Start a Subspace

Chapter 228: brain in a vat

This kind of feeling of finding the same kind is really touching.

The Blue and Gold Age Alliance has been in the high-dimensional universe for 3,000 years, and the number of cosmic civilizations it has come into contact with is in double digits!

There are first-level civilizations that have just entered the universe, and there are second-level civilizations.

The two affiliated civilizations in the alliance can be regarded as secondary civilizations with excellent moral qualities.

I have also encountered some third-level civilizations, and even encountered a fourth-level civilization once or twice!

The universe is not a dark forest! Civilization and civilization can communicate.

But there are very few really "high moral" civilizations...very rare.

In most cases, the contact between civilizations is almost always intrigue, racking their brains for a little benefit, and beware of each other.

In many cases, there is no in-depth communication at all, and they simply leave after a trade... Carbon-based species are more terrifying than silicon-based species!

If you encounter silicon-based classes, just start a war with them, and if you can't beat them, run away. But when it comes to carbon-based classes, God knows what happens when negotiating...

Even if selfishness is a behavior that conforms to the logic of survival, it is more often time to take a step back and see the sky!

In-depth communication between civilizations is a win-win choice, often able to gain more knowledge, more technology, learn from each other, discover loopholes in thinking, and gain a greater chance of survival in the vast high-dimensional universe. Are there losses in exchanging knowledge? No, knowledge is the only wealth that can be shared.

But in more cases, this is impossible to do, and various civilizations do not trust each other, because a little bit of interest is preoccupied with each other. This mistrust hinders cooperation among civilizations.

Of course, in addition to the Yayan people praising each other's "high morality", the aliens of the other two races are questioning in their hearts, "Isn't it a lie? What about the special life forms that specialize in fighting ghosts? "

"But the other party has already obtained the specimen of the ghost body..."

The anxiety of the war, human casualties at every moment, spaceships shot down at every moment, and shelters broken down into wreckage by artillery shells...

In any case, they have no choice but to believe in humans!

But the good news came soon. As time passed, the intensity of war in some military areas was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is completely unbelievable. How did humans do it?

Is there really any super life form against the ghost body?

One after another mysteries appeared in my heart, and there was no way to explain them, and I didn't know how to ask them out. The aliens of the Blue Gold Alliance, don't mention how anxious they are.


Just when humans and the leaders of the Blue Gold Age Alliance were talking to each other, Jelly had already sneaked into the sanctuary controlled by the ghost body, and it saw incredible scenes...

A large number of robots are busy working in the super large central shelter with a diameter of 1000 kilometers!

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

The scene here is completely different from the human refuge "Kunlun Mountains". The first impression is that it is spacious and huge. Even if Kunlun Mountain is already huge, the space of this large shelter may be a hundred times larger, and the height of the ceiling alone is a full 1.2 kilometers.

Installing this holographic image on the highest ceiling perfectly simulates the green sky and white clouds of the parent star, and there are lakes and mountains in more distant places!

Really a rich civilization, rich enough that this civilization has enough resources to simulate the natural environment of the past.

It should be quite comfortable to live here.

Not far away is a super-large three-dimensional city, robots come and go, busy and orderly at the same time. Billions of robots are manipulated by an invisible consciousness, like countless cells in the human body, busy with their own work.

And this invisible consciousness is the ghost body!

The most important task of these robots is to produce more spaceships to fight against outside armies.

At the same time, some robots are still busy, sending intelligent life under anesthesia into the operating room for a series of brain cutting operations!

Jelly felt a little curious and remembered the important task "shooting" that Zhang Ran gave it!

It sneaked past and aimed a camera at these oddities.

The whole process is extremely terrifying, as if in some movies, human beings are made into "human flesh batteries".

Whether it was an orangutan-like Asian man, an octopus man, or a lizard man, after the captives of these three races were captured alive by robots, they were all given anesthesia, lying on the operating table, and lined up for surgery.

Skilled surgical robots cut out their brains completely, soaked the brains of Baihuahua in a light blue liquid, and then expertly plugged in the wires...

These cut brains are connected to a special supercomputer. ? ? ?

