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Chapter 911: There is no search value anymore

"What? Want to buy tickets? We have already bought tickets from Wang Lang!"

"That's, how do you do your work? There are problems with communication?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, we are in a hurry to get out."


The guard soldier said blankly: "What you bought is the ticket for the first gate. This is the second gate. If you want to pass, please buy a ticket!"

Everyone: "Am I special..."

"Can you still play like this?"

"I think you are crazy about money, right?"

"Can you still point your face?"


However, no matter how these civilized creatures abused them, the guard soldiers would not respond. After all, who would have trouble with the God of Wealth?

In the end, someone gritted his teeth and confessed his fate, paid a huge fee, and passed the second hurdle smoothly.

However, it hasn't gone far.

"Please buy tickets for the third level."

Everyone: "Puff——!"

"Li Yunpeng, you are shameless on horseback!"

"Warning, insult the lord of the country, and the ticket price will double!"


The civilization who came here thought that all the money had been spent before, and it was not bad, so he resisted and was slaughtered again.

"Welcome to the fourth level, please buy the pass ticket..."

All civilizations vomit blood...

As long as anyone who needs to point his face can't do this kind of thing, how many more are there!

Everyone is tired of scolding and scolding, and can't beat them. Here, no one can penetrate the space channel.

After all, this thing belongs to the fourth-level civilization technology product.

However, there are also civilizations that can't stand it, because if it continues, he can't see when he is headed.

"Refund the ticket, I won't go anymore, return all the tickets I bought to me, I want to get back to God's cage!"

Someone picks the head, and other civilizations suddenly see the excitement. If human beings deal with them in a favorable way, then everyone must go up and get some benefits.

Unexpectedly, the guard soldier of the fourth level smiled and said: "The tickets you bought before have been consumed. If you want to return to the cage, please buy the tickets to the third level... "

"I puff--!"

"Nima, I'm stuck here..."

"Enter, cannot enter, retreat, cannot retreat..."

"It may be more expensive to go back than to go out. Who can stand this..."


"I, I don't have money to buy tickets for the next level!"

The guard soldier snapped his fingers, "It doesn't matter, we not only accept dark matter, but also accept any resources for payment, such as battleships, and other supplies."


"It's so dark."

"This is for skin cramps!"


Reluctantly, all civilizations can only choose to bite the bullet and rush forward, and they can't go back anyway.

People would rather choose to go out with nothing than go back with nothing.

If you go out without money, you will at least starve to death.

But there is no long object in the **** cage, that is terrible.

Every time a level is passed, all civilizations feel like they have been stripped of their skin.

I kept cursing in my heart, this is what a **** came up with, if I knew it, I had to die with him!

Finally, the civilization that walked in the forefront came to the ninth level. They faced two problems at the same time, one good and the other bad.

The good thing is that all civilizations finally learned that there are a total of ten levels, and you can leave after passing.

The bad news is that everyone has no money and can't even pass the ninth checkpoint, let alone the tenth checkpoint.

"Welcome everyone to the ninth level. I am Tan Ya, a customer consultant for the ninth level. Please take care of me. Your satisfaction is the driving force for our struggle. We will launch preferential financial loan services. Please fill in the form if you need it. Application......"

"Nima! The **** Li Yunpeng chewed up his bones by eating people!"

"Fuck, there's still such an amazing thing to be a human being? Madd has no money and still has to go into debt?"

"Wori, I'm lying flat, what's your love!"


In the same way, some people complain, and some people have to accept it.

All the civilizations that came to the ninth floor were in the same situation, except for a pair of pants, there was nothing left.

After signing the high-interest loan, I finally came to the tenth checkpoint, but was told that this level is free, and the only condition is to wait for the Lord of the Country to sign the free passage order, so I need to wait.

The civilizations were extremely angry, and some people shouted and cursed: "Let me go quickly, we are not worthy of scavenging anymore. What are you doing to stop us?"

The guard soldier smiled evilly, "No, you have to believe in your own worth!"

The civilized creatures looked at their only remaining underpants, and felt a chill. Human beings will not be so frantic about this stuff... will they not let it go?

The guard soldier went on to say: "Don't be nervous, everyone, who knows you better than you, will always be us...All the civilizations here are treasures, how can you belittle yourself?"

The civilizations looked dumbfounded, and they always felt that things might not be that simple.

As for why all civilizations agree until the ninth floor is completely bankrupt, that is not in the hands of these ten levels.

You are a rich and enemy country, and you will also go bankrupt if you walk on the ten channels.

Because the charge for each level is not fixed, it's all about it!


There are fewer and fewer civilizations in the divine cage, and the less there is left, the more panic.

It will be a matter of time before all choose to go out in the end.

However, there is a civilization in it, which is very speechless.

That is the Kakur civilization.

It was because they had applied for the Cage of Survival earlier, but Wang Lang ignored them all the time. He saw that there were not a few civilizations left in the Cage, but it was not their turn.

King Kakul was furious, and if this was all right, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

He knew that no matter what he was, Wang Lang should ignore or ignore it. He simply waited for the last one to see what he wanted.

Finally, the penultimate civilization also walked out of the cage, leaving the Kaku civilization.

Wang Lang snorted disdainfully and turned to leave.

King Kakur was anxious, and the most feared was that his grandson would not want anything.

"Wait! We haven't gone out yet!"

" still want to go out? Just stay inside you!"

After that, the passage was closed directly, leaving only the Kakur King with a bewildered look and the cool tribe in his heart.

If nothing happens, the Kakur civilization will exhaust all its energy after thousands of years, and then completely disappear into the cage.


Looking outside, including the Yan clan, after months of walking and stopping, all civilizations finally reached the tenth level naked.

The civilization that came here first couldn't wait. Li Yunpeng said to sign, but he never showed up.

"Where is Li Yunpeng? Come out quickly, we don't have any search value anymore!"

The civilizations yelled.

Their long-awaited Li Yunpeng finally showed up.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time, now please line up, and I will issue the passes one by one." Li Yunpeng said with a smile.

When all civilizations heard it, they immediately followed the requirements and went out as soon as possible.

Li Yunpeng stood in the forefront, gesticulating and said: "Ah, ah, that civilization, you go a little bit to the left, yes, yes, yes. The rock clan, the rock clan come to the front, come and come, and the mechanical civilization also comes to the front. Okay, very good, keep it high-click..."

An 8 quadrillion pixel camera freezes the picture...

At the same time, there is the dignity of the commander in all civilizations.

"Nyima, why is there no search value? What a material squeeze completely, and in the end, it gave me another mental knife!"

"This is the case. All the scandals of the advanced civilizations of the North Cantilever are recorded in the camera of Li Yunpeng's grandson...The rows of small pants... are very eye-catching!"

However, all civilizations thought this was the ultimate, but who would have thought that this was just the beginning of their nightmare.