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Chapter 49: Advanced Technology of Alien Civilizatio

Ark One.

More than a dozen senior engineers are sweating profusely, trying to mine the meteorites at the foot of the spaceship at the fastest speed.

Among them, there are 6 level 8 fitters. All of these people can rub mechas with their hands. They are truly high-level talents!

A small well is slowly being constructed on the surface.

The mass of the meteorite is too small to form significant gravity, and all the work seems extremely laborious.

Therefore, this small drilling hole that can connect the spacecraft is very important.

People plan to slowly dig in through drilling until the meteorite is hollowed out.

"Fix the scaffolding and insert the steel pipe into the ice."

"Team Lin, it's fixed!"

"Ark-1 has been successfully connected to the meteorite."


There was a warm applause in the cabin.

After all, Ark-1 is a high-level spacecraft that has been built by humans for ten years, and its functional equipment is first-class.

Lin Lei, the captain of the 200 astronauts, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the successful drilling and reported the news to the leadership.

"You've worked so hard, you can rest for a few hours first."

"The next task is to mine meteorites. It's good to mine a few tons a day. Take your time."

Taking advantage of this rest time, some people frown and some people laugh.

The most discussed is the farce in the Eden Refuge.

"The Garden of Eden is really the Garden of Eden, the name is good, it is full of the breath of human reproduction!" Lin Lei smiled disdainfully, "The Tianlong people are really energetic, and they want to have children all day long."

"Team Lin, you are not afraid of being heard by those people."

"Whoever hears it, they will never come to mine here for the rest of their lives. Even if they hear it, so what? We are the real workers."

The farce in the small universe has spread, and everyone is very angry.

The 200 million-ton meteorite looks like a big mountain, but it's actually not much.

For example, Australia exports 900 million tons of iron ore a year!

The 200 million tons of resources are the lifetime resources of more than 400,000 people.

But there is no way, most of the resources are controlled by the consortium, in the past, now, and in the future.

The next generation in the future will either be good-looking, join some Haitian feast, and climb the ranks of the consortium.

Or work for a consortium.

There are only these two options.

Thinking about it this way, it seems like there is no hope.

However, the farce did not affect the normal work of these two hundred people.

The most important thing for a person is to live. As long as one can live, hope or something is only a luxury.

"Team Lin... um, another message from the royal family!"

"Won't it be another messy video of recruiting surrender? Kunlun Mountain or something..." Lin Lei smiled.

For some reason, he thought of his just 11-year-old daughter, who seemed to be the same age as the girl who broke the news about the female body, Shengshang, and suddenly felt a little bitter.

What will be the future of your daughter?

"Team Lin, it's not a video of recruiting and surrendering!" The technician seemed a little excited, and his voice became louder.

"They... They said that they have obtained advanced technology from alien civilizations?! They will perform a cosmic magic against meteorites soon, let's wait and see."

Although they knew this was a joke, everyone still observed the direction of the asteroid in the distance - 1.2 trillion tons with great interest.

"You said, how many meteorites can the Yuyan spaceship on the royal family explode?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on how many nuclear bombs they have. However, the weakest part of the meteorite has already been captured by us."

Lin Lei is just an ordinary migrant worker. In order to survive, he works for a consortium.

At the beginning, he had the survival quota to land in the small universe, but also because of his excellent personal skills, the eighth-level fitter, was favored by the consortium.

He has absolutely no feud with the royal family.

On the contrary, he quite likes the royal family of Daxia. After all, everyone in Xia misses the once great motherland and the days when the sun has not disappeared.

At that time, even if there were some social contradictions, housing prices, education, etc., compared to this era, that era was like life in paradise.

In today's smoky society, there is no way to rise in class, who would really love it?

Of course, with a complicated mentality, he didn't know whether to expect the royal family to mine more minerals or to mine less minerals.

Humans are such contradictory creatures, and it is impossible to see that others live better than themselves.


As time passed, the staff of the Ark turned on the astronomical telescope and stared intently at the large meteorite in the distance.

The Yuyan spaceship, where the royal family is located, emits a bright light.

Even after such a long distance, they can still see very clearly—as if they were deliberately trying to see clearly.

"What are they doing?" People wondered.

"How did their spaceship fly in front of the meteorite?"

"Shouldn't the speed be the same... Flying ahead, how can you mine?"

Comparing the volume of the spaceship to the meteorite, it is only a vellus hair, not even a vellus hair!

Suddenly, Lin Lei's eyes widened and he saw an incredible scene!

The Yuyan spaceship suddenly threw a super-large hula hoop-like ring!

The ring was slowly expanding, as if filling with gas.

In the entire universe, this ring appears very slender, like a wire...

The diameter of this ring is just a little bit bigger than the meteorite, and it can completely cover it!

An expert was puzzled: "They...what are they doing? It's not because they want to use this inflatable hula hoop to stop the movement of the meteorite...Impossible?"

"Impossible. The mass of the meteorite is so huge that it cannot be pulled by the spacecraft."

Another reported: "Captain Lin, they sent a message to let us witness the alien technology with our own eyes, and let us... surrender!!"

"What... Alien technology?" Lin Lei grinned.

"Are they... crazy?"

The two hundred people in the Ark had different expressions, some doubted in their hearts, and some vaguely expected something.

But everyone knows that this meteorite is a resource about human life and death.

No one would joke around at this juncture!

Lin Lei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and had a very strange premonition in his heart.

For some reason, he thought of those previous promotional videos...


"There seems to be someone on the hula hoop."

However, it was at this moment that the super-large "hula hoop" touched the asteroid!

The inner space of the "Hula Hoop" produces a layer of faint ripples, which is a sign of the uneven curvature of the space.

Then... an even more staggering scene appeared.

The asteroid passed through the "ripples" and began to "disappear" little by little.

Lin Lei's heart beat wildly, his eyes widened, he didn't know what happened, but in the astronomical telescope, the meteorite just disappeared!

"Alien technology?!"

The discussion is getting more and more intense.

"Alien... technology!"

"The royal family controls alien technology!" The soldier's face was flushed.

His whole body energized for a while, collapsed for a while, and even trembled all over. At this moment, he thought a lot.

The process of the meteorite disappearing lasted for a full 10 minutes.



Really gone!

Such a large meteorite is gone!

The jaw-dropping scene shocked the nerves of every observer in the Ark!

Lin Lei felt that a basin of ice water from the Antarctic was poured down from a height and splashed all over himself. He was numb from head to toe, and penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Even the whole person's worldview collapsed.

what is this?

Alien technology!