Jelly became more and more curious. It didn't understand what was going on in front of it at all. It just didn't feel comfortable. Its innate instinct didn't like these white brains... The complex neural network system gave it a kind of Not a wonderful feeling.

But not far away, there is another voice that is attracting it.

So it rushed over at an even higher speed...


Oriental Rock, captain's room.

The fierce front-line war is still going on, and the drones on the human side are like cannon fodder, constantly being consumed.

Fighting is really a big money hog. To build a drone requires a lot of parts to assemble, but it only takes one second to consume it!

There are many experts who are calculating the gains and losses of this war.

As long as you can win... yes, as long as you can win... it's still earned, after all, resources can be reclaimed.

Humans are even a little fortunate that they supported the Blue and Gold Era Alliance early. Otherwise, this alliance will be completely wiped out, and the conventional firepower of mankind will really not be able to defeat the ghost body!

Some other scientists are studying the "Casimirim" that has just been delivered, a machine that can create things in the void!

I don't know the principle at all, but it is a toy of higher civilization?

a toy?

As long as a serious intelligent life stands in front of this machine, it will respond and generate corresponding intelligible voices in the mind of the intelligent life... What is the principle, there is no way to understand it at all?

Faced with the toys of higher civilizations, but they couldn't crack them, these experts scratched their heads and touched their ears anxiously, and thoughts burst out in their minds.

At this time, another soldier shouted loudly in the communication channel: "Report, the small robot carried by Jelly sent back an electromagnetic wave signal, and it captured something!"

"Wait...this picture..."

Lieutenant Colonel Guo Weiqiang, who was in the investigation department, scolded inwardly when he heard the alarmed cry of the investigator.

As a good correspondent, no matter what happens, you must effectively deliver information, stumbling and speaking means unqualified!

But when he saw the picture captured by Jelly, an icy chill began to rush in his heart, as if the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero had frozen his blood.

"What... is this doing?"

This scene is really beyond his cognition, and it is so terrifying that he dares not even make a movie: a lot of brains, an innumerable number of brains, are immersed in the light blue liquid!

The peripheral manipulators handled these brains nimbly, stabbing needle after needle into the brain...

Guo Wei stubbornly continued to look down, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, as if his brain had been pricked by a needle.

He stopped scolding the terrified investigator, and started calling His Royal Highness next door to report the situation.

"Your Highness, the ghost body is making a brain in a vat!"

Soon, Zhang Ran also got the news. The dense scenes on the screen made everyone in the captain's room quiet.

The surrounding think tank members whispered in horror: "A brain simulator in a vat?"

"Is the ghost body studying the brains of intelligent life? I have observed that the number of needles inserted is different for three different races... There may be as many as thousands of needles."

These brains seem to be still alive, and some blood vessels are still slowly wriggling...

"A lot of brains in a vat, won't all the prisoners of the Blue Gold Era Alliance become like this?!"

"They're... miserable."

These scenes are just unintentionally filmed by Jelly, and the number of real brains in a vat will only be more than in the picture.

But it was just a glimpse. When humans saw this terrifying scene, they were a little overwhelmed with shock.

Zhang Ran swallowed, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Faced with this kind of picture, no matter what the position, whether it is a soldier, a scientist or an engineer, Qi Qi had a chilly feeling in his neck, as if his head would fall off his neck at any time.

There is a question in everyone's mind, if the ghost body occupies the Eastern Rock, will humans be treated like this?

The answer is Humans will also have their brains removed, immersed in blue liquid, and treated as experimental objects.

What kind of enemy is this... It is completely different from the silicon-based life that has been encountered before, strong artificial intelligence? Want a strong artificial intelligence that captivates intelligent life?

Will all intelligent life have their brains cut off and soaked in nutrient solution?

Like a guinea pig, being randomly experimented?

In that case, what is the essential difference between intelligent life and beast? Being experimented, enslaved, domesticated... that is the real fear of not being able to survive or die.

Yes, it is impossible to want to die. If the other party wants you to live, you have to live. If they want you to die, you can die safely.

Thinking like this, cold sweat soaked through the clothes unknowingly, it was too scary, really too scary, this was the cruelest picture Zhang Ran had ever seen!

Much crueler than death.

Chapter 228 The Brain in the Vat