Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 217: Then I'll play with you!

After seeing Claire squinting, Randolph had a slightly smug look on his face. This was the first time he was in such a happy mood these days!

So he opened his hands at Claire, smiled and said: "I am very touched by Master Wendy's performance, these masters were specially invited by me, I wondered if I could combine missionary and this art, let me The majority of believers can learn about our great God of Light by listening to stories and watching operas!"

"Don't the Viscount welcome them to come and perform?"

Claire also laughed and replied: "How come, so many masters come to perform in Nafu City, and they can also drive consumption here, I welcome it before it's too late."

"That's it..." Claire's face showed a bit of embarrassment, "Even the schedule of the Grand Theater is filled by Master Wendy, otherwise, these masters can be arranged to perform a show."

Randolph had long expected Claire to say this. He never thought that Claire would let him use the Grand Theater, and he would suspect that Claire had bad intentions when he asked him to use it.

"Don't worry, we will perform outside. After all, there is less space in the Grand Theater."

"But the kingdom has laws and regulations. Large-scale outdoor events need to be reported in advance, but it's okay, Bishop Randolph, please apply with me, and I will make the application pass as soon as possible."

Randolph rolled his eyes secretly, I believe what you say is a ghost, if I submit the application, you can suppress it until I die!

"Hey, don't bother you, Lord Viscount." Randolph shook out a piece of paper from his arms and said, "This is an approval letter specially requested by His Excellency the Pope to the Lord Justice, and it is also covered with the cover of the Chancellor. chapter."

The Chancellor is an official who manages the internal judicial issues of the kingdom. Like Sophia and the others, he is one of the king's cronies and has great power and prestige in the kingdom. As we all know, the current justice has a close relationship with the church, and his wife is a devout believer of the God of Light, so Claire is not surprised that Randolph can get the seal of the justice.


Claire's expression did not change at all, and said calmly: "Then I have to go to the capital to confirm with the Lord Justice. Bishop Randolph also knows that so many masters are going to perform in Nafu City, and those who come to watch will be there. There must be a lot, and I'm afraid of any accident."

"No, it also has the seal of His Majesty the King on it. I think the applications approved by His Majesty the Kingdom should be fine, right?" Randolph continued with a smile.

He had long expected that Claire would think of ways to drag things down. Now he is a little fortunate that he has dealt with Claire before. He knows what kind of person the other party is, and he is fully prepared, otherwise this **** will definitely drag this matter down!

These words have been said. If Claire intends to confirm it, it will be disrespectful to the king. If such a big hat is buckled, everyone has to weigh it.

"Then I don't think there will be any problem." Claire said lightly. He did not expect that the church would be able to obtain the permission of the king to preach. It must be known that the royal family is the biggest aristocrat in a country and should be opposed to the church. Yes.

"When the time comes, I will send a ticket to the Viscount. I hope that the Viscount can come and watch it."

When he said this, Randolph's heart was overwhelmed. When he successfully graduated from the church and obtained the bishop's status, he was not so excited and excited. This was his counterattack! Hahahahaha!

"Yes." Claire said lightly.

"Then waiting for you." Randolph felt that he couldn't control his upturned mouth.


The energy of the church is really huge. In one afternoon, dozens of carriages sent thousands of chairs into the city of Nafu. All the procedures were completed. Reagan wanted to find something wrong to stop it. Can't find it.

Claire also asked the construction team under his command not to help Randolph and the others, but it was still difficult for them, and he did not know where to find a few archmages and some mages, and directly used magic to build a performance venue, and It looks quite simple and generous, not at all shabby.

The other party's construction site was still busy, and on the upper floor of the Viscount Mansion, Claire could see clearly from the balcony, her eyes were looking over there without focus, and her fingers were constantly rubbing against each other.

After standing for an unknown time, Claire said slowly, "Okay, since you want to play with me, then I will accompany you to the end!"

"Master!" Regan pushed open the door and walked in, "Randolph and the others are almost done..."

Claire walked over and replied, "I know, don't worry about them, go buy some dry corn."

Reagan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why do you want corn? No, how much?"

"Make popcorn...let's buy a few hundred kilograms first, I'll talk about it later." After speaking, Claire put a coat on herself and walked out.

He said that to play with the other party is not just about getting popcorn, this is just a little embellishment, the key is to defeat the other party in the performance and beat the other party out of breath.


As soon as she entered the Grand Theater, Claire saw Wendy and the actors rehearsing on the stage.

After seeing Claire coming, Wendy called to stop the rehearsal, "Everyone rest for a while!"

Then he walked towards Claire and said happily, "Lord Claire, you are here."

Claire nodded, took out a tissue and handed it over, "Wipe off the sweat, it's quite tiring."

"Thank you!" Wendy took the tissue and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

After waiting for the other party to dry, Claire said: "Have you heard the news that the masters came to Nafu City?"

Wendy nodded earnestly, "I heard about it." It was because of hearing about it that she rehearsed so hard.

"Those are the top screenwriters in the kingdom, bards like you, and more powerful actors, are you afraid?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Wendy's eyes, and she said firmly: "I won't be afraid! I'm very excited now! I have the opportunity to defeat these seniors with my own hands!"

"It's fine if you're not afraid." Claire's eyes also showed a smile, "I'll rehearse with you next time..."

"Is Lord Claire also going to perform on stage?" Wendy asked.

Claire looked over with a puzzled look, why did I seem to hear a trace of excitement in your tone? !

However, he still shook his head and replied, "No, I will be in charge of the script and general production. You can perform at ease."

"Oh." Wendy said a little disappointed.

"It may be a little hard these days. From one performance every two days to one performance every day, is it acceptable?" Claire asked.

Wendy cheered up and said loudly, "No problem!"

"Then I wish you success in defeating those Claire stretched out her hand with a smile.

"I will!" Wendy jumped up excitedly and gave Claire a high five.


In the past few days, after Claire joined Wendy's side, the work process has been much faster, some problems have been solved, and the progress has been very smooth.

Randolph's side is also carrying out the preparatory work in full swing. Those masters who were invited by Randolph at a high price began to write and revise the records of the God of Light in the divine tome to make it more storytelling.

Some of the original stories that everyone is used to have been modified into ups and downs, but the main tone has not changed. It still tells the greatness of the God of Light and how the God of Light redeems the world.

Everything seemed to be ready, and the plot on Wendy's side was about to reach its climax. Not only were the seats filled with people, but every open space was filled with people, and some people even used ropes. Hanging his body on the cantilever beam, just to be able to see the thrilling plot.