Start a Subspace

Chapter 121: The horn of the 4th Industrial Revolutio

Fall in love with, start a subspace

Seeing Zhang Ran and others coming here, the crowd gave up a line of their own.

"Congratulations, congratulations, and congratulations to everyone in the Kunlun Mountains." Zhang Ran first expressed his sincere congratulations to all the professors, "I also thank the Oriental Laboratory and the major laboratories for their hard work. Your name, your achievements , will be remembered in history!"

"No matter what kind of praise, there is no way to describe this achievement."

"But Professor Fang Tianye, that...the press conference may be a little later, you'd better change your clothes...cough."

"Reporters and friends also wait for a while. Finally, the last time on TV is to make people look bright and beautiful."

This sentence made the crowd burst into laughter.

Indeed, those young doctors, who haven't shaved for a month, are almost growing beards. Those middle-aged professors don't have much hair and greasy heads, and their brightness can reflect the shadows of others!

How did this look appear on TV?

There are also some lesbians with messy hair, as if they haven't washed their hair for a long time. They took out their mobile phones and took pictures of their haggard faces. They all showed embarrassed smiles and ran away in a hurry, "Half an hour! Half an hour!"

Zhang Ran smiled and entered the laboratory. The huge tokamak was still running. This behemoth may have a height of ten floors and cover an area of ​​7,000 square meters, which is a football field, just enough to fit this super machine.

The indoor temperature is about 35 degrees Celsius, which is very sultry.

The Orient Laboratory is located on the edge of Vault 2, where a huge radiation sail is installed to release the heat generated by the nuclear fusion reactor.

Oh, by the way, there are a lot of ice cubes around here. The melting of ice cubes requires a huge amount of energy, and it is just placed here to help dissipate heat, and at the same time, the ice cubes are dissolved.

In the most central office, I found Qiuyue who was wiping her tears.

Her expression is very complicated and haggard. She has the joy of having achieved a great achievement, and a sense of emptiness after completing her goal, and she is still braving the white fog, giving people the feeling of a dumb beast.

Loneliness is a person's carnival, and a carnival is the loneliness of a group of people. At this time, she felt that she was a little out of tune with the surrounding environment.

And the spiritual sustenance that originally supported his work disappeared all of a sudden, as if he had been vacated, he just sat there blankly.

Even Zhang Ran and the others knocked on the door to enter the office, but there was no response.

She seems to have died because of excessive mood swings...

"Um... what should I do in the current situation?"

Zhang Ran walked in front of Lin Qiuyue and waved his hand. The No. 1 worker who had made money for him was still like a robot, sitting in his seat foolishly, ignoring them.

This is not the first time that this situation has occurred... When the earth disappeared, Lin Qiuyue suffered a hidden crash due to excessive emotional fluctuations.

"The only thing I can do is send her back and put her to sleep... I should get better after a sleep, which is equivalent to restarting the computer." Zero was still eating his lollipop.

There was no way, Zhang Ran could only pick up the dead girl Qiuyue and send her back to the small room.

Anyway, it's not the first time I've hugged, so I feel at ease!

Qiuyue's cute look is actually a bit cuter than her normal appearance.

Now that he has earned 3,000 yuan, Zhang Ran is thinking about whether to give a little tip to the No. 1 worker...

This big money is still earned by the workers.

But if you think about it carefully, forget it. Worker Lin is really haggard and needs to recover. After the reward, she will have to go to the liver again, and she is a little afraid of her sudden death.

And... just material rewards can no longer satisfy Zhang Ran's love!

He is a little bit flirtatious now, he has money in his pocket, and he can pretend that he is a big dog again.

No, he was originally the biggest dog owner in human history!

4200 points of creation energy, coupled with the [improvement of the creation ability of the warp], this sentence is very important, and it is not empty words!

Zhang Ran tried it briefly, and the improvement was about 5 times that of the original. Originally, 1 point of creation energy could create 100 million tons of steel, but now it is 500 million tons.

4,200 creation energy points, which is equivalent to the original 21,000 points!

I have food in my hand, and I don’t panic. I have such a huge number all at once, plus the mothership under development, the active and enthusiastic people, and the alien life cub that is boiling in water. It’s a prisoner… Zhang Ran really had the pleasure of being the overlord of the galaxy.

Holding Sister Qiuyue, she slipped out through the back door of the Oriental Laboratory.

As soon as she put her on the bed, the girl had already woken up from that dazed state.

