Start a Subspace

Chapter 141: Ant-Man's Message

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While waiting anxiously, time passed quietly.

Zhang Ran, Zhou Chengfeng and the others were all patiently flipping through the information sent on the screen, the dense text, and a few pictures. Obviously, they couldn't understand a word.

There are a total of 103 pieces of gold leaf and about 340,000 characters, which is not too small.

These writings are a bit like Mesopotamian cuneiform, like tadpole texts.

Of course, it is only similar in shape. Since the grammar and way of thinking of aliens may be fundamentally different from those of humans, corresponding informatics are not very sure of successful translation.

340,000 words are still too little.

People are still optimistic about deciphering. There is a planet below, and no matter what, they can find more written information.

The big deal is to send some more robots, even if it is lost.

An informatics expert said with a sullen face: "It is better to find the text corresponding to the picture, which will allow us to translate the text more quickly."

"For example, the literacy atlas of infants and young children is the most helpful information for deciphering the text. If we can find these things, we are confident that these things will be translated within a month."

"Or the complete dictionary of the civilization, which is also of great help to translation; and the next best thing, movie posters, advertisements, etc., as long as there are things corresponding to pictures, they are all acceptable."

"Of course, this planet may have multiple languages. Just like our earth, there are Chinese, English, Russian, French, etc., each of which is different. This will bring some difficulties to deciphering."

Zhang Ran nodded: "Don't be too anxious, no matter what, we must continue to explore this planet. Let's take the initiative to find a place with less geothermal heat, and then proceed to land exploration."


An hour later, the corresponding engineer finally powered up the circular camera, which was about 183 volts, allowing it to work.

When the alien movie aired, everyone was taken aback.

The first picture is of an ant-man shouting something...

Let's call it an ant-man. It looks a bit like an ant, with long antennae on its head, but it walks upright.

He was wearing a silver-white spacesuit, which could also be said to be silver-white power armor, standing on a huge spaceship.

Around this spaceship, there are countless small spaceships floating densely!

Under their feet is their parent star, one by one bright huge light clusters, blooming on their parent star, it is obvious that these light clusters are hydrogen bombs!

This is the real interstellar war. At first glance, Zhang Ran thought he was watching a certain plot of a sci-fi movie.


This is the first sound that people hear, as if the sound from the abdominal cavity is a bit dull and unimaginably high-pitched!

It is difficult for him to describe this feeling, that is, he subconsciously believes that it is the high-pitched roar of the intelligent life of this civilization.

Immediately afterwards, a grand symphony sounded, the rhythmic sound that seemed to be composed of metal percussion and some kind of shell instrument, with a rough and wild heavy industry atmosphere.

Ant-Man in a space suit, with a very fast speech rate, introduced something: "Expensive one)...??¥"

The pictures on the screen are constantly switching, and an unimaginably huge factory is displayed in front of us.

The factory may be even bigger than Mount Everest.

Countless ant-men are busy working in the factory, some wearing helmets, and some maintaining the machines in the factory. They have become the screws of the development of civilization, but they are very passionate.

A large number of robots have emerged from the factory. This mass is really massive. At first glance, there are millions, tens of millions. The mechanized army is fighting endlessly with silicon-based monsters. These robots generally use a kind of aperture-like The lethal weapon, the aperture radiated out, and a large amount of black mist fell on the ground.

Then there is the explosion of nuclear weapons, and the huge creatures like Godzilla are destroyed by the explosion of hydrogen bombs.

And... all kinds of scenes of life and death.

Yes, they still couldn't beat them, and the front line moved bit by bit towards the base camp.

I have to admit that the artistic attainments of this civilization are extremely high. The thumping sound of metal percussion seems to hit every beat in the depths of the soul, making people deeply feel the cruelty and tragicness of war.

Next, the music gradually becomes lower, and the picture is divided into two parts. On the left is a large-scale heavy industrial factory. Countless "ant" groups are busy and fighting.

The picture on the right is the life in the city, as if it was a memory from the past. At that time, they also had a beautiful planet. Due to the different atmospheric composition, the sky showed a faint purple, which was as beautiful as lavender.

The cities in the picture are completely different from human cities. The underground part of these cities is higher than the ground part, and their population is large, and a small city has a scale of tens of millions.

In the small rooms, the ants wear helmets one by one, and the surrounding is full of colorful halo like a dream...


Zhang Ran swallowed. Since he couldn't understand the narration, he didn't know what story he was telling.

Immediately afterwards, the screen jumped again. In the space station, a few ant-men were screaming at the sky, but the whole world was indifferent.

Ant people laugh at these roaring whistleblowers, thinking there is something wrong with their brains.

Finally one day, the world went dark, the stars went out, and this area fell into the higher-dimensional world. The ant-man wearing the helmet returns to reality in a colorful halo like a dream.

Yes, the catastrophe did happen, and they had to face it.

Another day, a large number of small universes descended from the high-dimensional universe, and a large number of monsters crawled out of the small universe, one of which was a thick black fog... This black fog quickly condensed into liquid metal.

"These should be the past, the past." Zhang Ran muttered to himself.

He saw a small universe in the picture, yes, what is shown in the picture is indeed a small universe, with a large number of robots building shelters in it...

The war was losing ground, and a small number of Ant-Man escaped with this small universe! !

Leaving a lot of dazed Ant-Man, angry to the extreme and helpless scene.

"This... what is this?" Zhang Ran complained in his heart.

In the end, it became that low and high-pitched voice. They fought monsters, and their races reunited. Life does not stop, and the battle will not stop.

With the reunification of the race, the defeat of the war was unexpectedly reversed, and at least a partial victory emerged.

They even **** a small universe belonging to monsters and develop it as a mobile shelter.

