Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 192: 1 new road

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"Lord Claire, the cultivation method here is a bit different from the Dou Qi cultivation method I learned? What I cultivate is magic power..."

"Ah?" Claire looked stunned, took the two training books from Xilian and watched.

It took about ten minutes for Claire to look at the contents in a rough way. The expression on his face was shocked, but he also showed a trace of excitement and excitement.

"Hi..." Claire took a breath and fell into deep thought.

These two exercises were not the Dou Qi cultivation methods he thought at first, and they were different from the previous one from the martial arts world. They were meant to allow people to cultivate their Dou Qi more quickly. Now the two books are different, and the concepts are different from the root.

The internal power of fighting qi and martial arts is a kind of energy obtained by exercising one's own body, while the cultivation law in the world of self-cultivation is different. The monks there absorb the aura of heaven and earth in themselves, and use all kinds of magical energy by activating the aura. spell.

In the world that Claire lives in now, there is no concept of spiritual energy, and it is not vindictiveness, but the ubiquitous magic power that separates from everything in the world. Therefore, these two spiritual energy cultivation methods are adapted to the rules of this world. Absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has changed to absorbing the magic power of all things. Except for the difference in energy body, there are few changes in other places.

Seeing Claire frowning, Cillian asked, "Lord Claire, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Claire waved his hand, "There is something wrong with these two cultivation methods, I have to think about it..."

Claire flipped through the two books again. After confirming the feasibility of the above cultivation steps, she raised her head and said to Cillian, "Did you see the strangeness of these two books?"

Xilian nodded, "I can see that there are obvious differences in the way we cultivate Dou Qi, and what we cultivate is not Dou Qi, but magic, but after reading the description inside, I feel it is the same as what we usually practice. There are similarities in Dou Qi, for example, every time you advance to the level, your physical strength and strength can be greatly improved, and you will not be as weak as a mage."

Claire nodded and gestured to the other party: "Go ahead, what else did you find."

"It's just... in actual combat, the combat power may not be comparable to that of knights or warriors who practice martial arts."

Claire nodded with satisfaction, and continued to speak along with the other party's words.

"You're right, the above only records how to cultivate magic power, but there is no corresponding fighting method..."

Such as Dou Qi, the most basic skills such as covering Dou Qi on weapons, and various combat skills that will be learned later, are all fighting methods that can maximize the combat effectiveness of Dou Qi.

And the above two cultivation methods only record about how to cultivate magic power just like cultivating fighting qi, but there is no mention of how to use it.

It's like you have a mountain of gold, but you can't find a way to use it.

Claire conjectured that if they exchanged the martial arts of their world with Hong Qi, they would be able to transform into the same fighting skills as the fighting skills of this world.

Damn, Hong Qi was killed, and Claire's line with the world over there was broken.


"Give this copy to that one and try to practice." Claire handed over the copy of "Frost Frost Ghost Art" and continued, "I'll find a way to do the rest."

This is a mature system in another world, and it is impossible for Claire to give up just like that, and if he continues to dig, he might be able to explore a brand new path in this world.

As a mage, when Claire thought of this possibility, he couldn't help but get excited. What a qualified mage loves most is to explore the unknown and summarize it into an objective law for his own use.

"Yes!" Cillian solemnly accepted the book and replied.

"By the way, the things on this must not be circulated." Although he believed in Cillian, Claire still asked.

"Understood, even if I die, it will not be passed on." Cillian assuredly assured.

"It's not that serious." Claire smiled, "Just to make you pay attention."

"You practice first. I'll go back and study it to see if I can figure out how to use it. I'll come back to you in a few days. Oh, by the way, lean over."

Although Cillian was puzzled, he still approached Claire obediently, "What's wrong?"

Claire bent her fingers slightly and tapped on Cillian's forehead, "Close your eyes and see what you can feel?"

Hearing Claire's words, Cillian closed his eyes and felt it carefully. After a while, he felt several bright spots of light floating around in his spiritual world, like an active elf.

"I saw a lot of light spots, and they kept floating around in my head."

Claire nodded and retracted her fingers.

"Those are magic powers, which also shows that you have a good affinity for magic power, and you should be able to practice according to that book." The first chapter of the two books is to perceive the magic power (reiki) in the omniscience of the air. It is then incorporated into the body as taught above.

Magic power has affinity. The higher the affinity, the easier it is to cultivate. Some people with high affinity can see the magic molecules free in the air as soon as they are born, but some have low affinity. No matter how you teach them, you can't see them. That light-like magic molecule.

And Claire helped Cillian step into the threshold ahead of time. As for whether he can continue to walk, it depends on his talent. Magic affinity is only part of the magician's talent in Represents the future of a mage.


After saying goodbye to Cillian briefly, Claire returned to the library in the Royal Capital Academy of Magic with another Scarlet Heaven Sutra.

I started to rummage through the collection of books inside, and I found some researches done by predecessors on Dou Qi and magic power, and even read a lot of books on the origin and generation of Dou Qi.

Some scholars believe that fighting qi was researched by an ancient mage when he studied the human body, but this argument is untenable and is not recognized by those who practice fighting qi. Some scholars believe that fighting qi is the same energy body as magic. Both are essentially the same thing, but this theory was later disproved.

Several theories that are more popular now are that there is a God of Dou Qi who spread his knowledge to the human world, so humans can learn Dou Qi, but this God of Dou Qi does not like fame and fortune, so humans know a lot about him Little, but this is not unreasonable. At least from many estimates, it can be known that in the age of myths, the energy body of fighting qi has already appeared, and in many discovered planes, the creatures inside will also have fighting qi. , so it is not unacceptable that it was spread by God.

There is another widely accepted saying that vindictiveness is the energy that exists naturally in the body of every living being, and vindictiveness will naturally be produced after physical exercise to a certain extent.

Up to now, there is still no definite answer about the origin of Dou Qi, but the generation has all been researched, and it is spontaneously generated from the human body. The human body itself is a treasure that can be excavated, and the process of cultivating Dou Qi is to constantly excavate. Every promotion is a transition of life, but the way is slightly different from that of the mage.

Purple Pen Literature

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