Start a Subspace

Chapter 11: Professor Ma, you should take a break

"If you don't believe me, I can create another chip."

An identical chip appeared in Zhang Ran's hands. Now, there are two Xeon 8888s.

The speechless silence lasted about half a minute.

Immediately afterwards, there was an uproar!

seeing is believing.

In such an emergency, there is no reason to joke.

"'s true...the Eiffel Tower, I went to the hair country 14 years ago and saw what it really looks like, it's almost exactly the same!"

"It's not an illusion, the steel reflects the light. Can I go out and touch it? Just wanted to confirm the truth."

"The creation of the could it have such spiritual power. Impossible..."

Someone else shouted, "No, Professor Ma...he's had a heart attack."

A professor surnamed Ma, whose worldview was greatly destroyed, suddenly twitched and struggled in the air under the beating of his heart, and his face was blue and white.

"Nitroglycerin... Give him nitroglycerin!"

Zhang Ran was a little unbearable. His subspace was most likely a technological creation, possibly a legacy from an advanced civilization. Anyway, he only remembered that a meteor hit his head, and then passed through.

High technology is tantamount to magic for humans.

Putting the medicine under the tip of his tongue, Professor Ma, who suffered a heart attack, was carried away from the warp by two soldiers.

But 10 minutes later, Professor Ma hurried back and said with a pale face, "I'm fine, really fine!"

"Professor Ma, you'd better take a rest." Zhang Ran said cautiously.

"I said it's fine!" Instead, Professor Ma became fierce and grinned.

Just kidding, if he were to leave now, it would be really fatal.

In any case, most scholars are enthusiastically discussing what they have seen and heard today.

Let’s not discuss the basic principles of Void Creation.

This is the ecstasy of being born in a desperate situation, the ecstasy of suddenly discovering an oasis at the moment when you are deep in the desert and about to die of thirst!

Humanity will not perish so easily.

Huo Dong's eyes lit up and his brain was wide open: "Since we can make chips, how about some supercomputers, we can't make chips anymore, let's make a hundred supercomputers... Hadron collider, or space telescope !"

"Or, Robotech has one."

Zhang Ran realized that he had underestimated the integrity of the free prostitution funds of experts, and coughed again: "Professors, my ability is also limited. After reaching the limit, I can no longer create material."

"So, it has to be used on the blade."

"Our priority is to create a shelter that can live in. Let everyone live first. Overcalculation, we can consider it later."

"Yes Yes."

"Your Highness, you are right."

These experts are not unreasonable people.

Zhang Ran cheered up for a while, and then said, "My abilities are limited a lot. First, it can only be created by the technology that exists in this era, and can't span the era."

"So, it is impossible to create a space fortress directly."

"Of course, if you can design a space fortress, and then let me pile it up with materials, there is a possibility."

"Second, the more complex the creation, the more power it consumes."

"As a simple example, the consumption of one ton of steel is 1, and the consumption of a small chip is nearly half a million. You can imagine the difference."

"Like the Eiffel Tower just now, the total weight is 10,100 tons, of which the metal frame weighs 7,300 tons. It uses 2,500,000 rivets and 18,038 iron pieces. It only takes about 300,000 consumption, which is not comparable to a chip."

"So, what's your limit?" Huo Dong asked.

Zhang Ran was silent for a moment: "Probably... 800 billion!"

1 point of creation energy is equivalent to 100 million credits.

Eight hundred billion?

The metal corridor exclaimed again.

Huo Dong was a little dazed. He was able to create 800 billion tons of steel out of thin air. Is this something that humans can do?

Zhang Ran's real limit is 1 trillion, but given the bad habit of overdrafting scientific research funds all the year round, these guys can only give a budget of 800 billion.

As a normal person, he is also selfish. Can he save the other 2000 creation energy for himself?

And also just in case.

He was already very generous in being able to allocate 8,000 yuan to all mankind.

A frenzied atmosphere is spreading wildly in the metal room.

Some people even put on a space suit, attached a rope, and personally touched the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

After confirming that it was a hard metal, I finally felt relieved.

It is real, not illusory!

Zhang Ran didn't stop them either, waiting patiently.

Someone saw a hundred soldiers guarding the gate of the Warp space, and after thinking about the cause and effect, these smart people immediately understood the form and gave their allegiance to Zhang Ran: "His Royal Highness, we will not go out during this period of time, we will stay here all the time, design refuge!"

"We swear our allegiance to the royal family to the death."

Zhang Ran said happily, "Don't worry, your relatives will be fine."

"As long as the design of this shelter is completed, everyone can survive."

The next most important step is to test Zhang Ran's ability boundary, that is, what kind of substance to create and how much it will cost.

This step is particularly important. After all, "funds" are limited, and all expenses must be carefully calculated.

"How much does it cost to create one ton of superalloys?"

"60321, one ton." Zhang Ran reported a number.

"It's only 60,300 times that of steel. It's unreasonable... Super alloys can only be manufactured in small batches in the laboratory."

"What about corrosion-resistant titanium alloys and high-strength titanium alloys?"

"One 103, another 107, a ton."

"It's very cheap, what about the Coke in Ling's hand?" Lin Qiuyue glanced at the bottle of Coke in Ling's hand.

In the current shelter, there is no such thing as Coke, at most there are only some bottle caps.

Some people collect bottle caps as currency.

"It's cheap, I didn't pay much attention. All the ingredients of Coke are industrial materials, maybe there are several decimal places." Zhang Ran said calmly.

"Oh, I get it."

After hearing their conversation, Zero's eyes lit up and he flew over quickly.

She mustered up her courage and said what she wanted to say in her heart today: "I'm... hungry!"

"What did you say?" Zhang Ran was a little surprised. He was hungry to eat. What's the use of telling me.

Go eat by yourself.

"I'm... hungry!" Zero's expression seemed a little aggrieved, even a little resentful, "I'm hungry!"

She wants cake, chocolate, biscuits, muffins, cookies, cheese, hamburgers, french fries, chicken wings, braised pork...