"Your Highness... Your Highness!" She seemed to be aware of her "crash" just now, and she was carried all the way, and a red glow appeared on her face all of a sudden.

"Cough cough...Congratulations, no one will question your ability again." Zhang Ran sat opposite her, as if nothing had happened, "However, you should have a good rest. I just came to your office. , you fainted."

Is that fainting...

That is parallel thinking quarreling!

"There is still a lot of work to do next... There are still many details to be optimized, and the cost of power generation has to be reduced." Lin Qiuyue wiped her eyes, the red glow on her face faded: "The manufacturing cost of tokamak We have to find a way to lower it. If there are three hundred creation energies, we simply can't make it."

Zhang Ran hurriedly asked, "How much funding do you think is needed to build a demonstration reactor that can generate stable power? Well, the important thing is stability. I will help you to build the first demonstration reactor."

"It shouldn't be too expensive. A lot of research and development costs are the constant replacement of materials, energy costs, and the cost of starting all over again after taking the wrong detour again and again."

Zhang Ran sighed, it is true, the 350 creation energy expenditure is not a one-time expenditure, but a long-term, little by little expenditure.

So he himself is very busy with this matter. Every other week, he has to help create a lot of things.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. From 0 to 1, it is a huge breakthrough and a huge step over time.

From 1 to the next 100, or even 1000, it just needs constant optimization...

The construction of the first atomic bomb cost 2 billion US dollars. The project focused on the best nuclear scientists in Western countries at that time, and mobilized more than 100,000 people to participate in this project. At that time, the annual GDP of Merika was only 10 to 20 billion yuan. Many people even doubt whether the principle of the atomic bomb is true and reliable.

But now what?

The cost of the atomic bomb has been reduced to the level of ten million yuan!

Even college graduates can understand the basic principles of the atomic bomb.

Therefore, the cost of controllable nuclear fusion can also continue to decline. As long as the path is indicated, its room for improvement will be opened.

Zhang Ran now holds 4,200 yuan, which is equivalent to 21,000 yuan in the past. Naturally, he wants to solve the energy problem as soon as possible.

However, Zhang Ran stopped the other party's idea of ​​continuing to explode his liver: "Today is definitely not going to work. Such a big news can boost the morale of all mankind and should not be concealed."

"You either have a good night's sleep here, or attend a press conference and interpret all kinds of questions."

When Qiuyue heard the two terms "reporter", she was stunned. She hated reporters the most. This group of people would waste a lot of her time!

But she soon realized that there was no way to refuse reporters' questions, let alone sleeping in a small room. If she, the main person in charge, is sleeping, what else is going on?

"Don't worry. You just need to introduce some results casually, and then you can rest on the side. I'll cover for you."

"Let Professor Fang and Professor Fu introduce the great changes brought about by nuclear fusion."

As soon as she heard that it was a bit like covering up, Lin Qiuyue immediately agreed.

After all, she is really tired...


The horn of the fourth industrial revolution was officially sounded overnight!

The first industrial revolution, the steam revolution, was marked by the improvement of the steam engine by Watt. Since then, large-scale machine production has replaced handicraft factories.

The second industrial revolution, the electrical revolution, and the wide application of electrical appliances have greatly promoted the development of social productivity.

The third industrial revolution, the information revolution, the emergence of electronic computers, and information technology have brought about major changes in all aspects of human life, such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and use.

And now, for the fourth time...

From now on, as long as we talk about the fourth industrial revolution, human beings will think of today and this day of origin!

"The emergence of controllable nuclear fusion technology has made energy problems no longer a problem, and we no longer need to worry about energy. What does this mean?"

"It means that all our heavy industry factories can be restarted, and the reserve ores and meteorites of poor quality in the warehouse can be smelted!"

"Our chip manufacturing plan can be restarted, and as the cost of electricity falls, the manufacturing cost of all industrial products will drop significantly."

"We can also use great power to perform miracles to accomplish things that were impossible to imagine before."

The expert talked more and more vigorously in front of the camera, and the audience under the stage also listened very seriously.

Except for Lin Qiuyue who was leaning on the side to sleep secretly, even Zhang Ran's eyes widened, he sat there without blinking, and listened carefully.

"I'll give a simple example, for example, smelting steel."

"In the past, when smelting steel, one ton of ore with better quality could produce 0.4 tons of iron. This is a relatively economical approach."

"In addition, a large amount of steel **** will be produced, and there are too many impurities such as silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and sulfur in it, which cannot be used well."

"The ore of bad quality, the iron content is not high, and it may even lead to a loss."

