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Chapter 81: common man's dream

Sakurai is a girl who has experienced ups and downs. She deeply knows what people at the bottom need...

Fair and just!

As the target of the law of causality, when she was three years old, her father died in a car accident.

When she was six years old, her mother contracted cancer and lay in a hospital bed, and was sentenced to death by the doctor.

The most memorable sentence she remembered was her mother's painful wailing on the bed: "Sakurai, what should you do if I die?"

"You're only six years old..."

Sakurai looked at her mother in pain and was a little scared.

There were two lines of tears on my mother's thin face: "I'm dead, what can you do?"

"Sakurai, work hard!"

She regained her senses in a daze, and found that her mother had died.

"Sakurai, work hard" has become her motto in life.

She tried very hard, but it was useless and meaningless.

At the age of six, she had no guardian and was adopted by her grandparents, who then died.

He was adopted by a distant relative.

But relatives just covet the property left by her parents. After accepting the inheritance, they put her in an orphanage in a remote city in some way.

The orphanage is not a serious orphanage, but it is the kind of privately engaged in human trafficking.

Because Sakurai was beautiful when she was a child, the orphanage sold her to a rich and powerful man with a big brain.

A disaster strikes suddenly!

The sun disappeared, the world fell into a cold winter, and the world was in chaos.

Following this dignitary, Sakurai was lucky enough to hide in an underground shelter and survived.

Unfortunately, the powerful bought her just to satisfy their private desires...

She does look beautiful. Even if you hide in an underground shelter, people's desires will not disappear.

Fortunately, by the time she was six years old, she already possessed strength comparable to that of an adult male.

So on that terrifying night, in order to protect herself, she used her own hands to strangle the powerful man to death on the bed.

"Crack!" She would never forget the sound of twisting the bones of her throat.

Then there is the long-term escape and wandering at the bottom. Since the sun disappears, the order of the world will not be the same as before. Traffickers, gangsters, beggars, thugs, and thieves abound. People's bottom line is constantly lowered, bad money drives out good money, and good people cannot survive.

Sakurai's standardized smile was cultivated at that time. She found that as long as the smile was sweet enough and harmless enough to humans and animals, the probability of successful begging would be greatly increased.

She also learned to steal.

I met a group of little sisters who also made a living by stealing, and they depended on each other for life.

Occasionally, some malevolent men would adopt her. These men were often stupid, lustful and cowardly, and would not say a word after being ransacked.

She was miraculously attacked by the weapon of causality. Whether it was the family she actively joined or the force she joined passively, they would be destroyed at the fastest speed.

It was not until she was twelve years old that the kind-hearted Professor Tang Ze discovered her great innate divine power, and only after a period of stable life, she was given the opportunity to receive education.

But Professor Tang also had bad luck. Due to the study of the "mystery of regeneration" and the fear of releasing desperately terrifying scientific research results, five years have been wasted.

Five years without results, in this desperate world, can already be regarded as a sign that Jiang Lang's talents are exhausted.

The wandering at the bottom in childhood made Sakurai deeply feel the fact that this world is going to climb up.

The higher you climb, the fewer people can bully you.

But the whole world is already an abyss, with darkness up and down, the higher the position, the closer to the abyss, the boundless pain is daunting.


But this time it was different. She was still at the foot of the mountain, and she saw the sun in the sky!

Unimaginable hope is coming, like rain falling on the dry land.

It was endless light, endless heat—making her heart beat faster.

That feeling... there is an urge to make moths fly into flames.

There is no abyss!


A fair world!

A world full of ideals!

It's really great, it's so exciting.

Sakurai returned home excitedly, jumping like a deer.

Unimaginable passion erupted from the bottom of her heart, she had never experienced such a strange feeling.

If you use an adjective to describe it - soul!

Suddenly she has a soul.

In the distance, I heard the sisters in the small room, cheering and roaring inside.

"Sister, is this our new home? It's beautiful, wow, and there's a TV. This bed is so comfortable and clean. There's a table under the bed."

"This is... wow, what a big cupboard... even though there isn't a single piece of clothing in it."

"Can we really live here?"

"A lot of snacks, is it a gift from His Highness?"

"I bought it myself!" Sakurai said loudly, "My father gave me the TV, and it has nothing to do with His Highness."

It was already eleven o'clock in the night, and the energetic girls were still immersed in the joy of moving.

Sakurai is seriously thinking about a question: what can he do to make the world a better place?

This is a complicated problem that she can't figure out clearly.

There are several companions at home, three young and beautiful girls are happily making noises on the bed, and the four of them enjoy a free large room of 20 square meters.

The government stipulates that one person has a free room of 5 square meters, and also stipulates the corresponding "shared room" rules. Up to 4 people can enjoy a room of 20 square meters.

In fact, many young people are living a shared life. Just like in college, if the roommates in the same dormitory have similar personalities, they will live more comfortably than alone.

The four of them are not related by blood, but the sisters they knew when they were young have stolen things together and lied to men.

Those stinky men with sperm on their brains are best to be deceived. Immortals jumping, blackmailing, etc., jump with accuracy. If they dare to resist, Sakurai will punch him with a concussion.

The childhood friendship has been maintained until now.

Of course, not all girls are as "powerful" as Sakurai.

In the past ten years, many sisters have disappeared from this world, and many sisters have fallen and become prostitutes, or they have found their other half and got married.

Some endings are good, and many endings are not so good.

All in all, Sakurai has been subsidizing the three youngest girls, let them go to school well, and hope they can grow up healthily.

"Sister, if Your Highness sees you... We can make a fortune. Your Highness is too rich."

A long-haired girl was so happy that she started nibbling on chicken feet: "You are so good-looking, he will definitely like you. It takes 100% of your skills."

"His Royal's different!" Sakurai was so angry that he immediately started to frown, with a strong sense of annoyance that an "idol" was insulted, "How can you deceive Your Highness by deceiving men! Besides, I'm not that kind of person. Deceiving I am specializing in beating people!"

"What are your thoughts?"

She picked up the little girl with one hand.

The little girl was taken aback by her: "I didn't tell you to cheat, who told you to cheat."

"Sister... You should put something on your chest. Didn't you do that before? You are very beautiful and smart, but your chest is too small. You only have a B. This is your only flaw."

Sakurai really didn't know what to say. In her mind, she just wanted to chase the light, and she couldn't get benefits by taking shortcuts like before.

"I'm going to do something great now! You don't understand!" she said stiffly.

"Hey!" The other girl's expression was a little strange, "What's the tallest thing? You used to be in the army, didn't you just want to find a high-ranking officer to marry, but before you could succeed, the army was disbanded. I understand , if you want to sell yourself for a good price, you are too tall, yay!"

"Now you have seen the real big dog owners. In the past, it was paramecia."

Sakurai was not led to the rhythm, but instead sneered: "Your grades are so poor, and you don't study hard, so what can you do next?"

"This is a whole new world, and there will be many opportunities here. Do you beg like you used to, and rely on immortals to skip the day?"

"I don't want to see you in prison, and I don't have the ability to get you out."

"If you make a mistake, don't come to me. It's shameful for a fraudster to say it! You should have a dream!"

At this moment, the other sisters, as if they had negotiated in private, called out Qi Sensen: "Sister, we are going to open a bakery!"