Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 286: Charged Flame Attack!

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After Claire's spell ended, a beam of fire emerged from his palm, growing larger and larger as time went on, and finally turned into a huge column of fire that looked like the tail flame of a jet fighter jet from a distance. .

At this time, Vito, who was smashed to the ground by Claire, finally reacted. After moaning on the ground for a while, he stood up with his hands on his back. This drop attack could not kill him, an epic wizard.

However, when Vito looked up and saw the spell that Claire aimed at him, his expression changed drastically, and the distorted expression appeared uncontrollably on his face, and Vito's eyes were full of fear. He could feel the violent energy fluctuations coming from the beam of fire, if he took a solid blow, he would be dead!

Vito frantically injected magic power into witchcraft, and he didn't use any protective witchcraft for himself. With the energy fluctuations from that attack, all the defensive witchcraft he mastered could not work. What he displayed was Speed-increasing sorcery and flying sorcery, I want to speed up my speed so that I can escape within the range of Claire's attack.

But it was too late. This whole process was calculated by Claire. How could it be possible for Vito to escape? At the same time as Vito took off, the energy storage of the flames in Claire's palm had ended.

The moment Vito flew up, the "Energy Storage Flame Attack" that had been accumulating in Claire's hand for a long time was released towards Vito. The whole scene was like a natural disaster, with a huge column of fire smashing down from the air. , the light of that pillar of fire "darks" all the surrounding things, and everyone's eyes can only see the dazzling pillar of fire.

In the blink of an eye, the pillar of fire descended from the sky and passed through Vito in mid-air, smashing him to the ground again after finally flying. , Vito's body continued to shrink in the fire column, and before it fell to the ground, Vito's figure had already dissipated in the flames, leaving only his own screams echoing in the air, as if it was It reminds everyone how strong the pain of being burned by the flames is.

Claire's sudden attack sounds slow, but in fact it only takes a few seconds. After all this is over, the remaining epic wizards floating in the air have also drawn a certain distance from Claire.

Keeping vigilant eyes and staring at Claire, an epic-level wizard of the same level as them actually died in front of them, and the process was so fast, if the scene was not too shocking, with their reaction speed. He might not be able to react, and he might even be able to save Vito.

Darren's reaction was the fastest. Almost at the moment when Vito was locked by Claire's elbow, he quickly opened the distance, and blooded his body, and his eyes turned into the golden vertical eyes again. .

After killing Vito, Claire raised his eyes and glanced at Darren in the distance. In fact, the first thing he wanted to kill was this guy, because Darren gave him the feeling that he was the strongest.

But it seems that the other party found something. After he performed the illusion, he stepped back behind the wizards with precaution, and was in a position where Claire was very uncomfortable, so Claire aimed at the Wei who was talking to him. support.

Vance of the Wiggs School suddenly shouted: "Spiritual sorcery! He masters spiritual sorcery, and it was only after confusing our feelings that he suddenly appeared behind Vito!"

Moore, who escaped from the ruins, was a member of the Wiggs School, so Vance, the leader of the Wiggs School, naturally learned some news about Claire from Moore.

With Vance's reminder, Darren also recalled that his granddaughter Nicole also seemed to have mentioned to him that this kid would use spiritual sorcery. It is rare in the world, and it can even be said to be very rare. Because of the problems left over from previous history, spiritual witchcraft can almost be said to be extinct in the wizarding world.

"Is this a problem of spiritual sorcery?" the skinny old man Quint shouted: "The key to the problem is that this kid has advanced to the same level as us and has become an epic wizard!"

"Join us!" the leader of another school said.

The four of them looked at each other and reached a consensus. They had already seen the strength of Claire just now. Although there was a sneak attack component, it almost killed Vito, who was about the same strength as them. If they were fighting alone, they could not be the opponent's. Opponent, the best way now is to join forces to suppress him, and then pry the news about the "complete cultivation method" out of his mouth!

They are now even more greedy for the "Complete Cultivation Method". If it weren't for the fact that the other party had the "Complete Cultivation Method", would it be possible to advance to the epic level wizard in such a short period of time? Is it possible to eliminate wizards of the same level so quickly?

Claire tilted her head as she watched their conversation. He wasn't surprised that the other party joined forces. He knew that the other party would definitely join forces. Otherwise, he wouldn't have violently killed Vito just now. Reduce the pressure on yourself when they join forces.

When the four of them reached a consensus and formed an encirclement from big to small to surround Claire, Claire's figure gradually disappeared from their sight.

"It's psychic sorcery again, and we're bewildered!" Darren shouted and reminded.

"Anyone of you has a solution!"

"I have herbs here that can improve mental sensitivity, but it will take some time to prepare!" Vance replied, this was what he read from books left over from ancient times when he was researching how to supplement the spiritual power cultivation method. Now Just came in handy.

The skinny old man Quint stood up and shouted, "I'm coming!"

After he finished speaking, a blood mist gushed out from his body, and the blood mist spread quickly after the gushing out, and soon half of the sky should have been dyed blood red. in the blood fog.

"Humph! You just disappeared visually, and your body can't really disappear. In my blood fog field, I can perceive all the changes in perception. Where can you hide? !"

After a few seconds, the skinny old man suddenly shouted, "Darren! He's heading towards you! Right on your right!"

Hearing the prompt, Darren also tensed up, spread out his five fingers and waved to the right suddenly, a huge snake tail suddenly appeared from the void, and swung it like a giant whip, draining the blood mist. a lot.

But the effect is still there. After Darren's blow, the skinny old man also gave feedback, "Good job! He's out!"

Claire, who was outside the blood mist, licked her lips. It seemed that it was not as easy as she imagined. This world still has a certain background. But it's okay, it's too simple to make sense.

Afterwards, Claire tried a few more attacks, but after entering the blood fog, he was soon discovered by the thin old man, and there was no chance at all to kill the opponent's wizard.

"Okay! The potion is out!" Vance said excitedly.

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