Start a Subspace

Chapter 120: Disaster Sensing

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Chapter 122 Disaster Induction (4600 words for subscription!)

"What! Simonson has telepathy?!"

After Zhang Ran got the relevant news, his mouth was dry and his heart was beating wildly.

He dared not ignore Simonson's verbal warnings, and called a security meeting as quickly as possible.

After about half an hour, hundreds of high-level government and military officials came to the large conference room of Vault 1. Those who can't come temporarily, participate in the meeting in the form of a video conference.

"Everyone, the reason for bringing everyone together on an impromptu basis is Mr. Simonson's warning that our future may be at risk...a huge risk that could lead to human extinction."

Zhang Ran pointed to the predictor sitting next to him, Simonson: "We must find out the source of the danger and explore the ultimate way to avoid it."

As soon as the news came out, everyone was stunned, and Simonson's language was almost no different from a death announcement.

After all, the last prophecy was that "the earth falls into the high-dimensional world, and all mankind perishes".

Immediately there was a lively buzz in the conference room.

"Wouldn't it be Void Amoeba chasing it?"

"It's hard to say, his prediction limit is three months."

"It's another three months... so we only have three months."

Chairman Zhou Chengfeng cleared his throat: "Everyone, please be quiet. First of all, we need to know what the predicted disaster is like? Mr. Simonson's ability to predict is only for the crisis related to himself."

"We have to figure out whether this disaster only affects him, or whether it affects the entire human civilization."

Zhang Ran nodded. This is very important. He turned his head and said to Simonson, whose body was trembling slightly: "Don't be nervous, think slowly, think clearly before you speak."

Foreseeer Simonson, has been sitting in the chair, frowning, silent.

In recent days, when he was living on the Eastern Rock, he felt a vague sense of unease in his heart. This sense of uneasiness was indescribable... It seemed like a great fear that the world would be destroyed and there was no way to escape.

A hundred times, a thousand times more than the destruction of the earth!

However, as soon as I escaped back to the warp, this unease disappeared!

He expressed his unease.

"It shouldn't be about me..."

"I stayed on the Eastern Rock all the time yesterday. Last night, I had a dream... I dreamed that the whole world was dark, there was no light, and there was endless pressure from all directions, which almost crushed my whole body into powder. "

"I couldn't breathe and had been struggling to survive in a near-death state."

"But unfortunately, there is nowhere to escape, no matter where you go, there is a dead end, as if the whole world is made up of substantial darkness, and it will strangle me to death."

Speaking of this, cold sweat broke out on Simonson's forehead, and recalling this almost real dream, he was still afraid: "This dream is very real, like a lucid dream. I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't wake up."

"Only a disaster for all mankind can be a reminder of this abyss-like dream. The last time the earth was destroyed was like this... No, the destruction of the earth still leaves a ray of life."

"If it is my personal disaster, there will be a lot of light in the dream. As long as I find this light and pursue this opportunity, I can avoid the disaster."

His personal disasters are basically being hit by a car, smashing things from the sky, or getting sick. As long as he knows in advance, it can be easily avoided... Except for being sick, it seems that it is difficult to avoid.

But a civilization-level disaster cannot be solved by Simonsen alone.

Therefore, the dream became an abyss, without any trace of light.

"Humanity is destroyed..." Zhang Ran frowned, "So we can only rely on the ability of all mankind."

The last disaster of human destruction was when the earth fell into a high-dimensional space, and it was only by flying to the universe that the end of total extinction was avoided.

But what is it this time?

There are no hints in the dream.

"I can be sure that within three months, there should be no problem." Simonsen said, "My predictive ability can only predict for three months... There is no way beyond this time."

When he said this, he became a little more confident: "Of course, if I live in the warp, it will always be safe. Because I haven't had a similar dream in the warp."

"It means that disasters only appear in the real universe. It may be a problem with the Eastern Rock, or it may be other disasters that are ignored by us."

Zhang Ran was silent for a moment. After obtaining the Eastern Rock, he finally managed to develop peacefully for six months...

His scalp was numb from these miscellaneous crises, and he was a little breathless.

Problem with the Rock?

Is it a problem with the real universe...

He sighed: "You use your brains and think about it carefully. What kind of disaster will happen in reality to wipe out human beings? Don't have any scruples, you can directly say what you think of."

"Is it possible that the companion of the Void Amoeba received the corresponding signal and will attack us in three months."

