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Chapter 66: Trial and Integration

According to Zhang Ran's idea, keeping 0.5% of the population as a professional soldier, that is, 200,000, is almost enough.

This part of the population must be elite. Soldiers in the space age have to adapt to the space combat environment, drive spaceships, and repair machinery, so the training cost is actually not low.

Most of the soldiers now are not qualified.

Veteran soldiers and reserve militiamen, about 2% of the population, more than 800,000, add up to one million.

These militias can also be used at critical moments.

At this moment, Zhou Chengfeng thought of something again: "Your Highness, there is one more thing, some scientists over there, very famous ones, want some... additional funds."

"The kind with outstanding results."

Zhou Chengfeng emphasized the words "very famous".

Zhang Ran was silent.

Good guy, really good guy, another batch of uncles came!

Thinking that he still owes Lin Qiuyue nearly 400 creation energy, the large-scale nuclear fusion device is still being designed...

Once the design is ready, construction begins!

The resources that this big toy needs to consume is not limited.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ran's heart aches...

However, on the surface he was serious: "The most famous scientists, let them come to my office after the meeting..."


The 400,000 people in the Eden Refuge have officially joined the Kunlun Mountain Refuge!

Most of the dignitaries will be tried by the court!

The spread of this news has brought a lot of waves to the entire Kunlun Mountain society.

For this matter, the public's attention is still very high. In fact, the entire trial process is stinky and long, procedural justice is essential, and there is a large amount of online public opinion, and everyone is a little sleepy watching it.

"What else is there to judge? I suggest, shoot them all!"

"It's not necessary to shoot them all. I heard that some people make up for their mistakes and make up for it, otherwise the spoils of war will shrink."

"Is that... the superstar Becca? She sings so well, I'm her fan, let her spend a few years in prison..."

"Your thinking is wrong. Why do celebrities have privileges? She can sing and get less jail time?"

Of course, this group of netizens are just joking, and they also know that it is impossible to avoid punishment because they are beautiful.

The final verdict was also quite satisfactory.

There was a soft click, and as the gavel landed, some heinous leaders were sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, rape, embezzlement of private property, murder, and so on.

This is not a random accusation, but the kind that has evidence. The wall is pushed down by everyone, and all the former sufferers have run away.

The witnesses are complete, and many physical evidences have long since disappeared with the disappearance of the earth, but even the remaining evidence is enough to convict.

For several crimes, these people were sentenced to death.

Other accomplices were sentenced to prison terms ranging from fixed-term to life imprisonment.

Becca, a big star, is just a star who has been toyed with. He is not the main culprit, and he has never killed anyone. After a few years of reform through labor, it will be over.

This time, the national trial can be regarded as giving everyone a bad taste in their hearts.

Legal professionals praised it one after another, believing that procedural justice and judicial fairness are very important.

There are also a small number of people who secretly breathe a sigh of relief. They are all minority shareholders or stakeholders of some consortiums, and it is already very good to be sentenced to a few years in prison.

Of course, the most important thing is to look forward.

The events of the past come to an abrupt end here...

Just like Zhang Ran's brief speech at the end of the trial: "From now on, there is only one word that can describe us: human beings!"

"No one can divide us anymore."


Just after the trial was over, a representative from the Garden of Eden Refuge, a senior engineer, a level 8 fitter, Mr. Lin Lei, was the first to land on the Kunlun Mountain.

These middle-level people, as real workers in a society, will not be criticized too much.

Even the various online forums in Kunlun Mountains, whether they are on the left or on the right, have a neutral attitude towards these people.

A small number of people still have some hatred. These middle- and lower-level people are also defectors and have not made any contribution to the construction of Kunlun Mountains. Some people think that hatred is absolutely unnecessary. Everyone is ordinary people, so why bother each other? Just be able to contribute to society.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a warm welcome, and a neutral attitude is already very good.

The Daxia government is not stupid enough to publicize this matter. Anyway, let these hundreds of thousands of people quietly blend in and it will be over. Everyone has two eyes and one mouth. Who would know that you are in the Garden of Eden. Where are you coming from?

There are 202 shelters, and each shelter is filled with 2,000 people, and there is no wave.

"Hello, friends. Welcome to the new home of mankind - Kunlun Mountain."

For Lin Lei, when he stepped out of the Ark spaceship, he was still a little uneasy.

After all, many of their leaders were executed...

He is now a pillar-level He came here on behalf of the working class in the Garden of Eden.

For Kunlun Mountain, his first impression is...


Really huge!

There is no difference between the Ark and the Kunlun Mountains, and the ants compared to the mountains.

The Eiffel Tower, which is still in the void, is only a little bit, but it creates a sense of absurd vertigo-how did this thing appear?

And Kunlun Mountain is even more huge and outrageous, and it is not even accurate to use "mountain" to describe it. It has a radius of 100 kilometers and rotates once in 100 seconds.

Look at that pretty elegant!

Everyone present is a worker, or a worker with a high degree of education, and has a deep understanding of what is going on with the technical level of human beings.

Can such a large refuge really be created by human society?

"Team Lin, Team Lin, look over there!"

"It's true, such a large shelter simulates the exact same gravity as the earth. It's great!"

A young man surnamed Li followed behind, with a look of surprise on his face, a surprise, and a sigh.

Xiao Li was a seventh-level fitter at a young age, and he was considered an excellent talent.

Lin Lei said angrily, "Isn't this nonsense? If it's not a hundred times better than before, what are we doing here?"

"I just sighed, how much productivity is needed to build Kunlun Mountains, it took us ten years to build the Garden of Eden."

"Kunlun Mountain is equivalent to hundreds of Gardens of Eden. It may take one or two thousand years to build? The rumors of alien technology may not be false..."

"If we can really create things from the void...our future, there is really hope!"