Start a Subspace

Chapter 47: I don't know where to go

"The meteorite cracked!"

It was like a small piece of fur slowly fell off a cow.

Seeing this scene on the screen, everyone on the Ark burst into cheers, rejoicing and applauding.

Because the quality of this piece of "fur" is 200% of the expected amount, there may be a full 200 million tons!

After the small meteorite was blasted by a nuclear bomb, it produced a lateral velocity, which changed its original direction of motion.

This is already the limit of what human weapons can do. With this lateral speed, it is just possible to escape the engulfment of high-dimensional space.

"Sure enough, the direction of movement of the asteroid has not changed much."

There is excitement, but there is also sadness. 200 million tons was more than expected, but not much.

After calming down, whether the people on the Ark will encounter another meteorite in the future, and how much can 200 million tons do.

There are still people discussing whether to break the contract, and launch an attack while the Yuyan is being mined.

But in the end, reason prevailed, and the plan to break the contract was rejected.

The Ark caught up and flew with the small meteorite that fell off again.

At the same time, they stared at another ship.

The Yuyan No. 1 spacecraft, where the royal family was located, was still flying slowly behind, as if there was no rush.

After waiting until the two spaceships were at a safe distance, they slowly caught up with the big meteorite and ran in front of it.


"They mined a lot of money, one in six thousand. That's right. Well done."

The experts in Yuyan's spaceship were also excited to discuss with joy on their faces.

The atmosphere in the cabin was a little strangely relaxed, and there was even a feeling of singing in the middle. Zhang Ran rubbed his temples, these experts... are they so relaxed?

A large number of people are enthusiastically discussing the results of the Ark's operation this time.

"What they mine is only the surface of the asteroid, and probably most of it is ice."

"Yeah, the ice layer on the surface is too thick. The water resources are good, but all water is not necessarily good. We lack too many substances."

Well...these experts are discussing the various decisions of the Ark: the operational efficiency of the soldiers, the chosen blasting location, the blasting yield of the nuclear bomb, and so on.

Later, Zhang Ran also joined in and talked about it with relish.

From an objective point of view, this action of the Ark is already impeccable!

It's almost the limit of what human beings can do now!

Even if the soldiers on the Kunlun Mountains come in exactly the same way, they may not be able to do better. Maybe they will fail to blow up. If the equivalent is too small, they will not blow it down, or if the equivalent is too large, they will directly blow up the small meteorite. It's too much trouble to collect after it's blown up.

However, everyone's mood is still very good, because they don't plan to blast the meteorite at all, but take other means.

"His Royal Highness, there is still a big problem. We put this meteorite into the warp, but its huge kinetic energy may cause a lot of trouble..."

When you put something into the subspace, its original kinetic energy will not disappear.

A professor said worriedly: "How do we stop the meteorites and start mining again?"

"Don't worry about it, put it in first and then talk about it. The warp is not infinite, it is bounded and boundless, even if the meteorite can move, it can't escape."

"As long as we put it in, we have a way."

Zhang Ran said loudly, "Is everything ready?"

"It's ready!"


The Ark, the Refuge in Eden, the TV station is carrying out a high-profile live broadcast.

Many experts came to the meteorite and carefully measured its specific composition.

The successful capture of 200 million tons of meteorites has slightly boosted the morale of the people, which had been somewhat low.

But only for a few hours.

After a few hours, morale was low again.

The original plan was to get 1.2 trillion tons of asteroids, and the government also promised that as long as the big meteorite is obtained and the resources above are mined, it will bring a huge improvement to the quality of life of the people.

However, now there are only 200 million tons, a difference of 6,000 times!

As a result, ordinary commoners in the Garden of Eden, after being happy for a while, began to worry about their future lives.

"Can we encounter another massive asteroid in our future?" This is a question lingering in many people's minds.

Not only workers, including many scholars and soldiers, are discussing this issue.

Since the civilians brought here are all elites and need to work, and there is basically no illiteracy, it is very difficult for the Ark government to fabricate lies and deceive them.

The answer is no, the probability is almost zero.

Objective facts cannot be changed by human will.

Because since the sun disappeared, without the constraints of the sun's gravity, all the celestial bodies began to move along the tangential direction of the original orbit.

In other words, the planets and asteroids no longer do circular motions, they all fly in straight lines.

Everyone flew farther and farther and fled.

The solar system is long gone.

The original Mars and Venus did not know where they had escaped.

Only the moon, attracted by the gravity of the earth, still surrounds and fell into the high-dimensional space together.

This meteorite was also attracted by the earth's gravity, so it was met by humans by coincidence.

But now that the earth is gone, and there is no more gravitational attraction to dissociate meteorites, how can human beings encounter another piece in a universe where matter is scarce?

So, the probability is almost zero!

Thinking like this, many people have a sense of daze that they don't know where to go.

Including many soldiers, they all have a vague feeling in their hearts, but what should they do?

The only way is to maintain the status quo, maintain optimism, and hope that the future will be better...

Soon, the expert group came to a specific conclusion, and the hostess broadcast the corresponding news, trying to boost morale.

"Great news, a lot of water resources have been found on the meteorite, with an initial estimate of 140 million tons of water! Some metals have also been found, including iron, nickel, copper, and a certain amount of titanium! This meteorite actually still has With a small amount of titanium, we can make more space machines."

The atmosphere on the TV was beaming, everyone was fantasizing, and along the way, happy and festive music was played.

But there has been a lot of scolding on the Internet.

"Water resources, why are there only water resources? 140 million tons of water... The meteorites are only 200 million tons in total. We won't just mine a large piece of ice, right?"

"140 million tons of water, a lot, right?"

"Is it a lot? Do you know how much water there was in the Three Gorges Reservoir? Let me tell you, 39.3 billion tons!"

Such a comparison seems like a world of difference, which is a bit hard to accept.

This resource will take a lifetime!

And most importantly, water accounts for the vast majority... and it's even more infuriating.