Start a Subspace

Chapter 241: 1 shortcut

"Start a Warp(

"...The above formula reveals the generation of wisdom to a certain extent, and external perception, bionics, and artificial intelligence have created a great situation. We can draw a conclusion..."

Since most of the virtual scenes are set up by "ghost bodies", humans and the Blue and Gold Age Alliance are only responsible for sorting out and summarizing this part, which means that most of the knowledge is plagiarized.

But just like that, it brought a whole new body of knowledge.

To give a simple example: first construct a simple black and white virtual scene, and let a brain in a vat enter it.

Will it adapt? It is naturally inappropriate because in its "memory" the world is colorful.

But will it adapt if its original memory is removed? It is possible to adapt, and the ability of the brain to adapt is far higher than expected. That is, the "software" system in the brain has a very high learning ability.

"After getting used to the simple scene, the brain in the tank will think that it can only see black and white."

Since simple scenarios are fine, what about more complex scenarios? For example, in the infrared band and the ultraviolet band, you can also see what will happen.

Can the magnetic field perception of Yayan people be added to humans?

These answers are not negative. . Intelligence is called intelligence because it is so adaptable.

Another simple example is the acceleration of thinking.

Can a brain in a vat speed up thinking? Let people produce more knowledge per unit time?

"For now, thinking slowing down seems to be doable."

Lin Qiuyue paused for a while and explained: "The speed of neuron signal transmission in different races is different, generally between 100 meters/second and 500 meters/second. We have done some experiments on some collapsed brains. A series of complex technical means seems to be able to slow down their thinking, and we have successfully frozen their thinking state for a period of time."

"But what about thinking acceleration... Everyone should also know what thinking acceleration means, which means that we will become smarter. But limited to the connection of dendrites and axons, it cannot accelerate without limit. Unless humans are completely abandoned The brain can speed up thinking.”

"The last example is the brain chip, or the brain plug interface, which is a small branch of the brain in a vat technology tree. If we completely solve the brain in a vat problem, the brain chip is only a very easy piece. Things, these auxiliary tools, can make our human-computer interaction smarter and easier.”

"Finally, bionics, through the interconnection of bionic organs and brains, can make these brains re-perceive the real world. This technological achievement will be applied to everyone, so that everyone can get bionic organs. "

Zhang Ran was sitting in the center of the first row, and her scalp felt numb when she said that.

However, he still understood part of what Lin Qiuyue said. Let's not talk about the acceleration of thinking, the problem of thinking perception, just the brain chip... that is really an epoch-making thing!

clap clap clap!

Warm applause broke out in the venue, and there was a faint sound of "quack". It's not that the Green Stars are screaming there. Many aliens from the Blue and Gold Age Alliance are also screaming there.

I have to admit that the cultural communication ability of the Green Stars is really excellent. Even if their population is sparse, their "ga" has become a popular culture in the Star Alliance.

When everyone is amazed, they can't help but make a "quack"!

After Lin Qiuyue stepped down, another Yayan scientist came to the stage and announced the latest bionics paper.

In order for the brains in these jars to sense the real reality, it involves the issue of "cognitive philosophy" - that is, if the world you perceive is different from the world I perceive, what should you do? The bionic organ developed with human-computer interaction technology is always different from the original organ, and a series of changes have taken place in external perception.

Everyone's sensitivity is different. Some have sharp eyes, and some have particularly sensitive ears. They can even identify directions based on sounds.

In particular, the eyes of octopuses can recognize more complex glances, and their vision is actually mirror-symmetrical.

In these complex situations, the risks of cognitive collapse are particularly high.

Zhang Ran doesn't care much about the cognitive collapse of these aliens. The internal ethics of human beings are enough to trouble him...

He quietly asked Qiuyue who was sitting on the side, "When will the brain chip come out? Can it improve human intelligence?"

"The current brain chips may not greatly improve intelligence, but can only change the level of hormone secretion in people." Due to the long-term work, Lin Qiuyue's face was a little haggard.

"Hormone?" Zhang Ran asked curiously.

She leaned on the chair with her eyes closed and replied: "The level of human technical secretion can be adjusted by brain chips, resulting in changes at the cognitive level. For example, the regulation of dopamine can make you happier."

"Wouldn't it be great if everyone could be happy while working hard, Your Royal Highness?"

"Huh?" Zhang Ranming knew she was joking, but pretended to be shocked, "You have a strong dictatorial tendency to say this, turning everyone into a sweatshop. Fortunately, you are not a wise and wise highness, otherwise Our world is going to be driven mad by you...but, is this true?"

Lin Qiuyue recovered her seriousness and opened her eyes, with a smile on her pretty face, "It's true, we already have this kind of technological strength. But this kind of change is not easy to predict for the time being, and it can only be done through long-term experiments. to verify."

"In fact, this technology is already a subject of the fourth-level civilization. After the human-computer interaction goes deep into the neuron level of the brain, when it develops to a certain level, it is necessary to establish a new self-philosophical norm system."

Seemingly feeling Zhang Ran's puzzled look, she closed her eyes again and smiled: "The regulation of hormones can make people better, but it's also a very dangerous thing... Of course I'm not referring to madness. It's so simple to make a liver hit."

"It's like human society. After it develops to a certain level, some things in the past are no longer suitable."

"So we have to push back and build a new society, and all the culture of the new society has to be reshaped. Don't our 30,000 children have this responsibility?"

"Cough, let me remind you that there are also your shares." Zhang Ran said sarcastically.

