Start a Subspace

Chapter 106: Possibly from a parallel universe

The militiamen in the four temporary shelters had already cheered when they saw the strong light far away in the sky and the TV broadcast screen broadcast.

That is truly a ray of light. Humans have never been so eager for this ray of light.

In particular, when this ray of light really appeared, it brought a subtle touch.

What can stop such a powerful weapon? At least in the human impression, there is no material that can withstand the violent blow of the meteorite!

As huge as the earth, after being attacked by this meteorite, there may also be a large-scale ecological extinction! Not to mention a small cosmic creature.

This is a great victory for mankind!

"Humanism" has finally emerged, and human beings can survive in this universe!

"Ula!" Several tall white men shouted especially loudly.

This group of people seemed to be drunk, jumping around in the room, even if their heads hit the wall, they were still screaming and yelling frantically, and they were a mess of excitement.

"Vokat! Vodat!" These white people acted as if they were drinking, although they couldn't possibly own alcohol.

Then they started singing loudly, "!!@#?¥" No one knew what they were singing, maybe it was some army song.

But more militias are coming together, carefully discussing the results.

"Should be hit, right?"

"It must have hit, otherwise, where did such a fierce light come from? That white fog is water vapor, right?"

"The ice cubes on the meteorite have all melted, and a lot of resources have been wasted in vain. These ices are our future living resources."

"Waste, waste."

Some people sighed and sighed, as if the hundred yuan in their hands suddenly spent 50 yuan.

It is too difficult to recollect the wreckage that has been splashed out.

The cost is also not cost-effective. If the spacecraft wants to catch up with the wreckage, it has to consume fuel. The fuel consumed may even be more than the material collected.

But everyone knows that the use of this meteorite is actually not a waste, it is simply reluctant.

Spent 50 yuan to buy one's own life and buy a future, of course it is cost-effective, do you still need to consider it!

Famous engineer, Lu Qiming, after carefully analyzing this video, he gradually felt relieved.

There was always an anger in his heart, his cousin died at the hands of this monster, and now this anger is gradually dissipating.

But on the surface, he said carelessly: "Hey, don't worry about this, the meteorites are gone, there should be a lot of supplies in the Wave Valley area."

"And there is such a big monster corpse, I don't know what material it is made of."

"You don't think that the mass of the void amoeba is very small?"

Someone else thought of something and slapped their head happily: "Maybe the Void Amoeba can be transformed into a large spaceship?"

"It's a pity not to transform such a big shell into a spaceship. Aren't we going to collect the nebula material in the Valley of Waves, we just need a large spaceship!"

"It's possible!"

Lin Lei also followed those Maozi, shouted "Ula" a few times, and then participated in the crazy and exciting discussion!

Yes, a big spaceship, what could be more exhilarating than building a spaceship from the corpse of alien life?

"But how do we propel the spacecraft? If it's massive, our engines won't be able to move the spacecraft."

"Even if it's an immobile outpost. We build a lot of space weapons in it, transform it into an armed fortress, and then there is no need to be so afraid of the enemy."

"Yeah yeah."

"And there may be a lot of new materials on the Void Amoeba. After all, it is an alien life, and it may also be an alien spacecraft."

At the thought of the harvest of trophies, everyone spit and expressed their opinions, as if it was no problem to imagine three days and three nights.

This is the joy of victory!

It can even be described as ecstasy.

new material!

From alien life, whether it is an alien spacecraft or a truly wild alien life, there must be new materials anyway!

Materials science is the basis for the development of applied science and technology.

Humans invented the smelting method of bronze wares thousands of years ago, from the Stone Age of slash and burn to the Bronze Age;

Three thousand years ago, the smelting method of steel was invented, and it was over to the Iron Age.

The Iron Age was a huge leap in productivity. People used knives and ploughs at low cost, and various weapons such as swords, knives, armor, stomachs, and chariots appeared in the military.

As for the technological era behind, it needs the support of various materials. Chips need high-purity silicon, jet engines rely on rhenium, space metals rely on titanium, and superconducting materials, graphene, ceramic composites, and more.

However, the development of materials science is still too slow, and even slowed down to a certain extent.

Excellent material, able to work miracles vigorously.

But the development of materials is too slow.

For example, the difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion is largely dragged down by materials. It was not until the emergence of a small universe, which brought about the problem of material denaturation, that the "superalloy" series of materials appeared.

However, using the microcosm to develop new materials is a stroke of luck, and people have no idea why the microcosm causes the material to denature. Since there is no corresponding theory, there is no way to develop and produce it on a large scale.

And now... that Void Amoeba should have more new materials, right?

"Even if it can't be replicated, there are tens of billions of tons, hundreds of billions of tons?"

Quite a lot!

Lin Lei and the others discussed more and more vigorously. In his fantasy, a batch of large orders came from the Red Star manufacturing project. They have work to do again, and maybe they can also produce curvature engines? !

The current spaceship needs to inject a large amount of working medium to be able to tell the movement. The cost of fuel is not a little bit, and dozens of tons of fuel are used at one time.

All are not recyclable!

And material is very, very precious, it would be great if there was a more energy-efficient engine!

Looking forward to this future.

At this moment, the starry sky outside suddenly changed and became pitch black.

The TV signal was also cut off.

"and many more!"

"We... we seem to be teleported back to the warp!"

The people in the shelter responded.

"The government is making an announcement."

On the big screen in the square, a notification is playing.

The result of notification is simple.

Keywords such as "the meteorite hit the target", "its survival status has yet to be confirmed", and "unexplained strong light erupted inside it", the eyelids of Lin Lei and others jumped wildly.

They slowly recovered from that euphoric state.

"You didn't kill it, did you?"

