligence on his side at this time.

"Try to send a call request, ask the enemy clearly what they are coming from, mark the area within the orbit of Mars as a safety identification zone, and warn that if the opponent crosses the boundary, we will strike mercilessly."
