Start a Base

Chapter 727: Reissue the master order

Li Yunpeng contacted Moyangcheng for the first time to confirm that his wife and daughter were in good condition, and then he was relieved.

The journey of the space city could only be abandoned, and Li Yunpeng's special spacecraft for the master immediately returned to the surface.

Since the site of this super volcano eruption is in the western hemisphere, the impact of Suyang City is relatively small.

In the center of the imperial parliament, a group of important figures gathered at this time.

They come from various fields such as the administrative department, the military department, and the science and technology department.

The plan to deal with the disaster is being fiercely debated.

"The Lord of the Country is here!"


Everyone shut their mouths collectively, and at the same time stood up to pay attention to the door.

Li Yunpeng walked along, walked straight to the rostrum with a calm face, glanced at the crowd, "Sit!"


The big bosses who are usually powerful are more obedient than the elementary school students at this time, and the quiet papers in the venue can be heard when they fall on the ground.

No one dared to believe in such a serious disaster, everyone was waiting for Li Yunpeng to speak.

"Everyone knows the matter. There is no need to discuss it. I will implement the following requirements immediately after the meeting!" Li Yunpeng said directly.

The following group of people instantly took out paper and pen, ready to carefully write down the Lord's orders.

Li Yunpeng paused, and said: "First, make every effort to develop floating buildings and create floating communities."

"Second, the Imperial Academy of Sciences has increased its investment in anti-gravity technology."

"Thirdly, open the field of deep space prospecting and suspended real estate to the private sector in an all-round way, concentrating global forces and advancing together!"

"Fourth, start the population growth plan again. One year later, I will make the global population exceed 200 million! In five years, I will double it!"


The discussion below suddenly started in a low voice. It is no problem to exceed 200 million a year. Anyway, the global population has reached 190 million.

But doubling in five years is a bit more powerful. The meaning of this sentence is that for all the population in the world, every pair of men and women must have two children within five years.

Fortunately, young people say that it is difficult for both too old and too young.

Then the indicators that these two difficult groups cannot achieve will ultimately fall on young people.

In other words, a pair of young men and women must have at least three to four children within five years.

One a year, there is not much respite at all.

Li Yunpeng saw that everyone was embarrassed and said, "I know that these five years have been difficult, especially for women. It can be said that it has been five years of sacrifice, but for the development of human civilization, ordinary people have to sacrifice too!"

The Lord of the Country set the tone, and everyone stopped discussing. It seems that the young people will eventually take over.

Li Yunpeng went on to say: “Also, the Imperial Academy of Sciences has developed a brain-computer system to study virtual reality technology. In the next five years, most pregnant women will have limited mobility. It is necessary to ensure their spiritual entertainment richness. Virtual reality games must be within one year. It has reached the maturity stage, which is why I only set the task of 200 million people in one year. This year, it is reserved for virtual reality games."

Everyone called the good guy, it turned out to be because of this.

However, the Lord's plan is indeed very thoughtful.

With the current imperial technology, it is not too simple to make a woman pregnant, and the birth has already been painless.

So the difficulty with four children in five years lies in how to make women spend this long five-year period.

The virtual reality game solves this problem very well.

As long as pregnant women raise their babies with peace of mind, their consciousness can be connected to the virtual world, in which you can toss as you wish. As long as the game is made real, the problem of inconvenience in the real world can be solved.


Looking at the bewildered subordinate, Li Yunpeng said, "Do you understand?"

Everyone reacted and replied in unison: "I understand!"

Li Yunpeng nodded, "If you understand, why don't you go ahead and implement it? Whose job is not in place, give me five children in five years!"


There was a flurry of jumping, and the people in the council hall were gone.

Just as Li Yunpeng was about to get up and leave, he found that one person had not left. Upon closer inspection, it was actually Wang Lang.

"Huh? Wang Lang, why didn't you leave? Do you want to take a five-year job with four children?"

Wang Lang: "..."

"No, no, Lord, no, no...I'm not married yet, who will be born with..."

"Oh, so, what are you?"

Wang Lang rubbed his hands and said, "Hey, Lord of the Country, how many things you have forgotten, do you remember that you said before, you want to give me a ball?"

Li Yunpeng: "???"

"Shall I give you a ball?"

Wang Lang: "..."

"My Lord, do you really mean that, do you? You said before that I have done meritorious service and want to give me a planet!"

Li Yunpeng suddenly realized, "Oh oh oh! You said this."

"Hey, yeah." Wang Lang was embarrassed. "In fact, I didn't expect it to be achieved. I didn't expect our empire to really develop into an interstellar civilization. In addition, I recently fell in love with a girl. , I am a rich man in the empire. Compared with others, my family is a bit weak, so..."

"What? The chief officer of the foreign affairs department of the Moyang Empire was looked down upon? You are in power!" Li Yunpeng said in surprise.

Wang Lang was almost crying. You said that he was the chief official of the foreign affairs department, but does the Moyang Empire have diplomacy now?

There used to be Kakur people, but now the two bosses of the other party are in your old hands.

There was also a zombie, and before he had time to negotiate, I was convinced. I am very diplomatic, and befriend a ghost!

The department in charge of Wang Lang now pays more than the Qingshui yamen, it is simply pure water yamen!

In the entire empire, they are the most inexistent.

Therefore, it can't be compared with the wealthy family at all, and Wang Lang remembered the promise of the Lord of the Country.

Of the eight planets in the solar system, you can give it to any one. When a ball is long, no one dares to look down upon yourself, right?

"Guo, Lord of the country, put the rest aside first, which one of the eight planets do you plan to give me?"

Li Yunpeng thought for a while, and said, "I told you about the planet, but didn't I tell you what planet?"

" seems like this." Wang Lang answered honestly.

Li Yunpeng breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good... I'll tell you Wang Lang, the planet, it can be big or small... Waiting for Ren Xiao to bring it back from the asteroid, I will pick One big one for you..."

Wang Lang: "=͟͟͞͞(꒪⌓꒪*