"According to our current state, it is still very difficult to fight against an adult Void Amoeba... If it is two or three adults, it is impossible to beat."

It is very laborious, and it is based on 4000 points of creation energy.

With the strength of human beings themselves, in fact, they can't beat a single Void Amoeba...

The way to evade is also very simple, escape into the high-dimensional universe in advance.

At this time, Zhou Chengfeng, the head of the council, said: "You have forgotten a very important point. The Void Amoeba has a living daughter, that colorful bubble-shaped ball."

"Is it that the colored ball will cause human disaster? The living specimen currently looks harmless to humans and animals, but we don't know much about its nature."

The colored **** are locked in a thick glass box, which is made of the strongest glass fiber reinforced plastic, and the thickness is a full one meter.

There are many scientists who have been studying it recently... In particular, this colored ball can also move with curvature, which has given people a lot of reference.

Hearing that the small ball may lead to the annihilation of human beings, everyone's face changed.

Its current performance, it is true that it cannot be jailbroken, but the final result... Who knows?

"His Royal Highness, or we can only... kill it?" Major Guo Weiqiang of the military gritted his teeth, "Since the hydrogen bomb can cause damage to the adult body, it should not be a problem to deal with the child body. One hundred million tons is enough. used……"

"Kill it?" Zhang Ran frowned and didn't make a decision immediately.

On the contrary, several scientists were very hesitant in their hearts.

Do you want to kill the most precious specimen just because of a conjecture...

But they also know that the safety of all mankind is the most important thing.

For a while, he was speechless in a hurry.

Zhou Chengfeng, the head of the parliament, pondered for a while: "I agree to kill it, there is no need to keep it."

"We now have controllable nuclear fusion technology. As long as it develops steadily and slowly collects resources, it is not too difficult to become an interstellar civilization. It should be enough to have the remains of a void amoeba for research."

"No, no. The wreckage alone isn't enough."

On behalf of the group of scientists, Professor Fan from Ark Lab expressed different opinions: "Since the beginning of the cosmic disaster, the world has become more and more unfamiliar, and one unsolved mystery has appeared before our eyes."

"The high-dimensional universe is its true appearance."

"Our universe is just the product of a singularity in the high-dimensional universe."

"The theoretical system we have discovered in the past is just a special solution under a general framework."

This relationship is equivalent to the relationship between the set of complex numbers, the set of real numbers, the set of rational numbers, the set of integers, and the set of natural numbers.

If classical physics is the set of natural numbers, modern physics only studies the set of integers, and there are many things that cannot be included.

"If the void amoeba was created by a civilization in a high-dimensional universe, then it is an excellent opportunity for us to understand this universe."

Lin Qiuyue, who was sitting in the first row, also agreed with Huo Dong's opinion: "Also, there are new materials on the Void Amoeba. There are a lot of these new materials, but we can't make them when they are used up. We can understand it. atomic composition, but not mass-produced."

"Without a living specimen, there will be less opportunity to rise, and future explorations may take hundreds, thousands, or even never to understand."

With Fan Tianyu and Lin Qiuyue taking the lead, other scientists also expressed objections.

Many things have been studied from this living specimen...

If it were killed, these studies would be very difficult.

The dead and the living are two different magnitudes.

Zhang Ran is also a little unpredictable, this is a dilemma.

Choose not to take any risks, or choose future development...

In fact, he was inclined to kill this living specimen.

Under this dilemma, his face looked gloomy.

If you don't choose well, you will regret it for decades, or even three hundred years.

Immediately afterwards, a well-known engineer, Lu Qiming, said rudely: "I still think His Highness's idea is more reliable. I would rather believe that another enemy will appear in the Valley of Waves three months later. We only need to consider You can beat the opponent, or find a way to escape!"

"As for the safety of the cubs... I think you are stunned, and every little thing is understood as affecting the safety of all mankind!"

"That's obviously the heritage of human beings, and I have to take it out and kill it. I don't understand."

The bad-mouthed engineer Lu Qiming had similar tempers to his dead cousin, Lu Chenming.

Zhang Ran waved his hand: "Apart from this cub, is there any other way of saying it?"

All the current military preparations are all to improve the security level - even if you can't beat it, it's better to be able to escape.

Will there be a huge improvement in the military level after three months? The answer is no. Unless he uses the energy of creation to create in large quantities, it is also the limit to produce more nuclear bombs.

As for the third idea, it seems a bit exaggerated.