Lin Qiuyue turned a blind eye to this sentence. She did donate her eggs reluctantly. As for the future's just a blood relationship.

Isn't the current human government leading this "parentless" culture?

Well, in fact, she still wondered a little in her heart, what happened to the newly born child...

Forget it, hatching in an artificial womb takes 21 months, and a freshly-born embryo isn't much to look at.

She shook her head slightly, took a breath and said, "In a word, to create a more perfect society, you need more perfect individuals. I seriously doubt that a simple social welfare system, even with good and strict education, will There will still be a tendency to laziness. There are always a minority of people with ideals.”

"Entropy increase is eternal, there can be no true perfection."

Zhang Ran was silent and did not speak. Even though social welfare has only just started, there are still many contradictions, such as VR-LOVE and the question of whether the social atmosphere of the next generation will be corrupted, and there is no answer at all.

Lin Qiuyue said: "Since the original philosophical system is not enough, we must start from the cognitive level, and the self-philosophical norm system will need to be reshaped. This is also the self-collapse trap that high-level civilization thinks."

"Now we, everyone's actions are controlled by the 'self-philosophical norm system', which is innate."

"Eat when you are hungry, drink water when you are thirsty, play games to bring happiness, and sleep when you are sleepy. Our brains are born to know what to do and what to do. Learning the day after tomorrow prohibits us from doing some dangerous things, prohibiting We are breaking the law."

"But with this system, it's hard to create a perfect society, isn't it? Our society will always have some weird people, miscellaneous things, it's human nature to eat and do things lazily, and under extremely high productivity, there is a high probability that the whole people will be lazy. ."

"So in order to climb to a higher level, the original system of philosophical norms will no longer apply, and we need to define a better self."

"What is a better self? You don't need to eat or drink water. It's unknown whether playing games will bring you happiness, and you don't need to sleep. Is this kind of self a better self?"

Zhang Ran was stopped by her question: "It shouldn't be, what's the difference between this and a robot."

Lin Qiuyue said: "Yes, without a normative system, you will not know what to do. If your intelligence improves, you will lose your goal. This is very dangerous. We still choose the human normative system. So I thought of a way: Have you ever had the best version of yourself?"

"At a certain moment, at a certain moment, you are highly positive, you are full of hope for your future life, and you are full of curiosity about the world. Just like using technology to completely freeze this personality, you are willing to become better yourself?"

"Can such humans form a better world?"

Zhang Ran was completely stunned. He had to admit that the genius Ms. Qiuyue came up with an epoch-making idea: to freeze her own personality through a brain chip!

Don't mess with the ones that don't exist, let's make everyone perfect!

This idea is so genius that he doesn't know what to say for a while.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "I understand roughly, what you mean is that the software can choose the version, is that right, some versions get worse and worse, just go back to the previous version? But we are far from here. It's a long way off. We haven't even thoroughly studied the brains in a vat, and we just let these brains in a vat barely survive. How can we change the system of philosophical norms?"

"It's really far away. That's a question that a fourth-level civilization, or even a fifth-level civilization, should think about. However... I found another shortcut in the process of long-term research."

A faint smile appeared on her face again, her voice lowered, and she moved forward slightly, as if she had some big secret to share.

"What shortcut?"

She leaned over and whispered in Zhang Ran's ear, "Do you know why parallel thinkers are very valuable in the amoeba trading system?"

"Why?" Zhang Ran felt that his ears were itchy, "Isn't it because it's very rare?"

"I was thinking, can I...become a strong intelligence directly? It's not really strong intelligence, but a model similar to strong artificial intelligence." She struggled for a while, and finally said, "I mean Yes, hooking my brain up to a supercomputer and using a bunch of brain in a vat technology, I can get stronger."

Zhang Ran was startled by her thoughts, his eyes widened, and he looked at this woman who was in a state of frenzy with great confusion.

Are you crazy, cut off your own brain and use it as a brain in a vat? !

Go crazy!

"My thoughts are well-founded...because I can produce more parallel Qiuyue is very serious.

This secret is very important, and she has only revealed it to Zhang Ran now, "It's just limited to the limit of the human brain. Currently, there are only six parallel thoughts, and I can't bear any more. My learning ability is six times that of ordinary people. "

"Now I can handle these personalities very well, and they have a very harmonious relationship with me. As long as I don't drink alcohol, all the personalities can communicate easily... It's not even a communication, their thoughts, I It is easy to read and understand, and it is almost the same as what I thought.

"It is this ability that has allowed me to make some so-so achievements..."

Zhang Ran opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something but didn't know how to say it.

He understood what Lin Qiuyue meant. In general, communication between people is very difficult, especially at the academic level.

It takes a lot of time and energy to explain an abstract concept to the observers.

After explaining it for a long time, I often don't understand it.

Especially the "comprehension" level is very difficult. There are some words that you can understand, but you can't understand them at all. Just like the "philosophy of existence" of life just now, it's even more heavenly.

However, Lin Qiuyue and her parallel thinking do not have this trouble. Her understanding ability is common to each other. One of the personalities understands a certain problem, and all the other personalities also understand this problem.

There is a clear distinction between personalities.

The main personality can easily read the thinking of the sub-personality, but the sub-personality cannot read the thinking of the main personality.

This resulted in her never having a mental confusion.

Isn't this artificial intelligence with innately powerful distributed computing capabilities?

The more Zhang Ran thought about it, the more she felt that her idea seemed to be very successful?