"But now, we are fully able to use massive amounts of energy to separate out all the elements! We can extract all the iron elements to produce a large amount of 0.5 tons of iron."

"Silicon is used to make wafers; phosphorus is used to make fertilizers; sulfur is used to make medicines; aluminum is extracted to make aluminum ingots to achieve a better material cycle!"

"We can directly manufacture organic matter without relying on oil, and we can directly synthesize methane from carbon dioxide. In the past, it was uneconomical from an economic perspective. The production of organic matter requires the use of life."

"But now it is possible to use industry to synthesize chemical raw materials such as methane and ethylene in large quantities, and then produce more organic materials."

"We can produce more spaceships at low cost! As we all know, the cost of a spaceship is very high, but if the raw materials become cheaper, the cost of the spaceship will be reduced by 50%, or even more!"

"We can also develop a nuclear fusion engine to replace the original nuclear fission engine. As we all know, the element used in nuclear fusion is hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe, and nuclear fission requires the use of radioactive elements, which are in the universe. It's rare, it's a non-renewable product."

"Many of our experiments and many medical technologies require radioactive elements. Letting them play their due and greater value is the path we should take."

"This is the fundamental change brought about by infinite energy!"

Zhang Ran's blood boiled in the audience.

And all the reporters were full of passion, asking one question after another.

"Professor Fu, when will the demonstration reactor capable of generating a large amount of power be put into operation?"

"It may take a while, so it's hard to estimate for now."

It's hard to estimate, it's because of His Highness's ability to create things, otherwise it might take several years...

But with the ability to create, it is estimated that it will take a few months.

"Has the current Eastern Sun Tokamak produced electricity?"

"Yes, at present, the energy output is about one-twentieth of the Three Gorges, which is not too small."

"How much extraterrestrial life material is used, can it be sustainable?"

"The first wall uses extraterrestrial life materials, and we are developing alternatives. There are a lot of extraterrestrial life materials, which are enough for the time being."

"How to solve the problem of heat dissipation? Our Kunlun Mountains have limited heat dissipation capacity in the subspace."

"Your question is very good. We are going to transfer some of the heavy industry to the new mothership, especially the smelting of metals. The new mothership is huge and can take on more heat dissipation capacity."

Wait, wait, all kinds of questions have been answered perfectly.

This kind of feeling of civilization progressing at a high speed is really wonderful, which makes people full of expectations...

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Turning her head, she found that Lin Qiuyue had woken up, and she showed that shy smile with a hint of shyness.

There's only one reason for this smile... it's asking for money!

In the past, every time she reported her work and showed this smile, Zhang Ran faintly felt a pain in her liver, she felt in her pocket and had no money, so she could only tell herself secretly: This is taking care of her!

But this time, it's different...

Zhang Ran touched his wallet, and there were 4211 points of creation energy hidden in it...or something that had appreciated in value.

He turned his head with a smile, and quietly wrote a few words in Sister Qiuyue's hand: "How much do you want?"

Lin Qiuyue wrote a few words in Zhang Ran's hand: "All of them."

Zhang Ran couldn't help laughing, nodded and shook his head again.

Since human civilization entered the age of nuclear fusion from the information age, the energy of creation has become more valuable.

The original 1 point of creation can create 10,000 tons of steel, and now it can create about 50,000 tons of steel.

That is five times the value.

So, he decided to take out a fraction...

11.3 Points of Creation Power, invest in a few demonstration reactors.

As for the commercial piles behind, there is no need to invest in it yourself.

It's not that he is stingy, the creation energy of 11.3 is quite a lot, which is equivalent to the previous 57.5!

If it is converted into money, according to the different products of creation, a little creation energy can be converted into about 1 billion to 200 billion.

Therefore, it is definitely not a small number. If it is used well, it is possible to create two or three.


Zhang Ran has realized that human beings must climb the next epoch-making technology before he can replenish more creation energy.

But it is clear that the dividend of nuclear fusion has just begun.

It may take human beings twenty years, thirty years, or even more time to fully absorb this dividend, and it is possible to spend hundreds of years.

Therefore, the 4,200 points of creation energy he has in his hands may not be used for decades.

The greatest use of creation energy is to accelerate!

Just like the krypton gold game, click to accelerate.

Where it should be used, it should be used! Where you should be careful, you should be careful. But in terms of energy, it must be used, because once the energy gets stuck, a lot of projects behind will be congested.

He personally pressed the acceleration button, and let the pace of human beings be faster!