At the end of the picture, the balance of war began to reverse again, and the final production base was almost unstoppable, and Ant-Man had to leave this planet.

"Sibadiye!", "Sibadiye!" When they left, there were only a large number of Ant-Man, cheering loudly, with great enthusiasm, saying goodbye, blessing, and prayer.

The narrator croaked and said something, and the screen ended.

In the end, it should be the population of this civilization who hid in the small universe and left this world...

The last time Xiao Universe left, it was boundless anger, it was the betrayal of the powerful, it was betrayal!

But this time, everyone left together.

Or, not everyone leaving together, but a small group of people leaving?

Maybe so, people aren't too sure, after all, they don't understand what these ant-men are saying.

All episodes took 42 minutes and 33 seconds.

There was silence for a long time, and no one spoke.

Zhang Ran sighed deeply, as if a force from the depths of time hit his core and made his heart beat wildly.

It took him a long time to figure out why his heart was beating so fast.

This is from the fate and vicissitudes of the past time and space!

Disappearing life, although temporarily scattered like a starry sky, the existence of life is short-lived, but the existence of spirit will never disappear, life is only the composition of basic particles, the spirit is formed together, eternal life, and gradually recovers in another world. .

Maybe this is the so-called inheritance...

He couldn't help looking at another screen: there was a desolate, dead and frozen planet, and there was no ant-man left.

Completely destroyed.

Mr. Erwin, a great painter, once painted a picture "Cannibalism", which shows the brutal fight between mice in the short-term situation of food. The strong can eat the weak, and the picture is **** and cruel.

Erwin was a little-known painter known for his satire in his youth.

This painting was painted a long time ago, and he said it was an infighting between aliens, and it was what he saw with his own eyes.

At that time, everyone thought that he was neurotic and abnormal, but the painting was really well painted, and it sold for a good price, a few thousand dollars. Painters who are not dead can't sell for sky-high prices.

"In the middle part, it should describe the infighting between them? They were originally a civilization with little combat power, a broken will to fight, and a civilization that was addicted to the virtual world. After the war broke out, some of the powerful and powerful also escaped with the small universe. ?"

"Then the rest of them were reborn from the ashes of the war... It's really interesting."

Zhang Ran slowly recovered from this sense of fate, but no matter what, there was still a sense of emptiness.

He took a deep breath: "They seem to be very proud of their history, otherwise they wouldn't have made a special movie and put it here."

"His Royal Highness, I wonder if you have heard of a theory, the law of large numbers."

Lin Qiuyue, who was sitting next to him, said with emotion: "If we want to observe the life of paramecium, we only need to take a picture in a petri dish. Among the countless parameciums, there are new grasses that have just split, and some adults. body, and old parameciums that are about to die."

"A single photo can already analyze the life of a single paramecium."

"That is, the overwhelming number of individuals conform to statistical laws. Their behavior is predictable. Their life cycle is also predictable. There is a framework that specifies their actions throughout their lives, and they always choose out of this framework."

"The development of civilization may be the same."

"Since everyone is a civilization within the framework, it is not surprising that in a special period, some similar historical events occurred and the same choices were made."

"The so-called 'defection' choice is not something that a single individual can make, but a choice made by a class. It is a common choice of many people, so it may have some inevitable nature."

"Of course, the history behind them seems to have changed differently, which is the main reason why they are proud of it..."

Zhang Ran lowered his head, not knowing how to describe this feeling.

In fact, everyone in the conference room was in an uneasy mood.

Human civilization is also an ordinary civilization in essence. If there is no accidental appearance, no creation ability, only 500,000 people in the Garden of Eden can survive...

And there is a high probability that these 500,000 people will be trapped in the small universe, and eventually fall into the high-dimensional world with the destruction of the Milky Way. It is unknown how long they can live.

As for the reinvigoration of humanity after Eden's defection?

It is almost impossible, and it is too late in time. Even if it is too late, it will be difficult to get back to the sky if you want to get back on your feet...

So humans are not as good as this ant-man civilization...

"The scientific and technological strength of this civilization seems to be stronger than ours?" Zhang Ran asked again, "The productivity of their large factories is too high, and the dense robot army uses a kind of aperture weapon. This aperture is specially used to attack Kills silicon-based microorganisms, right?"

"From the data point of view, it is indeed the case." Another professor of materials was speaking, "I observed that they seem to have completed the global solar grid system and realized sustainable energy. From this point, at least more than our earth Period, stronger for about 100 years.”

100 years? Many people present were shocked for a while.

The global solar power grid system has also been proposed on earth.

In the environmental protection trend of the 21st century, solar energy is the cheapest, most achievable, and cost-competitive renewable energy source.

But the only trouble with solar power is that there is no sun at night, which makes it impossible to generate electricity at night.

In cloudy and stormy weather, there is no way to generate electricity.

In industrial production, once the power is cut off, the cost will be For example, in a metal smelting factory, once the power is cut off, the metal will condense in the electric arc furnace, which will not only lose a furnace material, but also the entire furnace. will be scrapped; another example is a chip production factory, once the power is cut off, all the chips will be scrapped, and the specified production equipment will be scrapped.

So what to do? So someone came up with a plan to spread solar panels all over the world, and then use UHV for power transmission.

Half of the planet is always illuminated, and more is always sunny, so the global solar grid will keep the voltage stable, output power for a long time, and avoid all kinds of weather defects.

It can't be raining all over the world, right? !

Of course, the idea of ​​using global solar energy is great, but it requires huge sums of money and an extremely complicated political game.

As far as the complex situation on earth is concerned, the interconnection of power grids between countries is almost impossible to achieve! Because electricity is the lifeline of industry, who wants to control the lifeline in the hands of other countries?

What's more, for people on earth, the railways between countries are not interconnected! People think that this project can be completed in 50-100 years, but it is actually very little...