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Chapter 673: A century of shame

Atadi’s recent days have indeed been very moisturized.

After transferring the contradiction, he also looked away.

If the Council of the Kakul Civilization and Solar System has nothing to do with the Last Sun Empire, then on his own, there is no hope of escape.

He is now looking forward to the start of the war, no matter who wins or loses, it is a kind of relief. He does not want the events of the solar system to affect the fate of the family far away in Nanmen.

After Altadi sealed all the underground passages, he unloaded his burden and immersed himself in relaxation and enjoyment every day.

He expected that the Last Sun Empire would not do anything to himself until the external threats were resolved.

Therefore, you can wait without fear for the final judgment of fate, and if you win, you will leave unrestrainedly. The story of Saturn is destined to be buried on this planet forever. Failure is a complete failure. The power of the Kakur civilization in the solar system has been wiped out. With no proof, it is impossible to trace the source of human anti-gravity technology. After all, it is very possible to get it from Lacaf.

Although his idea is good, Wang Lang has already prepared all the information.

And he has already contacted Raqaf, and sent a message from the Last Sun Empire, "Raqaf, we have prepared a great gift for you, I believe you will like it."

Raqaf received the news from the planet Saturn and wondered, giving gifts at this time? I'm afraid it's polite or impolite!

"Huh, humans, what tricks do you want to play? If you beg for mercy, you can say it straight. For the sake of your knowledge of the current affairs, I can make a difference to you!"

Wang Lang was disdainful, so you just pretended to be when you were crying.

"Lakaf, the gift we want to give you is very important to your entire civilization."

Raqaf had a hundred unbelief, the human family background, except for the planet Saturn, there was nothing they could see.

"It's also very strenuous for us to communicate back and forth like this. If there is nothing else, stop disturbing me in the future!"

The tone was tough and cold, with a hint of impatience and anger.

Wang Lang didn't buy his account at all, and directly threw a message back, "Anti-gravity technology and a large amount of experimental data, I will give you free!"

After receiving this message, Lacaf suddenly became calm.

Anti-gravity technology in the Kakur civilization is the top technology that has not yet been mastered. Can human beings get it?

In line with the principle of killing three thousand by mistake and not letting go of one, Lacafe said with some confusion: "Really, really? It's free?"

With just a few messages, Wang Lang didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore. He directly packaged all the anti-gravity technology data provided by Atadi and sent it to Lacaf through an encrypted band.

Anyway, the wool came out of the sheep, and what was taken from them, in turn, returned to their own hands.

After finishing the get off work, Wang Lang went off work and left his clothes after he was busy, not hiding his merits and fame.

Raqaf received massive amounts of data and did not dare to open it directly, fearing that it was a virus program sent by humans.

Hurry up and call up scientists for safe decoding.

Carefully unpacking the huge data code layer by layer, found that there is no dangerous program, and then forwarded it to Raqaf and a group of Kakur civilization physical scientists who were waiting anxiously.

"Quickly, see if these things are worthwhile!" Lacafe urged.

"Yes! Prime Minister, please wait a moment!"

The scientists picked up the information and began to study it carefully.

In the room, only the scientists whispered discussions, flipping through papers, and the sounds of electronic instruments.

A full hour passed.

Lacaf felt that his legs were a little sore, and the leading scientist put down the information in his hands.

Lacaf hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How is it? Is the information valuable?"

The scientist nodded solemnly, "Very valuable!"

"Great!" Lacaf fisted vigorously. If anti-gravity technology can provide a boost to civilization, that would be a great achievement.

However, the leading scientist did not follow the joy, but went on to say: "This information is not only valuable, but also comparable to the anti-gravity technology developed by our civilization itself!"

Raqaf almost fainted happily, such a big contribution, after returning, he must have developed.

"Huh? Then why do you look unhappy?"

The scientist's face was dark, "This information, if you need to describe it, is not very appropriate anymore. It is exactly the same as our scientific research results!"

Raqaf didn't turn his mind for a moment.

"One, exactly the it good...or...not good..."

"Prime Minister! Even a punctuation mark is not wrong. There is no difference in a single word in tens of thousands of experimental records. What do you think?"

Raqqafe felt his brain explode.

Speaking of this, how could he not understand the meaning.

This is really cheating on an exam, even the name is copied!

It's exactly the same!

Human anti-gravity technology comes from the Kakur civilization! Who leaked it?

The answer is ready to come out, close contact with humans, the only person at risk of leaking secrets is Altadi!

Rakaf did not hesitate to expose Atadi in advance because he had the most advanced technology in civilization, anti-gravity technology.

According to common sense, even if he is dead, Atadi should not leak the secrets.

But I didn't expect that Atadi, who had only been involved in humans for less than two hundred years, would leak the information in this way.

Helping civilization to gain the advancement of anti-gravity technology is a great contribution. On the contrary, it is a heinous sin to disclose the scientific and technological achievements of civilization.

This matter cannot be handled by Atadi alone.

All the high-ranking members of the solar system here are all to blame.

No wonder scientists have ugly faces, and they will follow bad luck and even lose their lives.

"Mad! Atadi, the bastard, save a hammer and die on Saturn!" Lacaf cursed.

After thinking about it, it wasn't enough to defuse the breath, and through the password with Atadi, he sent a communication to Saturn.

"Atadi, you can't die, bastard, you have to be buried with you when you die! Don't worry, if the mother star knows that you leak anti-gravity technology to humans, I will definitely let your entire family , Pay the price of blood! Including old people who are old to the end and babies just born!"

More than an hour after the message was sent, Atadi received it.

Originally, Raqaf’s letter was quite happy, but after reading the message, the curses and sternness mixed in between the lines made Atadi frightened and fell to the ground.

Paper, after all, still can't contain the fire, Li Yunpeng, the bastard, even told Raqaf the news!

"Hateful! Despicable humans! Evil humans! I shouldn't have come to the solar system, I shouldn't have come!"

Altadi wailed in pain. Now he can no longer care about his own life and death. His entire family has stretched for thousands of years, and finally climbed to its current status. If this matter spreads out, it will be a catastrophe.

The more advanced the technology, the longer the life span of the population, and the more stable the social class.

In the Kakur civilization, the class has long been solidified, and the case of the collapse of the big family has not occurred for a hundred years.

Is my family going to become the only shame of the Kakur civilization in the past 100 years?

Altadi shouted in his heart, no matter from any angle, it is very likely to be such a result.