"If even a meteorite can't kill it, our hydrogen bomb..."

These questions lingered in my heart and could not be dissipated for a long time.

Of course, since the government did not confirm the failure of the battle, but only "further confirmed its survival status", there is no need to be frustrated in advance.

But no matter what, the civil atmosphere is still very tense. If the victory is not confirmed for a day, the dark clouds of war will continue for a long time.


After returning to Kunlun Mountain, Lin Lei saw his wife at home for the first time.

His wife was watching TV intently, and didn't even notice Lin Lei's return... After all, it only took one day from the beginning to the end of the war, and it took three days to gather the population. Usually a business trip, sometimes it takes three or five days.

Two TV experts are introducing on TV how much energy the meteorite has, and how much damage it will cause if it hits the earth.

But the wife still frowned and said nothing. The real announcement has not come out. There is always a disturbing feeling.

"Cough, wife." Lin Lei coughed twice.

The wife turned her head back with a look of surprise, and asked cautiously, "You're back, that Void Amoeba... was it killed?"

"I don't know, I really don't know..." Lin Lei shook his head, "I think it should be killed."

"But it's also a good thing to be cautious. Who knows alien life, is there any other back-up?"


The Ark, Captain's Room.

Confirming the survival status of the Void Amoeba has become the current first priority.

The tense atmosphere continued to spread in the cabin.

It was not until the four temporary shelters loaded with humans were teleported back that Zhang Ran breathed a sigh of relief. As long as these militias are teleported back, the risk is generally manageable.

"The militia is in good order, and there is not much harassment in Kunlun Mountain."

"The first 10 million-ton hydrogen bomb is about to hit the target in 3 seconds!"

"Countdown 3, 2, 1..."

The hydrogen bomb exploded successfully!

The dazzling blue light, even if it was filtered by a layer of monitoring, still hurts the eyes, but everyone was so nervous that they didn't even dare to blink.

The deterrent force brought by that behemoth is too great!

The power of nuclear weapons in space is quite limited. Without shock waves, only thermal energy and electromagnetic radiation are left.

After the nuclear fireball disappeared, a small pit was left on the Void Amoeba.

A very strange thing happened, the pit of the nuclear bomb attack actually also bloomed with white light!

Just like that, he attacked 16 times in a row, leaving 16 pits that glowed with white light.

The remains of the Void Amoeba did not even move.

"Stop attacking first." Zhang Ran frowned and gave the order, "Don't use the high-yield hydrogen bomb."

The human hydrogen bomb obviously can only cause limited damage to it, and it can't penetrate the thick shell!

That is, there is no way to break the defense.

The biggest damage was the massive asteroid, which directly smashed through the outer shell.

"The firepower is still not strong enough. We have to develop a stronger hydrogen bomb... The hydrogen bomb with the equivalent of 10 million tons can't break the defense. I don't know if the equivalent of 100 million tons is enough." Guo Weiqiang was floating on the side and said something. The phobia of lack of firepower in my heart began to attack.

And several other experts, through the 16 pits, preliminarily judged the surface hardness of the void amoeba.

"The layer of dark blue material on the outer surface has a hardness of up to 201gpa, which is similar to our superalloy material and slightly worse than graphene... It's a terrifying guy, if the whole body is made of such a high-strength material, then this A corpse is already priceless."

Another asked: "How does it move... Is the curvature engine those flagella?"

"Can you swim in the universe with a few movements of the flagella?"

"It doesn't have an ion ejector on the back of its butt. By the way, its flagella is not badly damaged. Can we manipulate the flagella and mimic its movement?"

The expert's question sparked further discussion.

Zhang Ran did not participate in the discussion, and everything had to be cautious. This inexplicable monster caused people too much doubt.

From its sudden appearance, to the way it moves, to the hard shell, it is almost unbelievable.

Without that meteorite and the teleportation ability of the warp, in fact... it really wouldn't be able to beat it!

Not caring about the discussions of these experts, Zhang Ran turned his head and said to Guo Weiqiang, "What about our detector? How long will it take?"

Guo Weiqiang said quickly: "The detector is approaching, not as fast as a hydrogen bomb... Expect 10 hours."

10 hours of sailing is a very short number in the universe, but everyone is still waiting a little anxiously.

If the victory is not confirmed for a minute, not only him, but the common people in the Kunlun Mountains will be in anxiety.

After about an hour, a loud voice appeared in the heated discussion crowd.

"Our instrument detected a large number of subatomic particle components, and this white light..."

It is Professor Huo Dong of Gaowei Laboratory.

He stared at the data on the screen for a long time, and seemed to use the spacecraft computer to figure out something, and clapped his hands vigorously: "This layer of white light should not be self-healing, but self-decomposition at the atomic level!"

"That's why appeared white light, essentially breaking down into subatoms."

Subatomic particles refer to particles smaller than atoms, such as Λ particles, Ξ particles, etc., they cannot exist in the universe for a long time, and will be transformed into lighter and stable ones through a series of decays in a very short period of time. The particles emit a lot of light and heat during the process.

"The data we are detecting now has a lot of similarities with the decay of matter."

"So I guess that after this void amoeba has been seriously damaged, the material on its body cannot exist stably!"

"There's no way to be stable? The body is made of unstable elements?" Another expert, Scott, asked suspiciously, "Could it be from another universe? A parallel with a slightly different rule than ours. universe?"

"Otherwise, it is impossible for normal creatures to have a large amount of unstable materials!"

"You must know that the cost of creating such subatoms is very high, and it requires powerful particle accelerators, that is, the laboratory can create some, but now they appear on a large scale. Subatoms born in one second may be born in the laboratory in one second. There will be more made in a hundred years.”

The appearance of this conjecture shocked many people in the cabin.