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Chapter 208: Level 3 Civilization

"It's time to settle down and develop for 50, 100, or even 200 years. The foundation is too unstable... If only I could find a new home."

Thinking like this, Zhang Ran closed his eyes again and fell asleep in a daze. He vaguely had a very strange dream.

I dreamed that the human population had expanded to 10 billion. Through thousands of years of hard work, everyone was cheering loudly for the completion of the construction of planetary computers.

10 billion people interconnect their brains with planetary computers. From now on, it is no longer necessary to survive in the universe through physical form.

And Zhang Ran himself gave a passionate speech: "I'll announce...humanity has officially become a fifth-level civilization! Let us join hands, shoulder to shoulder, and enter the era of singularity together, sprinting towards a higher level of civilization. Bar!"

At this moment, a nice voice came from my ear: "Your Highness, don't sleep, don't sleep! It's 10 o'clock in the morning! Get up!"

Zhang Ran woke up suddenly, the scene of the sunny beach actually made him fall asleep, from 6 o'clock to 10 o'clock...

The stiff neck at the beginning also improved a lot under the massage of the robot.

He quickly took off his helmet, and found that Sakurai was staring at him with a smile, with a malicious expression: "I brought you breakfast, eat it while it's hot."

Zhang Ran took two simmered wheat, an egg, and a cup of soy milk, and said sleepily, "I can't sleep late, but yesterday was a busy day. I just dreamed that I was disturbed at the key point. woke up."

"What's the point?" A bright smile appeared on her face, as if she was looking forward to it.

"Of course it is to become a more advanced civilization... What else could be the key." Zhang Ran took a mouthful of soy milk, the taste was indeed quite strong.

Sakurai cleared his throat and said, "The investigation report of the gravitational wave telescope is out... The situation doesn't seem to be ideal. You have to look at the data."

Zhang Ran was reading the materials written by the observatory while eating the sauerkraut, his pupils dilated slightly.

The spatial turbulence blew the Oriental Rock down to a very empty corner, which resulted in extremely few three-dimensional fragments around it!

In the field of 1 light-year, there are only 6 three-dimensional space-times!

The nearest three-dimensional space-time can be reached in a month's effort, but there are 5 remaining, which require 12 years, 166 years, 478 years, 496 years, and 547 years of sailing time respectively!

This terrifying fact made Zhang Ran's heart beat wildly. Now the resources on hand are relatively abundant, but it is hard to say in the future.

How to sail for so long!

Most of the three-dimensional space is empty, and in the next few hundred years, it is very likely that there will be no way to replenish any matter!

This fact was a bit unacceptable. He swallowed his breakfast whole, calmed down, and called Professor Huo from the observatory.

"Professor Huo, I just read the report you wrote. The three-dimensional space-time in this space is so rare, so your plan is to spend hundreds of years sailing through it? Can our spacecraft last so long? Isn't the curvature engine broken a lot?"

Zhang Ran asked several questions in a row.

Huo Dong also replied with a serious look: "Your Highness, unfortunately, this is also true."

"We don't know why there are so few 3D debris in this area for now. We only have one chance, that is, the 3D space-time one month away, and the rest is too far away, even if it takes hundreds of years to sail there," said Maybe it's just a fourth type of universe, with nothing in it."

"But there is another way to wait for the turbulence in space and let the turbulence blow us away again."

"We have a four-dimensional shield, no matter what kind of universe it is, the Eastern Rock can rest in it for a while and repair all the curvature engines. Then, wait for the next space turbulence, maybe we will Blown down where there is more material. So we won't be trapped in it."

" that the only way? In case we are blown down in a more remote area next time, wouldn't it be..."

Zhang Ran paused for a while when he said this, calculating various mathematical problems in his mind.

The radius of the Oriental Rock is 6.5 kilometers. If you want to repair the curvature engine, you must use a four-dimensional shield with a range of at least 8 kilometers. It needs to consume 51.2 billion tons of substances in a year. This figure is barely bearable. million tons of ice.

The four-dimensional shield does not count as cold, as long as matter can be converted into energy.

But matter is still limited, and God knows how long this situation will last. The four-dimensional shield will eat 51.2 billion tons in one year, and 500 billion tons in 10 years. It can't bear it for a long time!