Professor Huo Dong of the Gaowei Laboratory, with a very loud voice: "The galaxy is destroyed!"

"I think it's the disaster brought about by the destruction of the galaxy!"

When he called out this sentence, the entire conference room was quiet for a while.

The destruction of the galaxy... this... what is this? ! ! Is even the galaxy doomed?

Zhang Ran swallowed his saliva, his pupils dilated, like a sculpture, sitting on the spot, motionless.

So did the rest, including those in the military who were discussing "cubs of extraterrestrial life."

Professor Huo seemed very satisfied with the quiet venue: "The entire Milky Way is now riddled with holes. With the disappearance of massive stars, there are exposed high-dimensional spaces everywhere."

"It's like a piece of glass with hundreds of billions of tiny bullet holes distributed on it, so this piece of glass is naturally fragile and shattered when touched."

The smart Lin Qiuyue was the first to react: "Professor Huo, didn't most of the massive stars in the Milky Way fall into the high-dimensional space? The starlight we are currently seeing should be only the starlight of tens of thousands of years ago, right? "

"Yes, you are right. Massive celestial bodies such as stars and planets have basically disappeared. But the Milky Way has not disintegrated, and there is still a lot of mass."

Professor Huo Dong explained: "The source of these masses is dark matter!"

"Stars, dust, meteorites, everything we can see is made up of only 4 percent of the matter in the entire universe."

"Another 25 percent is dark matter, and the rest is dark energy."

"These dark matter are very widely distributed. We recently calculated the total amount of dark matter in the Milky Way, which is about 800 billion times the mass of the sun! They have not disappeared with the stars, and are still widely distributed in the Milky Way."

"Of course, the distribution of dark matter, unlike normal matter, attracts each other because of gravity."

"Dark matter is closer to a uniform distribution. Dark energy will expand space. There is dark matter around you and me, but we can't observe them. At the same time, these things have mass."

"Let's think about it, the three-dimensional space in which our galaxy is located is already riddled with holes. Now something 800 billion times the mass of the sun has been pressing on it, and it is possible for the entire galaxy to collapse together. So I put this A catastrophe called it, the galactic destruction catastrophe!"

Professor Huo's conjecture scared everyone in the conference room.

If there are disasters such as small colorful **** and aliens, and there is a chance of escape, then the destruction of the Milky Way is the top disaster of ten dead and no life!

There is simply no way for humans to escape the galaxy.

The diameter of the Milky Way's disk is a full 100,000 light-years!

The average thickness is also 2000 light-years.

This huge spatial scale cannot be escaped by the current technological level of human beings, even with the "three-legged cat" curvature technology.

Void amoeba's own curvature technology can't even beat sub-light speed, let alone super-light speed.

After a few seconds, Lin Qiuyue, who was sitting in the first row, asked again, "Professor Huo, do you have any clues about this? It's the first time you've heard of this idea. It's quite strange."

"Of course... there is." Professor Huo considered for a while, "According to our observations, the possibility of the destruction of the galaxy is increasing. Even without Mr. Simonson's prediction, after a while, after finishing the data, I will A related alert will also be submitted to the government.”

"Our laser interferometer space antenna is able to observe a very small amount of gravitational information."

Laser interferometer space antenna, also known as space gravitational wave telescope.

This project was completed by the space agencies of several countries before the sun went out.

A total of 3 distant space satellites were launched.

As each satellite orbits each other and emits and receives laser waves, faint interference fringes of the laser beams are observed.

The synchronization between satellites is performed by a master clock equipped with an atomic clock, so it is possible to capture gravitational waves by comparing the time changes of the master clock and with the laser interference fringes.

"We are currently focusing on observing several massive stars, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Barnard's Star, Wolf 359, etc. Of course, these stars have long disappeared in theory, and what we observe is only its past history... ...they always disappear sooner than we expect."

Professor Huo spoke a lot, and the people who listened were confused.

"Professor Huo, please tell me the result." Zhang Ran said.

Professor Huo came back to his senses and coughed heavily: "We found that in the previous high-dimensional membrane theory, the disaster was always faster than expected because of the lack of parameters for the collapse of the entire galaxy."

"If you add this parameter, it will be a lot more accurate at once!"

"According to our calculations, the Milky Way is still six months away... Of course, according to Lord Simonson's prediction, three months is also possible... After all, we still lack the parameters for the collapse of the entire supercluster and the entire universe. ."

(End of this chapter)