Start a Base

Chapter 77: Passionate

Li Yunpeng's injury was indeed very serious this time. A slight movement will cause pain in his internal organs, but everything is worth it. Killing eight evolutionary zombies alone is a record that is enough to be proud of.

The evolutionary crystals harvested can also make one's own strength even further, no matter what counts as a profit.

Xia Mengdie learned that Li Yunpeng had woke up, and hurried over to check. After some investigation, she relaxed, "The commander is basically fine. You only need to rest for a while and you will recover."

If it's an ordinary person, she can give an approximate period of rest, but Li Yunpeng's physical fitness is really strong, and she can't say how many days will he recover.

"Is it all right outside?" Li Yunpeng asked.

Wang Shiyan tucked the quilt for him and said: "Everything is normal, Peng Brother, please rest assured."

When Li Yunpeng got the news, he closed his eyes with peace of mind. His body was too weak. After just a few words, he felt drowsy.


Under the careful care of Wang Shiyan and Xia Mengdie, Li Yunpeng's body changed every day, quickly recovering.

On the third day, I can get out of bed and walk.

Really uneasy about the situation at the base, Li Yunpeng was supported by Wang Shiyan and walked out.

The weather was as good as always. Li Yunpeng walked out of the inner city. The guards naturally followed him. He looked at the orderly administrative area. The staff were busy, and the damage caused by the robbery was repaired one by one. .

When people saw the commander, they immediately stopped their work, stood up straight, and then saluted respectfully. They all witnessed the scene where Li Yunpeng fought hard to evolve the zombies that night.

It can be said that Li Yunpeng alone saved the civilians in the entire base.

Li Yunpeng also responded with a smile.

He boarded the wall of the administrative area and looked out. The zombies on the floor had been cleaned up, and the collapsed house was repaired by someone.

The sharp-eyed people suddenly cheered when they saw Li Yunpeng on the city wall.

"Look! It's Commander!"

As he exclaimed, people turned their heads and saw Li Yunpeng stood on the wall supported by someone.

People suddenly cheered loudly: "Your commander is mighty! Long live your commander!"

The emotions underneath were so passionate that Li Yunpeng was agitated. He raised his right hand and waved to the people.

At this moment, his weak body became taller than ever in everyone's eyes.

Wang Shiyan peeked at his profile, and countless small stars appeared in his eyes.

After standing for a few minutes, Li Yunpeng walked down the city wall amidst cheers. Since people saw the commander safe and sound, it was like a shot of a cardiotonic in a group, full of energy, and even improved work efficiency.

The wind was strong on the city wall, and Wang Shiyan worried that Li Yunpeng was getting colder from the wind at the beginning of his injury.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Yunpeng, who walked down the city wall, ordered the guards to call Li Qi and other squadron leaders to the conference room.

When he came to the conference room, there were five people sitting underneath. In addition to Li Qi, Li Yi, and Li Er, there were also two new squadron captains, Li Baiyi and Li Shilu.

After the war, the squadron leader was intact, and Li Yunpeng was relieved. He sat in the main seat and said, "Li Qi, have all the crystals of evolutionary zombies been collected?"

Li Qi got up and took out a cloth bag from his arms and carefully placed it in front of Li Yunpeng, "Your Excellency Commander, this is the crystallization of all the evolutionary zombies killed in this battle. There are 11 in total. Please have a look."