"Unless we can reach the level of fifth-level civilization and develop our own super-light-speed curvature engine, we can only wait for the next time-space turbulence to blow us down a long way." Huo Dong explained seriously, "And we The curvature engine must be repaired, otherwise it will not survive the next time and space turbulence."

Since there is no choice, Zhang Ran can only sigh: "Then let's head towards the nearest three-dimensional space-time... Is it a one-month journey? I hope we can win the lottery once and meet some good luck."

"We no longer lack adventures now, what we lack is stable development time."

In the next month, the Oriental Rock will rush through the high-dimensional space, and people are looking forward to whether the only chance to win the prize will bring surprises...

On the contrary, the Kunlun Mountains have ushered in a fully automatic universal factory system with good news, and the construction of the first phase has finally been completed.

This is a great achievement!

In response to some problems in the current society, about the current operation of the Oriental Rock, the development of human civilization, and about the interstellar war that has occurred, through a TV program, it was quickly advertised to all human beings in Kunlun Mountains. .

"Ladies and gentlemen, first of all congratulations, we humans have reached the level of the third-level civilization on this day. Our intelligent manufacturing level has completely reached the standard."

"The hardships and hardships in the middle are hard to describe in words. Our heroes throw their heads and blood, and our scientific researchers put in their energy and sweat day and night. All progress is inseparable from the efforts of everyone."

"As a medium civilization, we should not be complacent, let alone belittle ourselves. Oh, by the way, we have also welcomed an equal communication partner, Green Star Civilization. I believe many people have already come into contact with this civilization."

This speech lasted for more than two hours, involving all aspects of the universe civilization and the interior of Kunlun Mountains.

Eight full years have passed since the earth fell into the high-dimensional space-time.

In the past eight years, every day and every hour, human beings have spent in progress and development, which can be described as an unprecedented era of technological explosion!

Especially last week, the completion of the first phase of the Universal Factory means that human beings have truly entered the third stage of cosmic civilization: the age of intelligence.

In the new government work report, it is pointed out that the intelligent way of life will gradually be popularized by the military and laboratories, and gradually spread to the people, so that everyone can experience the living standard of the third-level civilization.

Zhang Ran gave a eloquent speech on the podium: "...this is an unprecedented new era, which can be described in one adjective: the machine-servant society, that is, robot servants can complete more than 99% of the physical work. They are forever Forgiving, they work hard without complaining, the chance of making mistakes is extremely low, and whether it is dirty work, it can be done by robot servants.”

"Humans only need to be responsible for the maintenance of the robot system, the update of the system, and the development of scientific undertakings. Robots will also age and become damaged. They will not innovate and cannot replace our technology."

When Zhang Ran said this, he suddenly paused, with a serious expression on his face: "But ask yourself, are we really ready to welcome the new era of highly developed productivity?"

"Sibadi civilization, the civilization we know. They have actually entered the era of real great wealth, but they did not choose to do so. Because they found that if they did, society would collapse immediately."

"The age of intelligence also requires labor, that is, to maintain these robots. If there is no one to maintain them, the robots will still slowly break down."

"Only a civilization that has reached the fifth stage can design a real strong artificial intelligence and let the robot maintain itself. The third-level civilization cannot do this."

"But maintaining robots is also dirty work. If most people can survive well without working, why would a small number of people choose to maintain robots?"

"Escape from difficulties is a choice of human nature and a choice of genes. But if no one is willing to maintain the robot, then who is willing to defend the country? How many people are willing to climb the peak of the world, What about exploring the unknown of the universe?"

"The development of society is always linked to one another, and no real change will take place because of one of my speeches. Please believe in this point, it is difficult to change human nature. The speech doesn't actually change anything, it just lets everyone know the hardships ahead."

All the audience also seemed a little silent.

This question has been pondered for a long time, but no real answer has been found.

Zhang Ran raised his head and continued: "If the spiritual pursuit of an individual does not meet the needs of a higher level, it is impossible for the entire civilization to enter the era of true great wealth."

"But if we don't enter the real era of great wealth, our thinking will be difficult to reverse. It is like the thinking of the rich and the thinking of the poor. If you have not experienced a rich life, you cannot ask for the thinking of the rich."

"It becomes a contradiction..."

To provide you with the fastest start to a subspace update, Chapter 208 of the third-level civilization is free to read.