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Chapter 768: Mass suicide

Ubud, who did not believe in evil, once again commanded the fleet to launch a fierce attack.

The brilliant light from the broken planetary shield did not attract its attention.

Ubud stared at the lower layer like water ripples.

"Made, there's more!"

"and also?"

"How come there is!"

After the Amerian civilization broke through the 30-layer planetary shield, Ubud had begun to feel desperate.

It felt its brain buzzing, and the scene before it became illusory.

"Commander, Lord Commander?" his subordinates whispered.

But Ubud was unmoved as if he had settled down.

"Ahem...Master commander..." The subordinate increased the volume and shook his fingers in front of it, and the Ubud Wizard reacted.

"What's wrong? Why stop?"

"Uh... we have already broken through 42 layers of planetary shields, and the reserve energy has been consumed to the edge of the cordon..."

Ubud's eight tentacles shrank, and then ordered: "Made, the super laser cannon doesn't work, then use the hydrogen bomb to blast the tortoise shell of Saturn!"

The subordinates were speechless, and the hydrogen bomb seemed to be more powerful, but the area of ​​effect of this thing was much larger than that of laser weapons.

For example, if an elephant lies on an ice surface, it cannot crush the ice layer because its contact area with the ice layer is large enough.

But if a steel nail weighing the same as an elephant is placed vertically on the same ice layer, it is likely to be pierced.

This is why the Amerian civilization used super lasers to destroy planetary shields.

Seeing his subordinates did not move, Ubud also realized the problem, "Huh, since conventional hydrogen bombs can't work, then there are trillion-level hydrogen bombs!"

"Master Commander, our trillion-level strategic hydrogen bomb, only two are left in reserve..."

Ubud doesn't care so much, it just wants to try all means to completely open the planetary shield that envelops the Saturn star.

"I don't care how much is left! My order is, at all costs, destroy me the **** planetary shield!"

The subordinate heard that there was no other method besides the strategic level hydrogen bomb, so he could only bite the bullet and execute the order.

If these two hydrogen bombs are used up, in case of interstellar pirates, the fleet will be at risk of destruction.


At this time, inside Saturn planet, the folk atmosphere is extremely strange.

When the Amerian civilization just started to attack, people were frightened and panicked.

Especially when the planetary shield burst for the first time, the number of suicides worldwide reached 10,000 at that moment.

However, these people hadn't gotten cold enough yet, and the others who had been half a beat were surprised to find that there was one more layer broken.

As a result, the movement of hanging up temporarily stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the planetary shield shattered one layer and another layer, and people began to wonder.

Doesn't this thing mean that it is extremely precious? When did the empire have so many?

Some people got off the hanging stools, and then several people got together and sat down to start a discussion.

"Lao Zhang, I will die later, look at the sky, we seem to have a lot of planetary shields."

"Huh, Lao Liu, what about more? Passive beatings will not be guarded sooner or later. Don't be grabbed and sliced ​​by aliens at that time. I'll take a step ahead."

"Hey hey, don't worry, see the situation is not good, I will walk with you later."

Lao Zhang just got down from the tree, "Okay, it's not too late for a few minutes anyway."

The situation of these two people abounds all over the world.

People put down their swords, guns and clubs and looked at the sky curiously.

Someone has been counting the number of times the planetary shield was broken, until more than 40 times, the attack outside the atmosphere stopped.

People said uncertainly: "Is this... resisted?"

"Hold it, resist it, the empire is awesome!"

"Long live human beings, finally don't have to die!"

Old Zhang squeezed Er Fat's corpse, still carrying the warmth and flexibility, and sighed: "Brothers have been impatient since childhood. They have to fight for the top in everything, but this... alas!"

"Lao Zhang, the second fat is a relief if he died. I heard that the third uncle next door drank two catties of crane crown red... now I can't survive in the hospital, I can't ask for death!"

"Fuck, how many dishes, can Hedinghong drink two catties?"


Outside the atmosphere.

The Amerian civilization is slowly retreating.

When a trillion-ton equivalent hydrogen bomb exploded, they had to leave a sufficient safe distance.

Ubud asked: "Although we didn't wear human planetary shields, we must have scared them to death, right? Now the world may be in chaos, hahahaha..."

The subordinates hesitated, because the human response to the information obtained through the observation equipment was a bit strange, and there was no confusion.

"Uh... Master Commander, the abnormal small communities of human civilians at this time are all gathered."

Ubud was overjoyed, "Oh? I know this phenomenon. In the extinct civilizations in the past, there were many similar phenomena. They were afraid of falling into our hands, so they organized group suicides in advance because they were afraid that they would not dare. Do it, so usually people who are familiar will be invited to kill each other."

All the subordinates nodded, "The commander-in-chief is indeed very knowledgeable. It seems that they are carrying out some group suicide rituals. Through observation, these groups are really three or four people gathered together and committed suicide. The ceremony is still different. When the three people are together, they all hold something called solitaire. When the four people gather together, there is an unknown small square in front of them, and they push each other around. No one wants to take the deadly poison first."

Ubud was startled. It was just to ease the embarrassment of failure and said casually. Didn't expect it to be true?

"Well, this is best. Although it hasn't penetrated the planetary shield for the time being, it's okay to collect some interest first!"


The surface of Saturn star.

The real situation is almost the same as that observed by the Amerian civilization.

Human beings who survived the disaster took to the streets one after another.

The empire issued an executive order, and the planetary shield has something to ask everyone to live with peace of mind and don't mess up, so as not to be looked down upon by aliens.

As soon as the news came out, some weird things came to mind.

Since there is no worry about survival, how to humiliate the enemy? The common people's method is naturally to ignore.

So the following scenes have appeared in various parts of the world.

"Three with two!"

"Crush to death!"

"Wang fried."

"Fuck, Tony, why are you fighting the landlord and stealing old ladies and kings?"


"Two barrels."




"Wori, I'm hitting red!"

